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61 Cards in this Set

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Preanesthetic eval objectives:

Levine 1
*establish dr/pt relationship
*become familiar w/ surgical illness/coexisting disease
*develop mgmt strategy for periop anesthetic care
*obtain informed consent for anesthetic plan
What should conclude preanesthetic eval.?

Levine 1
tell pt risks and benefits of procedure
Overall goals of preanesthetic assessment?

Levine 1
reduce periop morbidity/mortality and to decrease pt anxiety
What are your 2 sources for patient history?

Levine 1
*Chart review (prior to asking pt ?s)
*Asking pt themselves
Most accurate predictors of pt outcome?

Levine 1
*ASA score
Categories to cover when collecting pt history?

Levine 1
*coexisting medical illness
*allergies/drug reactions
*anesthetic history
*family history
*social history and habits
How do you evaluate coexisting medical illnesses?

Levine 1
In a systematic organ systems approach w/ an emphasis on recent changes in symptoms, signs, & treatment
Clearance of the pt for surgery is whose responsibility?

Levine 1
What data should be collected about medications?

Levine 1
dosages and schedule
General rule for taking meds up to the time of surgery...

Levine 1
*Most can be continued up to the time of surgery
*Exclusions may include: aspirin, plavix, B blocker (consult MDA)
Difference b/w true allergic reaction and adverse drug reaction?

Levine 1
*Allergic: produces skin symptoms, facial/oral swelling, SOB, choking, wheezing, or vascular collapse
*Adverse drug reaction: memorable/unpleasant side effect
Most common drug allergens?

Levine 1
Antibiotics: sulfonamides, PCNs, cephalosporin derivatives
Allergy (pt or family) to halothane or succ can result in what if given?

Levine 1
MH, halothane hepatitis, prolonged paralysis (decreased PCHe)
What allergies must you pay attention to w/ propfol?

Levine 1
soybean oil and egg yolk
Possible reaction to injection of amide type anesthetic (lido) and epi (not necessarily allergic)?

Levine 1
syncopal episodes, tachycardia, or palpatations
Is a history of shellfish or seafood allergy linked to an allergy to IV iodine contrast?

Levine 1
No, however history of dermatitis after topical iodine may preclude use of IV iodine
People at risk for latex allergy?

Levine 1
ppl with allergies to bananas, avocados, chestnuts, apricots, kiwi, and papaya or those who have frequently been exposed to HC workers and equipment
Common narcotic side effects?

Levine 1
N/V & pruritus
Adverse reactions to thiopental may result in what? Meperidine?

Levine 1
*T: intermittent porphyria
*M: HTN crisis when administered w/ MAOIs
New antiCHe treatments for alzheimers (donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine) may prolong the effect of what drug?

Levine 1
What should you ask/look for specifically about in anesthetic history?

Levine 1
*response to premeds/anesthetic agents
*ease of vascular access
*ease of mask ventilation
*airway assessment/intubation
*intra/post op complications
*Narcotic requirements intra/postop
*Any warnings from previous anesthetists about complications
What should you ask about in social history and habits?

Levine 1
*Smoking: no longer viewed as major risk factor
*Drugs and alcohol
What signs/symptoms in a smoker may warrant further pulmonary evaluation?

Levine 1
exercise intolerance, productive cough, hemoptysis
Drug abuse of stimulants may lead to what symptoms?

Levine 1
palpitations, angine, wght loss, lowered thresholds for serious arrythmias and seizures
What are concerns for us with a pt who is acutely intoxicated w/ ETOH?

Levine 1
decreased anesthetic requirements, predisposition to hypothermia and hypoglycemia
Symptoms of ETOH withdrawal?

Levine 1
severe HTN, tremors, delirium, & seizures
*May increase anesthetic and analgesic requirements
Increased pt risk of intraop awareness associated with which drugs?

Levine 1
chronic opioid/benzo use
Why is recent history of upper respiratory infection or asthma so important (especially in children)?

Levine 1
increases risk of bronchospasm or laryngospasm during induction & emergence
*elective procedure may be postponed
?s to ask about coronary artery disease to help categorize the disease?

Levine 1
syptoms of angina, dyspnea on exertion, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and exercise capacity
Name ways in which diabetes can complicate anesthesia?

Levine 1
Autonomic nervous system dysfunction can lead to silent ischemia, gastroparesis & reflux, difficult intubation (arthritis of the temporomandibular joint)
*Find out if well-controlled
What should you look for on EKG if pt has history of HTN?

Levine 1
left ventricular hypertrophy b/c increases incidence of postop complications (stroke, MI)
Radiation to the head/neck region increases the risk of what?

Levine 1
distorted airway anatomy
Important ? to ask females when reviewing genital/urinary system? Why?

Levine 1
*last menses for women of childbearing age
*Premeds and anesthetic agents can decrease ureteroplacent blood flow and act as teratogens or lead to spontaneous abortion
Pts with obstructive sleep apnea require what 3 evaluations?

Levine 1
cardiovascular, pulmonary, and airway
Focus areas for physical assessment?

Levine 1
airway, heart, lungs, and neurologic status
*W/ regionals--need detailed asssessment of appropriate site
As a minimum, the physical exam should include what?

Levine 1
VS (including height/weight), head/neck, precordium, lungs, abdomen, extremities, back, and neuro
*May use ideal body weight for obese pt
How do you measure thryomental distance?

Levine 1
distance b/w the tip of the chin and the thyroid notch (3 fingerbreadths is normal)
*Shorter/longer may indicate difficult intubation
When are hematological lab studies required?

Levine 1
*when there are concerns about pre/intraop blood loss, anemia, or coagulopathy
What should you ask about when assessing platelet function?

Levine 1
history of easy bruising, excessive bleeding from gums/minor cuts, and family history
When should coag studies be ordered?

Levine 1
bleeding diathesis, anticoag use, liver disease, or serious systemic illness
In what types of patients are serum chemistry tests required?

Levine 1
chronic renal, CV, or hepatic disease, diabetics, morbidly obese pt
At what level must hyperkalemia be treated?

Levine 1
> 6 mEq/ml or w/ EKG changes
When is CXR indicated?

Levine 1
pts > 50 Y w/ cardiopulmonary disease undergoing high-risk surgery
What addition test(s) are used to evaluate the severity of lung disease and response to bronchodilators in pt undergoing a lung resection?

Levine 1
Pulmonary Function Tests
Medications that are typically continued on the day of surgery?

Levine 1
Antihypertensives (B blockers, Ca2+ channel blockers, & clonidine), anticonvulsants, antiarrhythmics, inhaled bronchodilators, anti-GERD meds, and steroids/hormonal supplements
What two classes of antihypertensives are known for causing refractory hypotension intraop?

Levine 1
ACE inhibitors & angiotensin receptor blockers...so may be held on day of surgery
Autologous blood donation in stable patients may be considered for which surgeries?

Levine 1
ones in which a blood transfusion is likely (ie. total joint arthroplasty or radical prostatectomy
Reversal of aspirin and NSAID effects takes how long?

Levine 1
*Aspirin: 7-10 days for new platelet synthesis
*NSAIDs: 3-4 half lives
Risks associated w/ regional anesthesia that should be discussed w/ pt?

Levine 1
H/A, infection, local bleeding, nerve injury, & possible failure to provide adequate anesthesia
*Warn pt that general anesthesia may be required
Risk associated w/ general anesthesia that should be discussed w/ pt?

Levine 1
*sore throat, hoarseness, N/V, dental injury, and possible allergic reactions to drug
*when appropriate: intraop awareness, pulmonary/cardiac injury, stroke, or death, postop visual loss, postop intubation, or ICU admission
Risks associated w/ transfusion reactions that should be discussed?

Levine 1
fever, hemolytic reactions, and risk of infection (1:200,000 for Hep B & 1: 2,000,000 for HIV and Hep C)
In what circumstance may family members (not children) be interpreters?

Levine 1
If the pt signs a waiver of disclosure
What are the ASA physical status classes (1-3)?

Levine 1
1: healthy pt
2: pt w/ mild system disease w/out limitation of daily activities
3: pt w/ severe system disease that limits activity but is not incapacitated
What are the ASA physical status classes (4-6)?

Levine 1
4: pt w/ an incapacitating system disease that is a constant threat to life
5: a moribund pt that is not expected to survive 24 hours with or w/out the procedure
6: brain dead pt for organ donation
**Add E if surgery is performed as an emergency treatment
ASA guidelines for NPO status preoperatively for infants, children, and adults?

Levine 1
*Clear liquids-2 hours
*Breast milk-4 hours
*Nonhuman milk/light snack-6 hours
*Fried fatty foods/meat-8 hours
When should HTN be treated in the periop period?

Levine 1
>20% above baseline, or a DBP > 115 mmHg
*If persists despite treatment, may postpone elective surgery
Patients at high risk for aspiration pneumonitis?

Levine 1
parturients, pt w/ hiatal hernias & reflux symptoms, pt w/ difficult airways, w/ ileus, obesity, poorly controlled diabetes, depressed sensoriums, and ALL trauma pt
**may treat these pt histamine antagonists (may be used immediately preoperatively), PPIs, nonparticulate antacids, or reglan
Cimetidine, a histamine antagonist prolongs the elimination of many drugs such as ?

Levine 1
theophylline, diazepam, propranolol, and lidocaine
Cases in which doses of sedatives and analgesics should be reduced or withheld?

Levine 1
elderly, debilitated, acutely intoxicated pt, those w/ upper airways obstruction or trauma, central apnea, neurologic deterioration, or severe pulmonary or valvular heart disease
A patient within how many days of an MI requires evaluation of potential for ischemia and possibly cardiac consultation?

Levine 1
7-30 days
Required tests prior to operating on a hypoxic pt?

Levine 1