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17 Cards in this Set

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An emotional bond between 2 people.
2 way process
Endures over time.
primary attachment figure
The person who has formed the closest bond with the child, usually but not always the mother.
learning theory
The name given to a group of explanations (classical and operant conditioning) which explain behaviour in terms of learning rather than inborn tendencies or higher order thinking.
Characteristics that are inborn
A product of genetic factors
May be apparent at birth or later as a result of maturation
continuity hypothesis
The idea that emotionally secure infants go on to be emotionally secure, trusting, socially confident adults.
An innate readiness to develop a strong bond with a mother figure
Takes place during a critical or sensitive period
The idea that the one relationship that the infant has with his/her primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development.
sensitive period
A biologically determined period of time during which the child is particularly sensitive to a form of stimulation, resulting in a specific response of characteristic.
social releasers
A social behaviour or characteristic that elicits a caregiving reaction. Bowlby suggested that these were innate and adaptive, critical in process of forming attachments.
Crying, smiling, baby face.
temperment hypothesis
The belief that children with ‘easy’ temperament form secure attachments
Innately difficult children are more likely to form insecure attachments.
secure attachment
A strong and contented attachment of infant to caregiver. because
Caregiver responds sensitively to infant’s needs. Leads to
Healthy cognitive + emotional development
insecure attachment
forms because caregiver does not respond sensitively to infant’s needs.
Poor cognitive + emotional development
Children tend to avoid social
interaction and intimacy with others
Ambivalent attachment
Children both seek and reject social interaction and intimacy
insecure disorganised
Lack of consistent patterns of social behaviour
separation protest/anxiety
The distress shown by an infant when separated from his/her primary attachment figure.
stranger anxiety
The distress shown by an infant when approached or picked up by someone unfamiliar