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54 Cards in this Set

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who ran in the election of 1960?
Kennedy and Nixon
Whats an important event of the 1960 election? (3 events)
The great debate. 1st televised presidential debate. Kennedy helped out with the Martain luther king incident
Who won the 1960 election and why?
JFK, his movie star good looks, he spoke with ease and authority and he used the words new fronteer.
Did kennedy get support from the south?
What does the new fronteer mean?
kennedy's plans for changing the nation
what were the goals of the new frontier?
to regain leadership on our domestic problems, to let every nation know that we shall pay any price in order to asure the survival and success of liberty. also anti- communist tone
what is the best and the brightest? (important legislation)
Kennedy gathered a group of advisers called the best and the brightest, it was his group of people that were professors, all young, including his brother Robert Kennedy
Who is Robert Kennedy?
36 yr old brother 2 JFK, elected into cabinet, and was made the attorney general
what is the result of the berlin wall being built?
divided families, neighborhood streets and cemetaries. was a symbol of the failure of communism
Who is Fidel castro?
Cuba's dictator came into power in 1959 after 2 yr war against Batista
what is the bay of pigs invasion?
eisenhower put into effect a secret training group of 1500 cuban American trained by CIA
What was the purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
exiles to invade cuba to overthrow castro
what caused the bay of pig invasion?
castro's communism was a threat to latin american countries
What were the results of the bay of pigs invasion?
April 15, 1961's invasion was a disaster. failed to destroy cuba's airforce, US connection was exposed. 1200 people captured
what is the berlin wall?
chrushchev's response to kennedy's threats on Aug 13. 1961, a high concreate wall was built to block further escape to freedom
what is the cuban missile crisis?
Oct. of 1962, the US and the Soviet Union almost had a nuclear war. Cuba was holding Soviet nuclear weapons
what were the causes of the cuban missle crisis?
khrushchez pledge to defend cuba and the US had placed nuclear missiles in Turkey and they lied
What was the results of the cuban missile crisis?
in almost all-out nuclear war resulted in the removal of the missiles of cuba
other effects of the cuban missile crisis?
president opens a hotline, and a signing of the limited nuclear test ban treaty
name the assassin of kennedy?
Lee Harvey Oswald, a loner connected to the Soviet union and cuba
what was the warren comission?
a comission headed by chief Justin Earl warren to investigate the assassination
what was the finding of the warren comission?
no conspiracy, Oswald and Ruby acted alone
who is Jack Ruby?
a Dallas night club owner tied to organize crime who killed Oswald 2 days after his capture
what is the warren court?
in the early 1960's a court that issued a series of decisions concerning other reforms
General summaries of its cases?
persuaded justice to ban racial segregationin the schools. extended the bill of rights, religious freedom, states had to re-draw boundaries of legislative districts, people had a right to a lawyer, prohibited prayer and bible readings in schools
Brown vs. board of education
ban racial segregation
Baker vs. car and westberry vs. sanders and rennolds vs. sims
legislative districts must have equal populations
matt vs. ohio
searh warrant
giddeon vs. wayne right
free lawyers to poor persons
escobido vs. illinios
right to an attorney while being questioned by to police
engel vs vatale
baned formal prayers in public schools
who is lindon johnson?
formal vice president who became president after kennedy's assassination
what were the important events of kennedy/ johnson?
to fight poverty, called it the war on poverty. passed economic opportunity act. kennedy's tax cut bill was passed, and got congress to pass civil rights act
what were the goals of the great society?
the term of domestic programs of johnsons administration
elementary and secondary education act
1965 act provided aid to school systems based on number of students with low income homes
higher education act
1st federal scholarship for needy college students
head start
preeschool children program for low income parents
housing urban development (HUD)
federal housing program
why did the great society fail?
some members of congress were concerned over the rapid pace of reform
who were the candidate of the electin of 1964?
johnson vs berry goldwater
immigration reforms act of 1965
changed the national orign system increased how many people can enter the united states
what is the johnson doctrine?
treaty between soviet union and united states protecting each country's diplomats. banned weapons in outer space.
a settlment to the peblo incident?
US navy ships was captured by north korea
how did vietnam effect JBJ's great society?
increased involvment in the vietnam war, too much money
what were the tactics of the civil rights movements?
NAACP worked through the courts, boycott
National Association Advancement of colored people formed in 1909 fought racial violence
congress of racial equality. organization was dedicated to non violent protests
Black panthers
October 19, 1966 founded by Huey Newton and bobby Seal. group that rejected non-violence and called for violence
Southern Christian Leadership conference. a group that organized protest actvities was born from the success from the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Black Power
African Americans dependence on themselves to solve problems
Nation of Islam
Mohammed led the group. promoted economic independence Malcom X in group. Racial seperation
Thurgood Marshall
ended legal segregation in the United States. began NAACP campaign
James Farmer
a principal founder of the Congress of Racial Equality and the last survivor of the "Big Four" who shaped the civil-rights struggle in the United States in the mid-1950's and 60's
John Lewis
"one of the most courageous persons the Civil Rights Movement ever produced," John Lewis has dedicated his life to protecting human rights, securing civil liberties, and building what he calls "The Beloved Community" in America. His dedication to the highest ethical standards and moral principles has won him the admiration of many of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the United States Congress