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25 Cards in this Set

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According to Arnold, why is English literature inferior to German and French literature?
It lacked critical tradition
What is a touchstone?
small piece of text that speaks to the broader themes of the whole work and issues
Study of poetry needs to be evaluated in one of two ways
personal estimation and historical estimation
What does social protest literature do?
protest against something that is legal in hopes of raising awareness and reform
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's views and contributions
She was unconventional, sexually explicit. Her poems addressed the idea that women were not capable of creating art, passion or expressing sex. She gives voice to women writers.
Christina Rossetti views and contributions
helps gives voice to women and issues, uses traditions and then goes against them, used sonnets to become a part of literary scene
What are the components of a Victorian Epic?
*Epic hero full of self doubt
*Not necessarily a linear narrative
*Not episodic

EX: In Memorium, Alfred Lord Tennyson
What is an epigram?
short witty saying and usually ironic

ex: "That's not pleasure that's business!" From Importance of being Earnest
What is the definition of satire?
to make fun of something to raise society's awareness of it
Characteristics of a comedy of manners?
*Urban setting
*Witty couples
*Characters that are wealthy
*Deals with what is proper
*Revolves around marriage
What does Oscar Wilde want to ridicule in his play "The Importance of Being Earnest?"
What are the three parts of the Victorian Period?
Time of Troubles
Age of Improvement
The Late Victorian Period
What happened in the time of troubles?
Poverty, child labor, exploitation of workers
What happened in the age of improvement?
Prosperity, factory acts of parliament, technological progress, Charles Darwin, Utilitarians, explode of sciences
What happened in the late Victorian period?
economy stable, colonization of africa and asia, science and technology continues, end of century: anxiety
Characteristics of Victorian Literature
Don't experiment, form conscious, rise in prose (cheaper printing, literacy), rise in women writers
Arnold "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time"
Should focus on criticism before creativity, England does not have criticism so it's not as good, ideas should meet the needs of society, personal estimation criticism and historical estimation.
Arnold "Study of Poetry"
Touchstones small piece of text that speak tot he broader themes of the whole work and issues
Elizabeth Barrett Browning "To George Sand"
social protest literature, against the idea that women could not create art, Wants recognition for George Sands
Christina Rossetti "Song"
Sonnets, there is no point to dwell on death or to mourn because the dead will not remember or miss you and perhaps they don't want to.
Christina Rossetti "After Death"
Funeral flowers on the bed, body on bed, death, man has sympathy now and before he didn't, now he cares but she is dead so it doesn't matter, she doesn't have to deal with them
Christina Rossetti "In an Artist's Studio"
Women have one meaning, the painting has the same model in it, he needs this "perfect" woman, women are ornaments, aesthetics, she doesn't have a name, doesn't matter, she isn't real in the painting but the painter wants her to be
Alfred Lord Tennyson "In Memoriam"
he was unable to cope, elegy (prompted by death, mourning, and celebration). Memories of past don't help because his friend is dead. Words can't explain it. The exercise of writing helps him because it forces him to focus on that and hide his feelings of sadness.
Oscar Wilde "The Importance of Being Earnest"
First page he completely makes fun of marriage, money, and manners. Marriage: "I have little experience, I have only been married once" -Lane. Lane to Jack about Gwendolen "I thought you had come for pleasure, I call that business" Gwendolen: Only wants to marry man named Earnest. (Superficial, shallow, stupid.) Lady Bracknell: Questioning Jack-like a business, tells him to get a family, Point: Who cares? Stop judging! Just go do what you wanna do
Alfred Lord Tennyson "In Memoriam" Part 2
But it is a lie, he is still suffering. His life feels like its ended without him in it. Death may be frequent but it isn't normal. This is different because its HIS friend. They say: But it will all be okay, somehow. Every death has purpose. But Arnold says there's no way to really know that. He doesn't have faith. He can't keep it. Nature only cares about the whole not the individual. He questions God because of this. Nature doesn't care. This may mean there is no plan. But he feels like there is still something else. This may ALL be a part of god's plan. ultimately faith will overcome all. Must accept the plan.