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16 Cards in this Set

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Blank Verse
rhymed iambic pentameter.
example: Arora Leigh
When an author parallels their life within a novel.
example: Charlotte Bronte's life is very similar to Jane Eyre's.
-everyone in her family dies
Spenserian Stanza
-Can be seen in the beginning fo the Lotus Eaters, but soon switches to Alexandrine
Dramatic Monologue
A character speaking aloud for an extended period of time. There is a silent intended audience.
-example: Prophyria's Love
Iambic Pentameter
stressed, unstressed.
ex: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 43
Byronic Hero
A charcater type, created by Lord Byron. This character is usually a drunk, walks with a limp, loves the ladies, and exiles themselves.
-example: Mr. Rochester is a Byronic hero.
A spondee is two stressed syllables
Heroic Couplets
-specifically in iambic pentameter
ex: My Last Duchess -Browning
iambic tetrameter
4 iambic feet
What Did Bertha do to Jane's veil? What did it represent?
She tries on Jane's veil(which is the first time Jane sees her(through the mirror) Which makes Jane imagine how her life could be) and then she tears it into two pieces. The veil represents Jane's future, and how her innocence is torn up.
Day after bed fire Rochester has his wealthy friends over and they ply charades. one acts out being a bride, two act out getting married, a third acts out a prison named "Bridewell" This all leads Jane to believe that Rochester is going to marry Blanche.
a stream of consciousness. NO stopping, or punctuation. There is no end to a thought before the next begins.
Relationship between Harold and Roland
There is no obvious end to their quest. asks the questions Are they both wicked?
Browning's use of WW writing style
Show's EBB is a strong writer. She is saying that women can write just as well as men can. She is comparing herself to WW who was great.
Jane Eyre: Aesthetically Coherent
-very descriptive
-a lot of foreshadowing
-things happen in chronological order
-all the characters are foils/interconnected
-autobiographical elements
-know exactly what's going on in every scene
-Carefully planned/ linear
Jane Eyre: Deformed and Twisted
-All events are biased, seen through Jane's eyes.
-her actual life- her family hates/abuses her
-Names of places are negative
-marriage proposals are deformed