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20 Cards in this Set

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What is a biome
a climatic and geographically defined area
What is the littoral zone
the area from the shore of the lake to the point where the plants don't grow on the body
What is commensilism
it is a symbiotic relationship which one organism is not harmed and the other gains
What are three factors affecting terresrtial ecosystems
amount of organic matter in soil
amount of overall preciptiation
average tempertature
amount of sunlight
What is Biotic Potential
Maximum nuber of offspring a species can produce
What is External Limits
Factors that prevent popultions from reaching thier biotic potential.
What is Density Dependent
Any factor that changes the birth and death rates as population grows
What are factors of density dependence
competition for food and space
interfering; crowding , toxic wastes
increase in predator or parasite populations
indirect effect: territoriality, behavioral or genetic changes
what is density independence
Any factor that changes the population density regardles of size
What are factors of densty independence
Enviromental Resistance
Temperature Range
Sun Exposure
Available Gases
What are selective pressures
enviromental forces that result in the survival of organsims with characeristics tat provide resistance
What is paleontology
the study of fossils to find age
What is relative dating
the deeper the fossil is the older it is
What is absolute dating
Using volcanic ash has radioactive isotopes and using their half-lifes to determine the age of the fossil
What is the supercontinent
What are anatomical structures
many organisms share a unity plan and have common ancestors
What are homologous structures
common in structure and common ancestors
(dophin flipper and human hand)
What are analogous structures
similar function but differ in anatomy not same ancestrail structures
(Bat wing and fly wing)
Who proposed the first theory of evolution
Jean Babtiste Lamarck
What is speciation
the creation of new species