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66 Cards in this Set

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Homo Habilis
“man of skill” first to make stone tools
Homo Erectus
first to stand upright, develop technology, first to migrate, use fire
Homo Sapiens
“wise man”, modern Humans. Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals
Prehistoric (Prehistory)
the age before records were kept/things were written down
surrounded by deserts on each side

the Nile River flooded regularly every year


women could own property and have jobs
a way of preserving a body by embalming and drying a corpse to prevent it from decay; belief in the afterlife
tombs; a final resting place; great architectural achievement (strong leadership, economy, government, abundant resources, good math and engineering skills)
Mandate of Heaven
the divine approval to rule. it allowed new rulers to justify the overthrow of a failing dynasty
Hebrews believe in the covenant between God and Abraham, believe in the Old Testament, rabbis, Moses,
the belief in one god.
Jewish holy book. the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible
Ten Commandments
the civil and religious laws of Judaism; 10 laws given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai
a civilization who had a phonetic alphabet (think Phoenicians… Phonetic…) and traded with others across the sea
the people of Mesopotamia

T&E flooded irregularly

women could pursue careers and own property

known for their ironworking which made them excellent warriors
military state, governed by an assembly and council of elders
started as an aristocracy with wealthy ruling, evolved into a Direct Democracy. known for his government and philosophers like Plato and Aristotle
term used to describe ancient Greece and Rome
wrote the geometry book “the Elements”, used until the 18th century
military formation of Ancient Greece. –foot soldiers stood side by side holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other
Peloponnesian War
Athens vs Sparta. They fought over control of the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Sparta won because they were more militaristic 123-124
Persian War
Persia invaded Greece. Athens and Sparta fought back against them. Persia was forced back. This war led to the Peloponnesian War because neither Athens or Sparta could agree who would rule all of Greece.
Alexander the Great of Macedonia
studied under Aristotle who taught him everything he knew of the world at that point. 128-129
rule by 1 person. a king or a monarch
gov’t ruled by a small group of wealthy nobles, land owning families
gov’t ruled by a few powerful people
Direct Democracy
where the people directly choose their leaders; ie: ancient Greece
had 3 goals for Athens 1.strengthen democracy 2. strengthen the empire 3. glorify Athens.

he also increased the number of paid public officials
Julius Caesar
great Roman general, named “dictator for life” the same year he was assassinated by members of the senate… apparently the senate didn’t want to give up power
majority of Rome, poor lower class citizens, held almost no power
wealthy upper class citizens of Rome, had a majority of political power
Roman emperor, moved the capital the Constantinople, embraced Christianity at this death. split the empire to control it more efficiently
military formation of 5,000 Roman foot soldiers
Pax Romana
209 years of relative peace and prosperity in Rome. “Roman Peace” Started with the Emperor Augustus
War with Carthage
aka Punic Wars, (3 of them) fought for control of areas around the Mediterranean. Carthage/Hannibal vs Rome/Scipio. Rome won
1st Triumvirate
Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. After 10 years of fighting, Julius Caesar and Pompey went to war with each other.
2nd Triumvirate
Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus
began in Middle East, spread to Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia. Teachings of Jesus Christ, who embraced all people and promised eternal life. Persecuted by Romans because they would not worship Roman gods, but then embraced by some roman Emperors (like Constantine) who helped to spread it. also spread along Roman Trade Routes.
a pipeline used to bring water to Roman cities
an apostle of Jesus, helped to spread Christianity of Jesus’ death
in Arabic, it means “submission to the will of Allah”; started in the Middle East by Muhammad
last and greatest prophet of Islam. “the Messenger” spread Islamic beliefs
Five Pillars
5 basic duties of Muslims. Pilgrimage, Prayer, Fasting, Faith, Alms
“People of the Book”
Jews and Christians

because they believed in the Old Testament and Covenant between God and Abraham
Justinian’s Code
Civil law established by Justinian for the Byzantine Empire
ruler of Byzantine Empire
people who believed icons should not be used in churches. Set out to destroy all icons on the church. Supported by the Byzantine emperor
knights code of behavior, put women and honor on a pedestal. fought for 3 things: his lord, his chosen lady, and his heavenly lord
a social and political system that established relationships between a lord, his knights, nobles, and serfs.
Manor System
the economic system controlled by the lord who dealt out jobs to his serfs to work the land.
Charles Martel
Frank king who stopped the Muslim advances in France at the Battle of Tours
the greatest Ruler of Medieval Europe, ruled Franks in France, at his death, his kingdom was greater than any since Rome. spread Christianity.
10% of a persons income, given to the Church; a church tax.
Treaty of Verdun
a treaty that split up Charlemagne’s empire into 3 kingdoms amongst his sons
Christian religious ceremonies, seen as a way to achieve salvation (ie: baptism, communion)
Lay Investiture
the practice of appointing bishops by the Kings and nobles
3-Field System
a farming system that increased food production by using 2/3 the land instead of 1/2 . more food = more people.
Magna Carta
Nobles, being taxed w/o representation, forced King John to sign this guaranteeing basic rights to all people.
Spain’s attempt to drive the Muslims out of Spain. Successful in 1492.
Bubonic Plague
Started by the Mongols in Asia, spread by rats/fleas in trade ships to Western Europe. Killed 25 million people. Caused population decline and the end of Medieval society.
Battle of Hastings
Anglo-Saxons vs the Normans from Normandy. Fought over control of England **NOT ABOUT THRONE OF FRANCE** William the Conqueror and the Normans won, Will takes all control of England and forms a Centralized Government.
MAIN GOAL: to recapture Jerusalem (the holy land) from the Muslim Turks.

during the 4th crusade- Crusaders became corrupt in politics and looted the city of Constantinople
the 5 Good Emperors
maintained peace in the empire by choosing their successors
a land grant
an association of people who all have the same job
Reason for decline of learning in the Roman Empire
invaders could not read or write