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28 Cards in this Set

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Location of the breast
2-6th rib, 2/3 on pec major, 1/3 on serratus anterior
Areolar glands
Are called the areolar glands of Montgomery, and may form sebaceous cysts and become infected
Blood supply to the breast
1. From the axillary artery via its lateral thoracic and acromiothoracic branches

2. From the internal throacic via its perforating branches

3. From the intercostal arteries via their lateral perforating branches
Triple assessment of breast
1. Careful history and examination

2. Mammography (old), ultrasound (young, i.e. <35)

3. Fine needle aspiration cytology or core biopsy
TNM staging of breast tumour
T1 = Tumour < 2cm
T2 = Tumour 2-5 cm
T3 = Tumour > 5cm
T4 = Direct extension to chest wall

N0 = No palpable lymph nodes
N1 = Mobile lymph nodes on same side
N2 = Fixed lymph nodes on same side
N3 = Supraclavicular or infraclavicular LNs or arm lymphoedema

M0 = No evidence of distant metastases
M1 = Distant metastases present
Clinical features of non-proliferative lesions
Pain, focal areas of nodularity or cysts often in the upper outer quadrant, frequently bilateral, mobile, varies with menstrual cycle, nipple discharge (straw like, brown, green)
Most common breast tumour
Features of a fibroadenoma
Smooth, rubbery, discrete, well-circumscribed, non-tender, mobile, hormone-dependent
Investigations of a fibroadenoma
Core or excisional biopsy required as FNA cannot distinguish fibroadenoma from phyllodes tumour
Intraductal papilloma
Most common cause of spontaneous, unilateral bloody nipple
Most important RF for breast cancer
Female, >age (rare <30), family history (BRCA1 on 17Q, BRCA 2 13Q), early menarche/late menopause, nulliparity, European.
Investigations of breast cancer
Mammography every two years for women 50-69. Needle aspiration. Excisional biopsy.
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer
Painless increasing mass which may also be associated with nipple discharge, skin tethering, ulceration, oedema and erythema. 80% present with metastases.

If metastatic - bone pain, pleural effusion, dyspnoea, anorexia and weight loss.
Staging of breast cancer
1. Confined to the breast, mobile
2. Growth confined to breast, mobile lymph nodes in ipsilateral axilla
3. Tumour fixed to muscle, skin matted, nodes may be fixed, skin involvement larger than tumour
4. Tumour completely fixed to chest wall, distant metastases involved
Management of fibroadenoma
Conservative if < 40 and diagnosis proven. Excision if age >40 and size >4cm
Classic shape of phyllodes tumour
CF duct papilloma
Single or multiple lumps, blood stained discharge.
Screening in UK
Every 3 years age 50-64
Breast cyst management
Aspiration. If bloodstained or persistently re-filling, biopsy or excise.
Duct papilloma management
Most common type of breast cancer
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Indications for mastectomy
Tumour is multifocal and/or central in location, large tumour in small breast, DCIS>4 cm, patient choice
Indications for wide local excision
Tumour is solitary and/or peripheral in location, small tumour in large breast, DCIS<4 cm, patient choice
Treatment for hormonal breast pain
(Think oestrogen)

Tamoxifen, danazol, bromocriptine
Nipple discharge causes
Unilateral - duct papilloma, breast cancer

Bilateral - periductal mastitis
Breast abscess management
Metronidazole, flucloxacillin, augmentin
Adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluoracil) or FEC (5-fluoracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide).

Six cycles with a 3-4 week gap between each for a total treatment time of 4.5-6 months
Hormonal therapy for breast cancer