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25 Cards in this Set

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What are coopers ligaments?
Fibrous tissue that provide support for breasts
What are montgomery glands?
Glands that secrete milk
What nerves are involved in the breast & what do they innvervate?
Intercostobrachial(sensory of upper arm), thoracodorsal(lats), long thoracic(scapula)
Rotter notes are?
Found in b/t the pec minor & major muscles
What does oxytocin do?
Regulates secretion of breast milk
What is ductal carcinoma in situ?
Proliferation of cells at the basement membrane of the ductal-lobar system
Palpable breast mass on PE, what is the next step?
Nonpalpable breast mass found on mammogram, next step?
Stereotactic guided bx
Nonpalpable breast mass found on U/S, what is the next step?
U/S guided core bx
M/c invasive breast cancer
M/c benign breast mass
What are the 2 views of a mammogram?
craniocaudal, mediolateral oblique
M/c/c of bloody nipple d/c
Tx for papilloma
cannulate duct & exploration
Cystic breast lesions are common w/?
Hormone levels(they tend to grow right before menses, they are also tender)
Rock hard lump on breast exam after breast trauma?
Fat necrosis
What is dx of fat necrosis in the breast after bx?
Classification of breast cancer T:
1: <2cm
2: 2-5cm
3: >5cm
Classification of breast cancer N:
Nx: unable to asses
N0: no regional mets
N1: movable axillary
N2: fixed axillary
N3: infraclavicular nodes
Classification of breast cancer M:
M0: no distant mets
M1: distant mets
What is the most important factor in determining breast cancer prognosis?
Lymph node involvement
What is given as adjuvant therapy for pts that express the HER2 gene?
What is given as adjuvant therapy for cancer that expresses endocrine hormones?
Tamoxifen, raloxifene
How does Tamoxifen work?
Binds to estrogen receptors as an agonist or antagonist, decr breast epithelial proliferation
MRI is useful for what type of pts?
BRCA, lobular carcinoma, highly dense tissue seen on mammogram