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19 Cards in this Set

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overgrowth of the acini within terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU) of the breast
apocrine metaplasia
form of fibrocystic change in which the epithelial cells of the acini undergo alteration
atypical ductal hyperplasia
abnormal proliferation of cells with atypical features involving the TDLU, with an increased liklihood of evolving into breast cancer
atypical hyperplasia
pathologist recognizes some, but not all, of the features of lobular carcinoma in situ
atypical lobular hyperplasia
shows some, but not all, of the features of lobular carcinoma in situ
fluid-filled sac
overgrowth of the cells lining the small ducts of the TDLU
most common benign solid tumor of the breast, consisiting primarily of fibrous and epithelial tissue elements
ficrocystic condition
condition that represents many different tissue processes within the breast that are all basically normal processes that in some patients become exaggerated to the point of raising concern of breast cancer
echo texture that is more echogenic than the surrounding tissue
echo texture that is less echogenic than the surrounding tissue
infiltrating ductal carcinoma
cancer of the ductal epithelium; most common general category of breast cancer, accounting for approximately 85% of all breast cancers
infiltrating lobular carcinoma
cancer of the lobular epithelium of the breast, arises at teh level of the TDLU
echo texture that resembles the surrounding tissue
lobular carcinoma in situ
not considered a true cancer or treated as such
lobular neoplasia
a term preffered by many authors to replace LCIS and atypical hyperplasia
multicentric breast cancer
breast cancer occuring in different quadrants of the breast at least 5cm apart
multifocal breast cancer
breast cancer occuring in more than one site within the same quadrant of the same ductal system of the breast
cannot be felt on clinical examination