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104 Cards in this Set

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How do you conjugate regular verbs that end in -ER?
Take the -ER off the infinitive and add the endings E, ES, E, ONS, EZ, ENT
When does a verb have an E to È change in the boot?
When the verb ends in E+CONSONANT+ER
When does a verb have an É to È change in the boot?
When the verb ends in É+CONSONANT+ER
When does a verb have an L to LL or T to TT change in the boot?
When the verb ends in -ELER or -ETER
When does a verb have a Y to I change in the boot?
When the verb ends in -YER
When does a verb make a C to Ç change?
When the verb ends in -CER and the C comes before an A, O, or U
When does a verb make a G to GE change?
When the verb ends in -GER and the G comes before an A or an O
How are regular -IR verbs conjugated?
Take the -IR off the infinitive and add the endings IS, IS, IT, ISSONS, ISSEZ, ISSENT
How are regular -RE verbs conjugated?
Take the -RE off the infinitive and add the endings S, S, (nothing), ONS, EZ, ENT
What is Madame Champlin's poem for spelling change/boot verbs?
"NOUS and VOUS don't go in the SHOE (boot)"
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of TRAVAILLER in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Je travaille
Tu travailles
Il travaille
Nous travaillons
Vous travaillez
Ils travaillent
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of LEVER in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Je lève
Tu lèves
Il lève
Nous levons
Vous levez
Ils lèvent
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of ESPÉRER in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Tu espères
Il espère
Nous espérons
Vous espérez
Ils espèrent
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of RAPPELER in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Je rappelle
Tu rappelles
Il rappelle
Nous rappelons
Vous rappelez
Ils rappellent
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of ESSAYER in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Tu essaies
Il essaie
Nous essayons
Vous essayez
Ils essaient
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of COMMENCER in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Je commence
Tu commences
Il commence
Nous commençons
Vous commencez
Ils commencent
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of NAGER in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Je nage
Tu nages
Il nage
Nous nageons
Vous nagez
Ils nagent
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of BÂTIR in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Je bâtis
Tu bâtis
Il bâtit
Nous bâtissons
Vous bâtissez
Ils bâtissent
Practice: Conjugate the present tense of PERDRE in your head or on some scrap paper, then check your answers.
Je perds
Tu perds
Il perd
Nous perdons
Vous perdez
Ils perdent
What three forms are the source of the imperative/command?
Tu, nous, and vous
What do you have to do with
-ER verbs in the tu form of the imperative?
Drop the S
What are the irregular imperative forms of the verb être?
Sois, soyons, soyez
What are the irregular imperative forms of the verb avoir?
Aie, ayons, ayez
What are the irregular imperative forms of the verb savoir?
Sache, sachons, sachez
What are the irregular imperative forms of the verb vouloir?
Veuille, veuillons, veuillez
(informal) hello
(formal and informal) hello
(informal) How are you?
(Comment) ça va?
(informal) Yes, I am fine.
Oui, ça va.
Very well
Très bien
It is going well, thanks.
Ça va bien, merci.
Not bad, thanks.
Pas mal, merci.
And (informal) you?
Et toi?
(formal) How are you?
Comment allez-vous?
Very well, thank you.
Très bien, merci.
And (formal) yourself?
Et vous-même?
Do you (informal) know Anne?
Tu connais Anne?
Do you (formal or plural) know each other?
Vous vous connaissez?
You don't know each other, I believe.
Vous ne vous connaissez pas, je crois.
I would like to introduce you (informal) to...
J'aimerais te présenter...
I am introducing you (informal) to...
Je te présente...
Here is Georges, a friend.
Voici Georges, un copain/ami.
Pleased (enchanted) to meet you!
Very happy (to meet you).
Très heureux(se).
Do you (formal) know Madame Champlin?
Vous connaissez Madame Champlin?
Do you (plural or formal) know each other?
Est-ce que vous vous connaissez?
Have you (plural or formal) met before?
Vous vous êtes déjà
I would like to introduce you (plural or formal) to...
Je voudrais/J'aimerais vous présenter...
Allow me to introduce you (plural or formal) to...
Permettez-moi de vous présenter...
I am introducing you (plural or formal) to...
Je vous présente...
I am happy to meet you (plural or formal).
Je suis heureux(se) de faire votre connaissance.
Very happy to meet you (plural or formal).
Très heureux(se)/content(e) de vous connaître.
Happy (enchanted) to meet you (plural or formal).
Enchanté(e) de vous rencontrer.
I am introducing myself. My name is...
Je me présente. Je m'appelle...
I am allowing myself to introduce myself. My name is...
Je me permets de me présenter. Je m'appelle...
Good bye! (informal)
Good bye!
Au revoir!
Good bye (popular with youth)
Have a nice day!
Bonne journée!
Have a nice vacation!
Bonnes vacances!
Have a nice evening!
Bonne soirée!
"Good return"!
Bon retour!
Have a nice weekend!
Bon week-end!
Until next time!
À la prochaine!
See you tomorrow!
À demain!
See you tonight!
À ce soir!
See you soon!
À bientôt, à tout à l'heure!
See you in 2 weeks!
Alors, dans quinze jours!
to meet, to make the acquaintance of
faire la connaissance (de)
to meet, to get acquainted with, to know
(se) connaître
to meet (by chance), to run into
(se) rencontrer
to meet (by prior arrangement)
(se) retrouver
to meet, to see again
(se) revoir
to kiss, to kiss each other
to greet with a kiss (familiar)
(se) faire la bise
a cot, train bed
une couchette
to get settled in
an unoccupied seat
une place de libre
a reserved seat
une place réservée
Practice: conjugate the verb SUIVRE in the present tense and past participle in your head or on a piece of paper. Then, check your answers.
Je suis
Tu suis
Il suit
Nous suivons
Vous suivez
Ils suivent

to follow
to live
VIVRE (past participle is vécu)
Practice: conjugate the verb COURIR in the present tense and past participle in your head or on a piece of paper. Then, check your answers.
Je cours
Tu cours
Il court
Nous courons
Vous courez
Ils courent

to run
Practice: conjugate the verb MOURIR in the present tense and past participle in your head or on a piece of paper. Then, check your answers.
Je meurs
Tu meurs
Il meurt
Nous mourons
Vous mourez
Ils meurent

MORT (an ÊTRE verb!)
to die
Practice: conjugate the verb RIRE in the present tense and past participle in your head or on a piece of paper. Then, check your answers.
Je ris
Tu ris
Il rit
Nous rions
Vous riez
Ils rient

to laugh
to smile
Practice: conjugate the verb CONDUIRE in the present tense and past participle in your head or on a piece of paper. Then, check your answers.
Je conduis
Tu conduis
Il conduit
Nous conduisons
Vous conduisez
Ils conduisent

to drive
to construct/built
to destroy
to seduce, charm, bribe
Practice: conjugate the verb SAVOIR in the present tense and past participle in your head or on a piece of paper. Then, check your answers.
Je sais
Tu sais
Il sait
Nous savons
Vous savez
Ils savent

to know from memory or study, to know how to do something, to be aware of
Practice: conjugate the verb CONNAÎTRE in the present tense and past participle in your head or on a piece of paper. Then, check your answers.
Je connais
Tu connais
Il connaît
Nous connaissons
Vous connaissez
Ils connaissent

to know, to be acquainted with, to be familiar with, to meet or get acquainted with
to appear, come into view, become
to disappear
to seem, to come out