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60 Cards in this Set

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Speaker of the House
House of Representatives must choose a presiding officer. The Vice President serves as the presiding officer or president of the senate. The Speaker of the house is the most powerful member of the house.
president pro tempore
will preside over the Senate when the vice president is absent
A proposed law
A plan for raisind and spending money
congressional district
The area that a member of the House represents
conference committee
joint committee
select committee
Standing Committee
Majority Leader
Minority Leader
The people a member of Congress represents
When a majority of the members of the House of Representatives accuse the President or other high government officials, such as a federal judge, of serious wrongdoing
interest group
groups of people who work together for similar interests or goals
People who represent interest groups
The bill will not become a law
pocket veto
If the President pockets, or keeps, the bill for 10 days, during which congress ends it's session, the bill will not become a law.
foreign policy
Plans for guiding our Nation's relationships with other countries
domestic policy
Plans for dealing with national problems
A formal agreement with another country
The President may due away with punishment by granting a release from the punishment.
Executive Branch
The branch of government responsible for executing or enforcing the laws. It's the largest branch.
Executive Departments
A bureaucracy is an organization of government departments, agencies and offices
Executive office of the President
Is largely made up of people the President chooses to help make foreighn and domestic policy. They advise the Preident on important matters
An important group of policy advisers to the President, made up of executive department heads and a few other officials
Judicial Review
The Supreme Courts power to overturn any law that it decides is in conflict with the Constitution
Judicial Activism
An effort by judges to take an active role in policy making by overturning laws relatively often
Judicial Restrain
An effort by judges to avoid overturning laws and to leave policy making up to the other two branches of government.
A written statement by the court explaing the reasons for a decision
Concurring Opinion
Dissenting Opinion
A guideline for how similar cases should be decided in the future
To ask a higher court to review a decission and determine whether justice was done.
Court of Appeals
Courts that handle appeals from lower federal district courts
Circuit Courts
Another name for the courts of appeals
Appellate Jurisdiction
A court's authority to hear an appeal of a decision by another court
Original Jurisdiction
A court's authority to hear the case first
The functions of Congress

"To form a perfect Union" establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for a common defence, promote the general wellfare (the needs of people),secure the blessing of liberty.
The # of representatives and senators

435 representatives
Each state has 2 senators
The # of representatives is determined by state by

on it's population. How many people live in the state
The length of the term for representative is

Two years
The length of the term for the Senator is

Six years
Constitutional Qualifications

Senators and Representatives must live in the states in which they are elected. Reps must be atleast 25 years old an senators must be at least 30 years old. A rep must have been a citizen of the US for at least 7 years but a senator must have been a citizen for at least 9 years
The 3 leadership positions of Government

The three leadership positions in Congress are
1. Speaker of the House
2. President Pro Tempore
3. President of the Senate
Why does congress work through committees?
to divide the amount of work. Most of the important work of lawmaking is done in the committees
What are the steps in the impeachment process?
The house can impeach but the senate has the power to put the impeached official on trial. If found guilty he is removed from office
What are SPECIAL POWERS of the house of representatives and the Senate?
" to form a more perfect union", establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general wellfare, and secure the blessing of liberty.
Where do they get the sources for ideas for bills
Citizens and interest groups, and the executive branch can draw up bills.
Once a bill is introduced it goes to the
House or Senate
The responsibility of the standing committee is
studies the bill next it holds hearings or public meetings then they may propose a change. Finally they decide if it should go to the House or the Senate for a vote on the bill. If it's not recommended the bill dies.
The responsibility of the conference committee
Before a bill can go to the President to be signed, it must be passed by both houses. If the two houses can not agree it goes to the conference committee
The support required for a bill to be passed by the house of congress?
must be passed by both houses for the bill to go on.
The 3 possible actions the president may take with the bill are:
1. Sign the bill and make it a law.
2.He can veto the bill
3.He can pocket the veto for 10 days and the bill will not become a law.
The constitutional qualifications for the president are:
Must be at least 35 years old and a natural born citizen of the US
Must have lived in the Us for 14 years
Length of the presidential term and term limit
4 years and must run for reelection in order to serve a second term. No president may hold office for more than two terms.
What are the roles of the prident
serves as chief executive or head of the executive branch.
make sure laws are carried out(executed)
makes broadest and most importanr decisions
gives executive orders the gov't must follow
has the power to appoint 4,000 executive branch officials
Is in charge of the military
Is the leader of foreign policy which guides our nation' relationships with other countries.
Chief Diplomat
The Powers of the President are:
Can act without consulting with other branches of Gov't
Must seek a balance between immediate action and the constitutional need to consult with congressmay execute powers
Number of justices on the supreme Court are:
There are ________ justices on the supreme court