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24 Cards in this Set

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Anterior spinal artery Syndrome
- medial medullary syndrome
1. CsT; contralateral spastic hemiparesis
2. ML; contralateral loss of tactile, vibration
3. CNXIIn. Ipsilateral flaccid hemiparalysis of tongue
- medial medullary syndrome
1. CsT; contralateral spastic hemiparesis
2. ML; contralateral loss of tactile, vibration
3. CNXIIn. Ipsilateral flaccid hemiparalysis of tongue
PICA syndrome or
Lateral Medullary Syndrome
- dissociated sensory loss
1. vestibular n.; i.e nystagmus, n/v & vertigo
2. Inferior cerebellar peduncle. Ipsilateral cerebellar signs (e.g dystaxia, dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesia)
3. NA. ipislateral...
4. IX nerve roots
5. Vagal Nerve roots
6. SptT contralateral
7. Sp V n & T. Ipsilateral (facial hemianesthesia)
8. Descending sympathetic tract. Ipsilateral horners
Medial Inferior Pontine Syndrome
- occlusion of paramediam branches of the basilar a.
1. CsT contralateral
2. ML contalateral
3. CNVI roots. ipsilateral
- occlusion of paramediam branches of the basilar a.
1. CsT contralateral
2. ML contalateral
3. CNVI roots. ipsilateral
Lateral Inferior Pontine Syndrome
1. VIIn and intraaxial nerve fibres; ipsilateral
2. Cochlear n & intraaxial fibres
3. vestibular nuclei and intraaxial nerve fibres
4. Spinal trigeminal nucleus & tract. ipsilateral
5. Middle & inferior cerebellar peduncles. ipsilateral limb & gait dystaxia
6. SpT
7. Descending Sympathetics
MLF Syndrome aka
Internuclear Opthalmoplegia
fibres from contralateral CNVI that project via MLF to the ipsilateral CNIII (medial rectus nuclei)
- MR palsy on attempted lateral conjugate gaze & nystagmus in the abducting eye
- convergence remains intact
- often seen in MS
Facial Colliculus Syndronme
Causes; pontine glioma or vascular
- the internal genu of CNVII & nucleus of CN VI
1. facial nerve ipsilateral facial paralysis
2. LR; medial strabismus, horizontal diplopia
Dorsal Midbrain (Parinaud's Syndrome)
Causes; pinealoma or germinoma
1. Superior colliculus and pretectal area. Paralysis of upward & downward gaze, pupillary disturbances & absence of convergence
2. Cerebral Aqueduct. compressioon causing non-communicating hydrocephalus
Paramedian midbrain (benedikt) syndrome
1. CNIII roots
2. dentatothalamic fibres. contralateral cerebellar dystaxia with intention tremor
3. ML
Medial Midbrain (weber) Syndrome
1. CNIII roots
2. CsT
3. CbT. contralateral weakness of lower face (VII), tongue (XII), palate (CNX), uvula and pahrygeal wall pulled towards normal side (X)
Acoustic Neuroma
- benign tumour of schwann cells affecting CNVIII
- in posterior fossa inside the IAM
- can often compress VII
- can impinge on the pons affecting SpV tract
- more often in females
A. Cochlear n
B. vestibular N.
D. Spinal trigeminal tract
E. Neurofibromatosis type 2
Jugular Foramen Syndrome
IX, X, Xi
Locked In Syndrome
lesion in base of pons due to
- infarction, trauma, tumor, demyelination
1. CsT & CbT bilaterally
2. CNII & IV are not injured
Central Pontine Myelinolysis
lesion @ base of pons affects CsT & CbT
- CAUSES 75% are alcoholism or rapid correction of hyponatremia
- may become locked in syndrome
Top of the Basilar Syndrome
embolic occlusion of rostral basilar a.
- optic ataxia
- psychic paralysis of fixation of gaze
- ectopic pupils
- somnolence
- cortical blindness
Subclavian Steal Syndrome
thrombosis of left subclavian aa. proximal to vertebral a. blood shunted retrograde down the left verterbral a & into the left subclavian
- clinical signs transient weakness & claudication of left arm on exercise & vertebrobasilar insufficiency (i.e vertigo & dizziness)
Cerebellopontine angle
junction between medulla, pons & cerebellum (CNVII & VIII)
- 5 common brain tumours
- SAME (mneumonic)
- schwannoma (75%)
- arachnoid cyst (1%)
- meningioma (10%)
- Ependymoma (1%)
- EPidermoid (5%)
Cerebellar signs
cerebellar peduncles
Nystagmus, vertigo, nausea
Vestibular Nuclei
- fast phase towards lesion side
NA (X)
BRF vomit centre
Area posterima
Motor Loss
Corticospinal tract
Sensory Loss
Trigeminal nuclei
Spinothalamic tract

- specific to brainstem injury
- loss sensation on one side of face and opposite side of the body CARDINAL SIGNATURE
Cortical Innervations
Corticobulbar Tract
- most are bilateral
EXCEPT VII (Upper face is lower face isnt) and XII (contralateral)