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8 Cards in this Set

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The spinal accessory nucleus is only found at which level of the brainstem? lateral to the medial lemnisci; dorsal to the pyramidal tracts (which are the ventral-most structures in this part of the stem)
Spinal Accessory (CN XI) nucleus, motor
the open medulla sports a trio of cranial nerve nuclei near the floor of the 4th ventricle- name the nuclei and describe their spatial relationships to one another
from medial to lateral (and ventral to dorsal, because the 4th ventricle is triangular shaped):
1. CN XII (motor)
2. Dorsal motor Vagus (CN X and parasympathetic efferents)
3. solitary tract (autonomics VII, IX, X)
nucleus ambiguous (what does it house, which level, what makes it unique with respect to spatial relationships at that level)
nucleus ambiguous
1. CN X motor: larynx/pharynx muscles
2. open medulla
3. only open medulla cranial nerve nucleus that is not lining the 4th ventricle
in the transition from the ______ to the _______, the thin strips of the medial lemnisci change from a ______ orientation to a _______ orientation.
in the transition from the _open medulla_ to the _pons_, the thin strips of the medial lemnisci change from a _vertical_ orientation to a _horizontal_ orientation.
Distinguising feature of the PONs
Pontine nuclei - input from cerebral cortex into the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere (via middle cerebellar peduncle); pontine nuclei are lateral to the corticospinal tract dark spots (which are near the midline); more ventral than dorsal
cranial nerve nuclei in the pons:
CN V motor
CN V sensory

all three are near the ventricle; from most lateral to least:
sensory V, motor V, motor VII
one would find a trio of CN nuclei in the open medulla near the ventricle; at the level of the pons, the only nuclei found in this region are the ________ nuclei
one would find a trio of CN nuclei in the open medulla near the ventricle; at the level of the pons, the only nuclei found in this region are the _vestibular_ nuclei
describe the dorsal elements of the midbrain
-inferior/superior colliculi (auditory/visual, respectively), dorsal-most structure)
-periaqueductal gray matter surrounding cerebral aqueduct
-trochlear and occulomotor nuclei (CN IV and III)
-medial lemnisci: completely lateral, somewhat near D/V divide