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36 Cards in this Set

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hyperorality, hypersexuality, and disinhibtion
BILATERAL amygdala
problems concentraiting, orienting, and with judgement... also the return of primitive reflexes
frontal lobe
right pariental lobe lesion
contralteral neglect (this is due to right being the non-dominant)
dominant pariental lobe lesions
poor writing, poor calculations, confusion of left and right, and finger agnosia
reduced arousal or coma
reticular activating system (raphe, locus ceruleous, retiular) in the MIDBRAIN
Bilateral mammillary bodies
W-confusion, eyes, ataxia...K-memory loss, confabulation, personality
Cerebellar hemisphere lesion
intention tremor, limb ataxia....ipsilateral defects due to double cross
truncal ataxia and dysarthria
cereballar vermis lesion
subthalamis nucleous lesion
contralateral hemiballismus
hippocampus lesion
anterograde amnesia
eyes look AWAY from side of lesion (used for fast horizontal eye movements and REM sleep)
paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF)
eyes look toward lesion
frontal eye fields (frontal lobes)
anterior cerebral artery lesion
legs and foot motor and sensory
middle cerebal artery
hand, face motor and senosry
upward gaze probelms
superior colliculi (pinealoma)
cannot repeat "no ifs and or buts"
arcuate fasciculus
anterior spinal artery (medial medullary syndrome)
ipsilateral CN12( toward), ML (contra dorsal columns), contralateral hemiparesis (lower extremities)
PICA (lateral meduallry--Wallenburgs)
contralateral pain and temp, ipsi dysphagia/ horseness/gag/diplopia/nystagmus/vomit/horners/facial pain and temp...ipsilateral ataxia (8/9/10)
AICA (lateral inferior pontine)
ipsi facial paralysis, ipsi cochlear/vestibular/ facial pain and temp/ dystaxia due to ICP and MCP(input center)
posterior cerebral lesion
contralateral hemianopia with macular sparing
middle cerebal artery
contrlateral face and arm paralysis and sensory loss, aphasia (dominant hem) or neglect
anterior cerebral artery
leg and foot motor and sensory
Anterior communicating
visual fields like bitemporal
posterior communicating
CN3 palsy (down and out)
lateral striate (divisions of middle cerebral)
supplies internal capsule, caudate, putamen, GP...cause pure motor hemiparesis
between the middle and anterior cerebral, posterior and middle ...watershed
upper leg and upper arm weakness...defects in hgiher order visual processing (these would be seen after severe hypotension)
Basilar artery lesion
locked in syndrome meaning all gone except for CN3
anterior circle stroke
sensory and motor with aphasia
posterior circle stroke
cranial nerve defects (visual and vertigo), coma, cerebellar
brains response to ischemia
reactive gliosis where astrocytes enlarge and proliferate ...later a wall with astrocyes around it will form
herniation under falx
subfalcine...can compress anterior cerebral artery
transtentorial hernation
straight down causing hydrocephalus
ipsi CN3, contra homoymous hemianopia (PCA), ipsilateral paresis, duret hemorrhage of the paramedian artery
uncal herniation (blown pupil with outter part of 3 compressed), vison, basial duret hemorrhage, contralateral crus cerebri causes ipsi paresis
hetergeneously enhancing lesion
GBM, (cyst with pliocytic astro)
mets to brain, abcesses, TOXO, AIDs lymphoma
right enhancing
herpes, medulloblastoma (very solid), meningioma