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91 Cards in this Set

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this nerve carries the majority of the parasympathetic out flow
Vagus X
this nerve carries the sensations for taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
Facial VII
this nerve carries impulses from the carotid sinus and sensations for taste from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue
Glossopharyngeal IX
this nerve carries motor impulses fior tongue movement
Hypoglossal XII
this nerve carries sensations for smell
Olfactory I
this nerve carries the sensations from the inner ear for balance and equilibrium
Vestibulocochlear VIII
This nerve carries motor impulses for eye movement
Oculomotor III
this nerve innervates the muscles of mastication(masseter)
Trigeminal V
this nerve carries the sensations for vision
Optic II
this nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid
Accessory XI
Cranial nerve involed with hearing
Vestibulocochlear VIII
Cranial nerve involed with taste
Glossopharyngeal IX
Cranial nerve involved with heart activity
Vagus X
Cranial nerve involved with eye movement
Oculomotor III
Cranial nerve involved with vision
Optic II
Cranial nerve involved in smell
Olfactory I
The cardiac center is found in what area of the brain
Inferior colliculi found in what area of the brain
Decussation of pyramids is found in the
Pneumotaxic area is found in the
Melatonin is found in the
Substantia nigra is found in the
area of the brain that helps control equilibrium and balanace and coordinates fast skeletal muscle activity is the _. The group of nuclei involved in regulation of muscle tone and control of slow involuntary skeletal muscle movements are the _. The group of nuclei involved in emotional behavior & drives is the _.
Basal Nuclei
Limbic System
Cerebrial spinal fluid is produced by the __ of the ventricles & reabsorbed into the blood by the _. There is normally around __ ml of CSF present at any one time. Two functions of CSF are __&__.
Choroid Plexuses
Arachnoid villi
protection from injuries
circulation of nutrients
The glial cell involved in the blood-brain-barrier is the _. The reaseon this barrier so selective in what will pass is the __ that are found between the endothelial cells. __Proteins/glucose/alcohol__ will not pass through the BBB. __Proteins/glucose/alcohol__ will freely pass through the BBB.
tight junctions
The area of the cerebrum that sends the motor impulses to the muscles involved in speaking is the __Broca's area/Wernickes area/Gnostic area__. The area of the cerebrum involved in understanding spoken language is __Broca's area/Wernicke's area/Gnostic area_.
Broca's area
Wernicke's area
The _precentral/postcentral_ gyrus is involved in voluntary muscle control. The _precentral/postcentral_ gyrus isn involved in general sensation(touch, pressure, temperature)
The area of the brain that is a relay station for all sensory imput except smell is the ____. The __ helps regulate body temperature and is the main integration site between the nervous and endocrine system.
The __ gyrus is involved in motor commands. The __ gyrus is where sensory information from general sensation receptors become conscious.
the group of nuclei involved in controlling muscle tone and subconscious motor activities such as swing your arms while walking are the ___. the group of nuclei invovled in emotion are the __.
Basal nuclei
Limbic system
EEG waves seen when eyes are closed
ALPHA waves
The__ compares what the cerebral cortex commands with the proreoceptive information concerning body position to coordinate fast movements.
Brain waves seen during math activities
BETA waves
The substance that binds to A1 receptors to bring about fatigue is _
the glial cells forming the blood-brain barrier are the __, while the glial cells forming the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier are the __.
ependymal cells
The 5 lobes of the cerebrum are
Temporal, frontal, parietal, occipital, insula
area that houses the pneumotaxic and apneustic area involved in regulating respiration
lobe of brain invovled in receiving impulses for touch, pain and temperature
area of brain involved in controlling auditory reflexes such as turning the head towards someone speaking to you
inferior colliculi
the largest area of commusural fibers in the brain
corpus callosum
these fibers connect gyri from the same cerebral hemisphere
association fibers
lobe of brain that gives you voluntary movement
area of the brain that is a relay station to the cerebral cortex for all sensory input except smell
area of the brain that contains the cardiac center, vasomotor center and the respiratory center
area of the brain monitors prorioceptors, compares that with cerebral cortax commands for movement, and sends corrective impulses to the cerebral cortex
lobe of brain that is the primary visual center
lobe of brain that is the primary auditory center
area of the brain that contains the satiety center, the thirst center and the center for regulation of body temperature.
these fibers form the ascending and descending tracts
projection fibers
this group of nuclei control muscle tone, conciousness and acts as a brain filter(habituation)
reticular formation
What is a circumventricular organ? (CVO)
Give an example of a CVO and its function.
Areas of the brain where there is no blood-brain barrier.
The hypothalamus is a CVO it monitors hormonal changes and is a major regulator of homeostasis
How does the hypothalamus regulate endocrine activity?
The hypothalamus produces regulating hormones which stimulate the anterior pituitary.
Functions of the Cerebospinal fluid
mechanical protection
chemical protection
Functions of the Blood-brain barrier
protects brain cells from harmful substances and pathogens by serving as a selective barrier to prevent passages of many substances from the blood to the brain
connect gyri in one cerebral hemishpere to corresponding gyri in opposite hemisphere
commisural fibers
connect and transmit nerve impulses between gyri in the same hemishere
Association Fibers
forms ascending and descending tracts that transmit impulses from the cerebrum to other parts of the brain and spinal cord
Projection fibers
touch, temperature and vibration become conscious in this lobe
vision occurs in this lobe
voluntary movement intiated in this lobe
hearing occurs in this lobe
serves as reflex centers for certain visual activities
Tectum-superior elevations
serve as auditory pathways
Tectum-inferior elevations
decussation of pyramids
neurons in left cerebral cortex communicate w/skeletal muscles on the right side, while neurons in the right cerebral cortex communicate w.skeletal muscles on the left side
relays nerve impulses related to voluntary skeletal movements from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum
concerned with the make up of a person's personality, intellect,judgement, foresightand complex learning abilities
prefrontal cortex
adjusts the basis rhythm of breathing
Medullary rhythmicity center
site where most of the CSF is absorbed
Superior sagittal sinus
keeps the left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum connected
Corpus Callosum
Smell becomes conscious here
Temporal lobe
lobe that controls motor activities
vision becomes conscious here
touch becomes conscious here
sound becomes conscious here
lobe involved in memory and emotion
lobe has the premotor area
lobe that contains the post central gyrus
lobe that contains the Broca's area
olfactory I
Cribriform Plate
Optic II
Optic Foramen
Oculomotor III
Superior Orbital fissure
Trochlear IV
Superior orbital fissure
Trigeminal V
Superior Orbital fissure
Opthalmic- Foramen Rotundum
Maxillary -Foramen
Mandibular- Ovale
Abducens VI
Superior Orbital Fissure
Facial VII
Stylomastoid foramen
Vestibulocochlear VIII
Internal Auditory Meatus
Glossopharyngeal IX
Jugular Foramen
Vagus X
Jugular Foramen
Accessory XI
Jugular Foramen
Hypoglossal XII
Hypoglossal Canal
Old Open Ogres try to add funny van gas very acid hot