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405 Cards in this Set

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CT - what color is bone/fluid/brain
Bone = white / blood = white
Fluid = black / CSF = black
Brain = Gray
MRI T1 Sequence - what color is bone/fluid/brain
Used for high anatomical resolution
CSF = black
Brain gray matter = gray
Brain white matter = white
Bone = complicated
MRI T2 Sequence - what color is bone/fluid/brain
Used to identify pathology
CSF = white / edema, fluid from inflammation = white
Brain gray matter = Gray
Brain white matter = black
Bone = complicated
MRI - Diffusion weighted T2
Used to identify ischemia earlier and more clearly
Epidural Hematoma
Blood b/w dura and skull
Usually arterial due to impact - acutely life threatening
Subdural Hematoma
Blood b/w arachnoid and dura
Usually venous, associated w/ elderly and head shaking
Smooth brain, no gyri or sulci - mutations in genes involved w/ tubulin dynamics
Large (elephant) gyri + 2 abnormal large clefts, do not extend all the way to ventricle
Too many small gyri + mixed patches of pachygyria
Double Cortex
Second rim of cortical cells in periventricular area - migration failure
Large gyral cleft, lined w/ gray matter, extends to connect w/ ventricle
Beningn Familial Neonatal Convulsion
Mutation in KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 gene
Neural tube closure defect - partial absence of brain
Neural tube closure defect - complete absence of brain
Neural tube closure defect - exposure and possible extrusion of brain
Otx2 -/- mice
Anencephaly - defect of anterior nervous tissue differentiation
Wnt1 -/- mice
Deletions of specific midbrain and hindbrain regions - expressed at boundary
Defect in forebrain bifurcation - caused by defects in Shh signaling
ROBO3 human mutation
Horizontal gaze palsy: unable to look move eyes to either side
Frog Eye Patterning
Nasal retina = Low EphA --> Posterior Tectum = High Ephrin A (repulsive)
Temporal retina = High EphA --> Anterior Tectum = Low Eph A (repulsive)
Familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome
PER2 mutation, PER2 protein builds up quicker, earlier feedback, wake up too early
Delayed sleep-phase syndrome
Delayed cycle (4am-noon), may involve PER3
Ventral Horn Rexed Laminae
Dorsal Horn Rexed Laminae
I/A-α sensory nerves
Ia - muscle spindle / Ib - GTO : large, fast, sensitive to anoxia, resistant to anesthesia
II/A-β sensory nerves
Innervate cutaneous mechanoreceptors and muscle spindles
III/A-δ sensory nerves
Free nerve endings, respond to sharp pain and cold
IV/C fiber sensory nerves
Free nerve endings, respond to dull pain and warmth
Sensory Nerve medial division
Ia, Ib, IIA. Touch, vibration, pressure, proprioception
Sensory nerve lateral division
IIIA, C. Pain and temperature
Corticospinal Tract
Cell bodies in frontal lobe - Primary motor cortex, precentral gyrus, pre-motor area
Cell bodies in parietal lobe - primary and secondary somatosensory cortex
Descend in internal capsul through midbrain, pons and medulla
90% cross at pyramidal decussation in Medulla--> Lateral Corticospinal Tract in Lateral Funiculus
10% stay ipsilateral --> Anterior Corticospinal Tract
Rubrospinal Tract
Cell bodies in Red Nucleus - magnocellular division
Decussate in Ventral Tegmental Area - Midbrain
Terminate in Cervical Cord - contralateral Anterior Horn Lower Motor Neurons
Control movement of contralateral limbs
Medial / Pontine Reticulospinal Tract (MRST)
Cell bodies in pontine reticular formation
Descends ipsilaterally in antero-lateral spinal cord
Terminates in all cord levels in Laminae VII and VIII - anterior horn LMN
Anti-gravity muscles
Lateral / Medullary Reticulospinal Tract (LRST)
Cell bodies in medullary reticlar formation
Descends bilaterally in antero-lateral spinal cord
Terminates in all cord levels on anterior horn LMN
Extensor muscles for postural support
Medial Vestibulospinal Tract
Cell Bodies in Medial Vestibular Nucleus
Descend bilaterally in Medial Longtiudinal Fasciculus
Terminate in Cervical cord and Upper Thoracic Cord
Inntervate α-LMN
Control neck and upper limb muscles in response to vestibular stimuli
Lateral Vestibulospinal Tract
Cell Bodies in Lateral Vestibular Nucleus
Receive input from labyrinth, cerebellum, and neck proprioceptors
Descend ipsilaterally in anterior quadrant of spinal cord
Terminatres in all levels of spinal cord
Innervates α-LMN in Anterior Horn
Facilitate anti-gravity reflexes, controls balance
Tectospinal Tract
Cell bodies in Superior Colliculus
Decussates in Dorsal Tegmental Area - Midbrain
Terminates in Cervical Cord
Coordinate visual input to visual musculature orientation
LMN Lesions - Flaccid Paralysis
Paralysis and suppressed reflexes, fasiculations, atrophy. Ipsilateral and at level of lesion
UMN Lesion
Paresis (weakness) and hyperactive refelxes
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus Pathway
Proprioception and discriminative touch modalities
1st order cell body in DRG
Axons enter in medial division, ascend ipsilaterally in posterior funiculus
2nd order cell body in Medulla - nucleus gracilis / cuneatus
Axon crosses midline in medial lemnisucs, ascends contralaterally to thalamus
3rd order cell body in Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of thalamus
Axon ascends to Primary somatosensory cortex
Fasciculus Gracilis
Medial, lower body - GRacilis / Ground
Fasciculus Cuneatus
Lateral, upper body
Romberg Test
Patient sways w/ eyes open = cerebellar vermis lesion - motor ataxia
Patient sways w/ eyes closed = DCML lesion - sensory ataxia
Anterolateral Spinothalamic Pathway
Pain and temperature
1st order cell body in DRG
Enter spinal cord in medial pathway
Ascend/descend 2 segments in Lissauer's tract
2nd order cell body in Dorsal horn - Laminae I and V
Axons cross ventral to central canal at same level
Axons ascend contralaterally in Ventral part of lateral funiculus
3rd order cell bodies in Ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus
Axons terminate in primary somatosensory cortex
Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract
Unconscious proprioception - lower limb
1st order cell body in DRG, Ia and Ib axons enter spinal cord
2nd order cell body in Clark's nucleus - Lamina VII
Axons ascend ipsilaterally to cerebellum
Cuneocerebellar Tract
Unconscious proprioception - upper limb
1st order cell body in DRG, Ia and Ib axons enter spinal cord
2nd order cell body in Cuneate Nucleus
Axons ascend ipsilaterally to cerebellum
Horner's Syndrome
Compression / Lesion of superior cervical ganglion
Ipsilateral facial symptoms
Miosis - pupillary constriction
Ptosis - drooping eyelid
Anhidrosis - lack of sweating
Orthostatic hypotension - drop in systemic blood pressure upon standing
Supraspinal Bladder Disorder - Cortical Lesion
Infantile bladder
Fills normally, empties suddenly and completely
Loss of sympathetic inhibition of detrusor contraction
Supraspinal Bladder Disorder - Spinal Cord Lesion above Sacral cord
Spastic bladder
Detrusor contracts in response to mimumum amount of stretch
Loss of inhibition on parasympathetic innervations of detrusor
Supraspinal Bladder Disorder - Spinal Cord Lesion at Sacral Cord or Cauda Equina
Atonic Bladder
Fills to capacity, dribbles out continously
Loss of parasympathetic innervation to detrusor, fails to contract in response to filling
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Progressive loss of motor neurons - others not affected
Loss of SMN gene - SMN1 gene copy mutated or replaced by SMN2 gene copy
SMN2 copy has defective splicing <10% of transcript is translated
Most common level for Radiculopathy
2 copies = normal
1 copy = Hereditary neuropathy w/ liability to pressure palises (HNPP)
3 copies = CMT1A, inherited demyelinating neuropathy
Glutamate Synthesis
Glutamine --> Glutamate via Glutaminase
Glutamate --> Glutamine via Glutatmine Synthetase (in Glial cells)
ACh synthesis
Glucose --> pyruvate --> Acetyl CoA
Acetyl CoA + Choline --> ACh via Choline Acetyl-transferase
ACh --> Acetate and Choline via ACh Esterase
4 classical congential myopathies
Nemaline myopathy, Centronuclear/myotubular myopathy, Central core disease, Multi/minicore myopathy
Nemaline Myopathy
Nemaline rods seen on biopsy, red staining inclusions, derived from Z disk components
Muscular dystrophy histology
Degeneration, regeneration, and connective and fatty tissue infiltration
Gowers' Maneuver
Indicates proximal muscle weakness
Trendelenberg sign
Excessive hip swiging due to proximal muscle weakness
Brought out when climbing stairs
Compensates for weak hip abductors and knee extensors
Dystrophin Gene
Out of frame mutations --> truncated protein --> Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
In frame mutation --> internally deleted protein --> Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Therapeutic exon skipping to convert DMB --> BMD
Inject oligonucleotides, mask splicing site, skip out of fram exons, restore reading frame
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Reduced Sarcoglycan complex - normal dystrophin
Autosomal recessive --> affects both sexes equally
Proximal muslce progressive weakness
Presents early in childhood
FSHD clinical presentation
Asymmetric weakness in face, scapula, biceps, and distal leg (foot drop)
FSHD genetics
Deletion of DUX4 repeats from long end of chromosome 4 - only A version
Larger deletion / fewer remaining repeats --> more severe disesae
Total deletion / no remaining repeats --> no disease
Deletions alter chromatin structure, open polyA sequence
Remaining DUX4 genes are transcribed and polyadenylated --> stable protein
DUX4 protein probably is toxic to muscle cells
Acetylcholine synthesis rate limiting step
Choline uptake
Nicotinic ACh-R localization
Post-synaptic in autonomic ganglia and skeletal muscle
Pre-synaptic in CNS --> promote vesicle release
AChE inhibitors - Alzheimers
Reversible competitive inhibitor - tertiary amine, hydrophobic, crosses BBB
Carbamylates active site serine on AChE
Inhibits for 30 min - ACh normally acetylates active site serine for 10s
Used to treat myasthenia gravis
Nerve Gas
Permanently phosphorylates AChE active site
Treat w/ pyridostigmine to temporarily block active site from irreversible inhibition
Treat w/ 2PAM to displace organophosphate before phosphate ester is hydrolyzed
ACh - Nicotonic receptor interaction
π/cation interactions
ACh - ACh-E interaction
π/cation interactions
ACh - Muscarinic Receptor interaction
Negative charge aspartate binds positive charge quarternary amine
mAChR downstream effectors
m2, m4 – inhibit adenylate cyclase, reduce cAMP - αi competes w/ αs
m1,3,5 - activate PL-C - IP3 and DAG second messengers - αq/11 and βγ mediate activation
m2,4 - activate inward rectifying K+ channels (GIRKs) - βγ mediate activation
Prolonged ACh exposure - nACh-R
Desensitization - conformation change to high affinity but closed channel
Increased receptor expression on membrane
Prolonged ACh exposure - mACh-R
Desensitization - internalization of receptors
nACh-R primordial type
nACh-R Fetal Muscle Type
nACh-R Adult Muscle type
nACh-R Major Brain subtype - high affinity for nicotine
nACh-R Major Autonomic Ganglia Subtype
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
Autoantibodies against v-gated Ca2+ channels - disrupt release of ACh
Paraneoplastic immune response to small cell lung carcinoma
nACh-R subtype important in tobacco addiction
What level is LP performed at
Upper Motor Neuron Lesions - Signs and Symptoms
Slowness, stiffness
Spasticity (increased muscle tone), hyperactive reflex, pathological reflexes
Babinski sign - extensor plantar response
Lower Motor Neuron Lesions - Signs and Symptoms
Weakness, cramps
Muscle atrophy, fasciculations, hyoactive reflexex, decreased muscle tone
Spinal Cord Arterial Blood Supply
Anterior Spinal Artery --> Ant 2/3 = Corticospinal and ALST
Posterior Spinal Arteries --> Post 1/3 = DCML
Complete Cord Transection - Deficits
Motor - loss of all motor function below lesion
Sensory - loss of all modalities below lesion
Autonomic - bowel and bladder dysfunction
Acute spinal shock - flaccid weakness, numbness, urinary retention, constipation
Chronic spastic weakness, spastic bladder and rectal sphincter
Complete Cord Transection - levels and ablities
C1-C3: require ventilatory support
C4 and below: may have partial ventilatory independence
Spare C7: retain ability to independently transfer body
Hemisection of Cord / Brown - Sequard Syndrome deficits
Motor - lpsilateral spastic weakness below lesion (CST)
Sensory - Ipsilateral loss of touch and proprioception below lesion (DCML)
Sensory - Contralateral loss of pain and temp 1-2 levels below lesion (ALST)
Segmental ipsilateral LMN and sensory signs (anterior horn damage)
Autonomic - bladder and bowel function spared, under bilateral control
Acute spinal shock - flaccid weakness
Chronic spastic weakness below lesion (UMN) / flaccid segmental weakness (LMN)
Central Cord Lesions
Motor - Segmental bilateral LMN findings (anterior horn damage)
Sensory - Bilateral thermoanesthesia (crossing ALST fibers)
Damage starts centrally, spreads centrifugally
Classic Cervical Syrinx
Cape-like bilateral thermoanesthesia
Weakness and atrophy of arm and hand muscles
Syringomyelia / Hematomyelia
Cavity filled w/ CSF or blood
Tabes Dorsalis / Posterior Column Syndrome
Bilateral Destruction of Posterior Columns from untreated Syphillis
Bilateral impaired vibration and proprioception
Sensory ataxia - positive Romberg's sign
Lancinating pain in legs, absent reflexes in legs
Argyll Robertson pupils - small, miotic, unreactive to light, normal accomodation reflex
Posterolateral Column Syndrome / Subacute Combined Degeneration
B12 deficiency results in myelin degeneration w/o inflammation
Affects posterolateral and corticospinal pathways
Loss of proprioception and vibration in legs - Sensory ataxia, positive Romberg's sign
Spasticity and hyperreactive reflexes - positive Babinski's sign
Anterior Horn Cell Disease
Segmental LMN findings - flaccid paralysis
Caused by spinal muscular atrophy disorders
Caused by poliomyelitis, West nile, enterovirus, echovirus, coxsackie virus
Combined Anterior Horn Cell - Pyramidal Tract Syndrome
Combined UMN and LMN findings in same segment
Flaccid and Spastic Paralysis
Anterior Spinal Artery Occulsion
Acute flaccid weakness - Chronic spastic paraparesis below lesion (UMN)
Bilateral LMN findings at level of lesion (LMN)
Bilateral loss of pain and temperature below lesion
Impaired bowel and bladder control
Intramedullary Lesion
Lesion inside spinal cord - parenchyma involvement
Redicular sensory and motor findings
Causes: Ependymoma, Astrocytoma, Glioblastoma, Myelitis, Abscess
Intradural Extramedullary Lesion
Lesion inside dura / outside spinal cord - extraparenchyma involvement
Redicular LMN findings reflect root compression
Myopathy develops w/ increasing lesion size
Causes: Schwannoma, Meningioma
Extradural lesion
Lesion outside dura - extraparenchyma involvement
Redicular LMN findings reflect root compression
Myopathy develops w/ increasing lesion size
Causes: Disc disease, Epidural metastasis, Primary Bone Tumor, Lymphoma, Epidural Abscess
Lumbar Disk Herniation
LMN lesion of compressed root - flaccid paralysis
Dermatomal sensory loss
Depressed segmental reflexes
Radicular pain
No bowel / bladder involvement
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Sudden onset - severe pain
Lesion of multiple roots at L4 and below
Severe radicular pain
Flaccid weakness in legs, loss of reflexes
Global sensory disturbance including saddle region (S3-S5)
Bowel / Bladder dysunction and impotence
Proximal weakness seen commonly in…
Muscle disorders
Distal weakness / length dependent weakness seen commonly in…
Peripheral nerve disorders
Tensilon Test
Diagnostic test for myasthenia gravis
Inhibits ACh-E
Causes brief increase in strength in patients w/ NMJ disorders
CK test
Creatine Phosphokinase
Catalyzes ADP + Pi --> ATP + Creatine
Elevation in blood indicates damage to muscle membrane
Trauma, inflammation, disorder
CK extremely high in….
Disorders of skeletal muslce - damage
CK mildly elevated (<1000) in …
Muscle damage secondary to peripheral nerve or anterior horn cell denervation
Fibrillation potentials
Nonspecific abnormality in both nerve and muscle disease
EMG - Decreased amplitude and duration of Motor Unit Action Potential
Myopathic - muscle fibers drop out - size of motor unit is reduced
EMG - Increased amplitude and duration of Motor Unit Action Potentials
Neuropathic - muscle denervation and compensatory sprouting
Motor units are larger and more clustered
EMG - Early full recruitment
Myopathic - smaller motor units
Muscle fires all available units to generate adequate force
Loss of orderly progression
Immune-mediated inflammatory disorder of muscle
Skin rash present
Cellular infiltration, perifascicular atrophy
Abs directed against endothelial cells --> capillary necrosis
Associated w/ cancer in 30% of patients - paraneoplastic syndrome
Nerve conduction studies - prolonged distal motor and F wave latencies
Demyelinating polyneropathy - slows conduction velocity
Albumino-cytologic dissociation
Elevated CSF protein w/o cellular reaction
Typical but not diagnostic of Guillian-Barre Syndrome
Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome
Weakness, Spasticity, Hyperreflexive, Babinski's sign, loss of fine voluntary movement
Lower Motor Neuron Syndrome
Weakness, Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexive,
decreased tone, fasciculations and fibrillations, atrophy
Involuntary but synchronized contraction of all fibers in a motor unit
Indicates denervation and resprouting
Spontaneous contraction of single muscle fiber
Golgi Stain
Random selectin of entire cells
Nissl Stain
Cell bodies
Weigert Stain
Myelinated axons
BA 4
Primary Motor Cortex
BA 6
Premotor Cortex
BA 8
Supplementary Motor Cortex
Premotor Cortex
Projections to primary motor cortex and spinal cord
Involved in selecting, planning, and prepareing movements
Mental rehersal invokes activity
Activity decreases w/ practice as movements become more automatic
Traditional view of motor cortex function
Individual neurons encode activation of specific muscles
Population code view of motor cortex function
Individual neurons encode a particular direction of movement of specific muscle
Vector average of directions determines muscle movement
Prolonged stimulation of motor cortex
Results in goal-oriented movement
Move monkey's hand away from mouth but to any other spot
Prolonged stimulation induces monkey to bring hand to mouth
Cerebellar Lesions - Clinical Syndromes
Hypotonia - diminished resistance to passive limb movement
Ataxia - lack of coordinated / ordered movement
Intention tremor
Errors in range of movement - touching finger to nose, overshoot / undershoot
Inability to sustain regular rhythm or amount of force
Ataxia - components
Lack of coordination of eye movements during walking
Delay to initiate movements
Decomposition of movement
Lateral zone / hemispheres
Involved in motor preparation and planning
Mossy Fiber Input from Cortex --> Pons --> Mid Cerebellar Peduncle
Purkinje Cell output --> Dentate nucleus --> Sup Cerebellar Peduncle --> VL Thalamus
Decussates to contralateral Cortex --> regulates ipsilateral muscles
Intermediate zone and medial zone / paravermis and vermis
Regulates posture and limb movement / medial muscles (vermis) and limbs (paravermis)
Mossy Fiber Input from Spinal Cord Clark's Nucleus --> Inf Cerebellar Peduncle
Output from vermis --> Fastigial nucleus --> Vestibular nuc and pontine reticular formation
Output from Paravermis --> Interposed nucleus --> Red Nucleus
No decussation --> ipsilateral muscles
Flocculus and Nodulus
Regulates balance and coordination of head and eyes
Input from Vestibular (Scarpa's) ganglion and superior colliculus
Purkinje Cell output --> Vestibular Nuclei iin brainstem
Deep Cerebellar Nuclei
Cerebrocerrebellum --> Dentate Nucleus
Vermis --> Fastigial Nucleus
Paravermis --> Interposed Nuclei
Vestibulocerebellum --> project directly to vestibular nuclei in brainstem
Cerebellar Cortical Layers - Superficial to Deep
Molecular - most superficial
Purkinje - middle
Granular - deepest
Granular Layer cell types
Granule Cells - excitatory glutamate
Golgi cells - inhibitory GABA
Purkinje Layer cell types
Purkinje cells - Inhibitory GABA
Molecular Layer cell types
Basket cells - Inhibitory GABA
Stellate cells - Inhibitory GABA
Cerebellar Circuitry - Mossy Fibers
Inputs from Cerebral Cortex (pontine nuclei), spinal cord, and vestibular system
Excitatory input to deep cerebellar nuclei and granule cells
Cerebellar Circuitry - Granule Cells
Excitatory input from mossy fibers
Axons ascend into molecular layer, branch to form T-junction, extend as parallel fibers
Axons are parrallel to cortical surface, perpendicular to Purkinje cell dendrites
Excitatory glutamate input to Purkinje cells - simple spikes
High degree of convergence and divergence
Weak individual input - many inputs per cell
Cerebellar Circuitry - Climbing Fibers
Axons from Inferior Olive - enter through contralateral inferior cerebellar peduncle
Excitatory input to single or few Purkinje Cells
Strong input - high safety factor - high probablity of eliciting AP (complex spike) in purkinje cell
Cerebellar Circuitry - Golgi Cells
Inhbit Granule Cells
Negative feedback fo mossy fiber input pathway
Cerebellar Circuitry - Basket and Stellate Cells
Local inhibitory interneurons
Fine tune Purkinje Cell response to mossy fiber input
Cerebellar Circuitry - Purkinje Cells
Weak excitatory input from Granule Cells - Simple spikes
Strong excitatory input from climbing fibers - Complex spikes
Inhibitory output to deep cerrebellar nuclei (or vestibular nuclei in brainstem)
Strong activation of Purkinje cell results in decreased activation of deep cerebellar nuclei
Purkinje Cell Simple Spikes
Na+ mediated action potentials
Stimulated by excitatory input from parallel fibers
Frequency of 50-60 Hz
Related to external environmental stimulus
Purkinje Cell Complex Spikes
Ca2+ mediated action potentials - several consecutive, longer lasting spikes
Stimulated by excitatory input from single climbing fiber
Frequency of 1 Hz
Not related to external environmental stimulus
Regular intervals, may be timing signal to motor coordination
Effects of inactivating (cooling) deep cerebellar nuceli
Delayed, oscillatory movements
Overshoot target, take abnormally long to stop
Unable to anticipate and compensate for changes in force
Neural Computation functions of Cerebellum
Anticipate and compensate for force
Cognitively evaluate sensory input - discrimination of sensory features
Classical conditioning - plasticity to couple US w/ CS
Motor Learning - Vestibulo Occular Reflex
Addiction - Drugs induce hyperresponsiveness in cerebellum --> reduce prefrontal activity
Cerebellum Cognitive Functions
Increased activity when subject is mentally active - sensory discrimination
Muscle tone sufficient to maintain desired body position against pull of gravity
Maintenance of center of body mass above base of support
Anticipatory Postural Control - Feedforward
Motor cortex elicits coordinated limb movement - Lateral Corticospinal Tract
Anticipatory Postural Adjustments controlled by Anterior (uncrossed) Corticospinal Tract, Reticulo Spinal Tract and Vestibulo Spinal Tract from Brainstem
Predicts disturbances and produces pre-programmed responses - fastest response
Modifiable with experience
Compensatory Postural Control - Feedback
Stimulated by Proprioceptors - Muscle Spindles and Golgi Tendon Organs
Feeback directly influences spinal motor circuits
Feedback projects to cerebellum and brain stem to alter subsequent feedforward movements
Adjustments evoked by loss of posture and/or balance during movement - slower response
Modifialbe with experience
Lateral Motor System
Spinal motor neurons located dorso-laterally in ventral gray of spinal cord
Propriospinal and local interneuorns located in lateral intermediate spinal gray zone
Propriosonal interneurons extend only a few segments, independent control of muscles
Descending axons of Lateral Corticospinal Tract and Rubrospinal Tract
Controls muscles of distal limbs
Medial Motor System
Spinal motor neurons located in antero-medial spinal gray matter
Propriospinal and local interneurons located in medial intermediate spinal gray zone
Propriospinal interneurons extend many segments, link functional agonists
Descending axons of Reticulospinal, Vestibulospinal, and Anterior Corticospinal tracts
Control postural / axial muscles
Step Cycle - Muscle contraction patterns
Extensors contract during stance phase
Flexors contract during swing phase
Same type muscles contract in temporally overlapping sequential pattern - not simultaneously
Extension/stance = constant length
Flexion / swing = variable length
Central Pattern Generator - Locomotion
Generates rhythmic repeating motor pattern in response to non-rhythmic input
Located in Spinal Cord segments that control relevant muscles
Regulated by descending Reticulospinal projections
Regulated by sensory feedback from limbs, joints, and skin
Descending Control of Spinal Locomoter Central Pattern Generator
Initiated in motor / premotor cortex --> Mesencephalic Locomotor Region (MLR)
MLR --> Medullar Reticular Formation (MRF)
MRF axons descend in Reticulospinal Tract --> Spinal Locomoter CPG
CPG --> motor neurons innervating limb muscles
Feedback from Spinal Central Pattern Generator
CPG --> Brainstem
Modulates activity of Reticulospinal Tract
Converts RST tonic activity to rhythmic
Spinal Central Pattern Generator - circuitry
Reciprocally inhibitory populations of functionally antagonistic interneurons
Interneurons stimulate flexor and extensor motor neurons
Interneurons inhibit eachother - rhythmic alternation
Strength of Descending Activity - CPG
Increasing strength of tonic stimulation of MLR increases speed of locomotion
Slow walk --> Fast walk --> trotting --> galloping
Change in L/R coordination - not simply same pattern but faster
Increased stimulation --> gait pattern change
Locomotor Central Pattern Generator Location
Bilaterally symmetric network in Medial aspect of intermediate gray zone
Candidate CPG members must demonstrate rhythmicity related to locomotor rhythm
Cadidate CPG members must demonstrate altered rhythm in their absence
HB9 interneurons - fire burst of AP in rhythm w/ extensor motor neurons
Nerve Conduction Velocity
Stimulate neuron distally, record latency to muscle response
Stimulate neuron proximally, record latency to muscle response
(Proximal - Distal) / (Proximal Latency - Distal Latency) = Time / Distance = Velocity
Nerve Conduction Study - Normal Velocity, Decreased CMAP
Axonal Neuropathy
Nerve Conduction Study - Conduction block
Focal demyelinating neuropathy
Nerve Conduction Study - Decreased Velocity, Normal Amplitude
Uniform Demyelinating neuropathy
Genetic Peripheral Demyelinating Disorders - mutant genes
Peripheral myelin protein 22
Myelin P Zero
Connexin 32
Combined account for 95% of disorders
Repetitive Nerve Stimulation Studies
Electrically stimulate nerve 6-10 times at 2/3 Hz
Record Compound Muscle Action Potential over muscle
Normal muscle - No change in CMAP after repetitive stimulation
Endplate potential will decrease, but stay above muscle AP threshold
Repetitive Nerve Stimulation - Decremental Response
Neuromuscular transmission disorders
Seen in Myasthenia Gravis
Reduced initial end plate potential - further reduction falls below muscle AP threshold
Neonatal Hypotonia - Localization: Central v Peripheral Lesion
Other brain abnormality: C +++ P+/-
Organ Malformation: C+ P+/-
Tendon Reflexes: C - brisk/normal P - depressed/absent
Postural Reflexes: C - preserved P - Depressed/absent
Fisting of hands: C + P -
Facial Weakness: C - P +/-
Limb Weakness: C +/- P +++
Fasciculation: C - P +/-
Neonatal Hypotonia - Anterior Horn Cell Lesion - Pattern of Weakness
Face +/-
Arms and Legs ++++
Proximal > Distal
DTR absent
Neonatal Hypotonia - Muscle Lesion - Pattern of Weakness
Face variable
Arms and Legs +++
Proximal > Distal
DTR normal/decreased/absent
Neonatal Hypotonia - NMJ Lesion - Pattern of Weakness
Face +++
Arms and Legs +++
Proximal >/= Distal
DTR normal/decreased/absent
Neonatal Hypotonia - Peripheral Nerve Lesion - Pattern of Weakness
Face -
Arms and Legs +++
Proximal < Distal
DTR decreased/absent
Neonatal Hypotonia - Nerve Conduction Study and EMG results - site of involvement
Central: NCS - normal EMG - normal
Anterior Horn: NCS - normal EMG - Fasciculation/fibrilation
Peripheral Nerve: NCS - abnormal EMG - fibrilation
NMJ: NCS - normal/decremental/incremental EMG - Normal / Short duration small amplitude
Muscle: NCS - normal EMG - short duration small amplitude
EMG - Neurogenic Lesion - LMN
Insertional activity - increased
Spontaneous activity - Fibrilation / Positive waves
Motor Unit Potential - Large amplitude / duration, limited recruitment
Interference Pattern - Reduced / fast firing rate
EMG - Neurogenic Lesion - UMN
Insertional activity - normal
Spontaneous activity - None
Motor Unit Potential - Normal
Interference Pattern - Reduced / slow firing rate
EMG - Myogenic Lesion - Myopathy
Insertional activity - normal
Spontaneous activity - none
Motor Unit Potential - small amplidue / duration, early recruitment
Interference Pattern - Full / Low amplitude
EMG - Polymyositis
Insertional activity - increased
Spontaneous activity - Fibrilation / Positive waves
Motor Unit Potential - Small amplitude / duration, early recruitment
Interference Pattern - Full / Low amplitude
Myotubular Myopathy
MTM1 gene mutation
Severe phenotype - truncating and splicing mutations
Mild phenotype - missense mutations and 3' mutations
Midline Cerebellar Lesion
Truncal and Proximal limb dysfunction
Titubation - Truncal tremor
Ataxic gait - wide based, lurching, short unequal steps, asynchronous arm swing
Symptoms more prominent w/ sudden change of direction
Patient unable to perform tandem gait (heel to toe)
Hemispheric Cerebellar Lesion
Limb Ataxia: Arms > Legs
Complex and fast movements worse
Decomposition of movement, delayed initiation
Dysmetria, Dysdiadochokinesis
Oscillatory intention tremor
Rebound - Cerebellar Dysfunction
Inability to stop an ongoing movement
Abnormal jerking eye movements
Fast phase and slow correcting phase
Ocular Dysmetria
Inacurate occular fixation on target, overshoot and oscillate
Ataxic Dysarthria
Disruption of metrical structure of speech
Phenomes and intervals too long/shor
Incorrect emphasis on syllables
Harsh and monotonous speech
Scanning speech - slow and deliberate production of syllables
Signs of Cerebellar Dysfunction
Gait ataxia, titubation, tremor, dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesis, rebound, nystagmus
Ocular dysmetria, scanning speech, cognitive dysfunction
Acute v Chronic Cerebellar Damage - muscle tone
Acute hypotonia
Chronic normal tone
Sensory v Cerebellar Ataxia
Sensory Ataxia - loss of input to cerebellum
Appendicular ataxia and wide based gait
Position and vibration impaired --> dependent on visual feedback
Positive Romberg sign
Cerebellar Ataxia - may be restricted to gait or limbs
Gait more lurching, staggering
Position and Vibration sense are spared
Vestibular dysfunction v Cerebellar damage
Vestibular dysfunction - Vertigo
Corticospinal Tract Disease v Cerebellar damage
CST disease - UMN signs present
Proximal limb weakness v Cerebellar damage
Proximal Limb Weakness - Weakness, rhythmycity preserved
Superior Cerebellar Artery
Branches off Basilar Artery -
Supplies superior surface of cerebellum
Fastigial, interposed, and dentate nuclei
Sup Cerebellar Peduncle and Mid Cerebellar Peduncle
Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
Branches off Basilar Artery
Supplies lateral regions of infereior surface of cerebellum
Part of Mid Cerebellar Peduncle
Caudoventral Dentate nuclei
Labyrinth of ear (branches)
Posterior Inferior Cerebeller Artery
Branches off each vertebral artery
Supplies medial regions of infereior surface of cerebellum
Dorsolateral medulla
Superior Cerebellar Artery Syndrome
Ipsilateral Cerebellar Ataxia
Nausea, vomiting, dysarthria
Loss of pain and temperature sensation contralateral
Partial deafness, arm tremor
+/- ipsilateral Horner's Syndrome
Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Syndrome
Ipsilateral Deafness
Ipsilateral facial weakness
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Syndrome
Wallenburg Syndrome
Sensory and sympathetic disturbances
Cerebellar and pyramidal tract signs
Dysfunction of CN V, IX, X, and XI
Cerebellar Vascular Disease - Causes
Ischemic Stroke
Aneurysms - occur at sites of structural weakness, vascular junctions
Ateriovenous malformations - no capillary bed --> high blood pressure in venous system
Global hypoxemia
Cerebellar Mutism
Commonly seen after surgery in posterior cranial fossa
Decreased / absent speech, irritability, hypotonia, ataxia
Severe incoordination of volitional motor aspects of speech
May be immediate or delayed
Most common location for brain tumor in children
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Cerebellar Malformations - Chiari I
Static herniation of medulla and cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum
4th ventricle in normal position
Cerebellar Malformations - Chiari II
Neural tube closure defect --> inadequate 4th ventricl formation / small posterior fossa
Herniation of medulla, cerebellar tonsils, and vermis through foramen magnum
Towering cerebellum, tectal beaking, myelomeningoecele, aqueductal stenosis
Cerebellar Malformations - Chiari III
Herniation of medulla, cerebellar tonsils and vermis, and 4th ventricle through foramen magnum
Associated w/ encephalocele or myelomeningocele
Dandy Walker Malformation
Cerebellar malformation - neonatal presentation
Cystlike dilation of 4th ventricle
Cerebellar vermis absent
Enlarged posterior fossa
Joubert Syndrome
Cerebellar malformation - neonatal presentation
Hypoplasia of cerebellar vermis
Midbrain appears like "molar tooth" on imaging
Breathing abnormalities, hypotonia, eye movement abnormalities
Ataxia, mental retardation
Midline Cerebellar tumor
Causes truncal instability and gait ataxia
Dysarthria - clumsy hand syndrome
Due to infarction in superior cerebellar artery
Ipsilateral dysmetria and intention tremor
Slurred speech - slow and deliberate
Post-infectious cerebellitis
Acute cerebellar ataxia - explosive onset of gait ataxia and nystagmus
Antecedant viral infection - commonly varicella
Typically seen in children < 5 years
Full recovery after weeks / months
Multiple Sclerosis
Chronic inflammatory disease of CNS
Inflammation, demyelination, glial scarring
Cerebellum involvement common
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
Tumor associated degeneration - associated w/ specific anti-neuronal antibodies
anti-Hu - small cell lung carcinoma
anti-Yo - ovarian or breast cancer
anti-Ri - breast and lung cancer
Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome - associated w/ neuroblastoma
Toxic Cerebellar Disease
Acute or chronic
Anti-epileptic drugs - carbamazepine, phenytoin
Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Group of autosomal dominant disorders
Slowly progressive gait and limb ataxia
Akinesia, rigidity, tremor, hyporeflexia
Many associated w/ triplet repeat expansions
Basal Ganglia - Input nuclei
Striatum - Caudate and Putamen
Caudate receives input from cortical association areas - premotor cortex and supplementary motor areas
Putamen receives input from motor cortex
Seperated by white matter of internal capsule
Basal Ganglia - Output nuclei
Substantia nigra Pars Reticularis and Globus Pallidus Interna
Basal Ganglia - Intrinsic nuceli
Globus Pallidus Externa, Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta, and Subthalamic Nuclei
Lenticular Nucleus
Putamen and Globus Pallidus
Substantia Nigra
Dopmaine oxidizes to form quinones --> polymetize into neuromelanin (black)
Pars compacta - dopaminergic neurons --> striatum
Pars reticularis - receives input from striatum and STN --> projects to thalamus
Basal Ganglia - Direct Pathway
Initiation of movement - learning positive outcomes associated w/ behaviors
Excitatory signal from cortex (ACh) --> striatum
Excitatory signal from SNc (DA) --> striatum (D1 receptors)
Striatum activation increases inhibitory output (GABA) to GPi / SNr
Gpi/SNr inhibition decreases inhibitory output (GABA) to thalamus
Disinhibition of thalamus results in excitatory signal to motor cortex
Basal Ganglia - Indirect Pathway
Termination of movement - learning negative outcomes associated w/ behaviors
Excitatory signal from cortex (ACh) --> striatum
Inhibitory input from SNC (DA) --> striatum (D2 receptors)
Striatum activation decreases inhibitory output (GABA) to GPe
GPe inhibition decreases inhibitory output (GABA) to STN
Disinhibition of STN results in excitatory signal (Glu) to GPi/SNr
GPi/SNr activation increases inhibitory output (GABA) to thalamus
Inhibition of thalamus reduces excitatory signal to motor cortex
Parkinson's Disease - Histology
Aggregation of α-synuclein into cytoplasmic Lewy Bodies
Loss of neurons in Substantia Nigra
Glial proliferation, microglial inflammation
Parkinson's Disease - Signs and Symptoms
Bradykinesia - slow initiation of voluntary movement / lack of spontaneous movement
Rigidity - increased muscle tone, ratchet resistance to movement
Resting tremor
Stooped and unstable posture
Depression, constipation, urinary symptons, sleep disorders, hyposmia
Parkinson's Disease - Pathology
Loss of dopamine input to striatum
Reduced activity through direct pathway --> less thalamic disinhibition
Increased activity through indirect pathway --> more thalamic inhibition
Deep brain stimulation of STN or GPI can improve symptoms
Huntington's Disease - Signs and Symptoms
Chorea - brief, jerk-like movements
Athetosis - slow, writhing movements
Mental decline - executive dysfunction, slowness, memory decline
Personality changes - irritable, anxious, depressed
Huntington's Disease - Genetics
Triplet repeat expansion - CAG
Autosomal dominant - anticipation
Protein product functions in axonal transport, vesicle exocytosis and endocytosis
Huntington's Disease - Pathology
Selective loss of medium spiny GABAergic neurons in striatum
Reduced activity through indirect pathway --> disinhibition of thalamus
Increased thalamic stimulation of cortex
Motor defects - Cerebellar / Pyramidal / Basal Ganglia
Brainstem / Cerebellar injury --> Ataxia
Pyramidal system injury --> weakness, spasticity, hyperreflexia
Basal ganglia injury --> Bradykinesia, Rigidity, postural instability, hyperkinesis, no weakness
Striatum Interneurons
95% medium spiny - GABA - Inhibitory
5% large spiny - ACh - inhibits direct pathway (M4-R) / stimulates indirect pathway (M1-R)
ACh inhibits activity of thalamus
Dopamine Biosynthesis
Tyrosine --> L-DOPA --> Dopamine
Rate limiting step: Tyrosine --> L-DOPA via tyrosine hydroxylase
Parkinson's Pharmacology - Levodopa
Levodopa replacement of dopamine - crosses BBB
Converted to Dopamine by Dopa Decarboxylase (DDC) - present in brain and peripherally
Co-administer w/ carbidopa and benserazide - peripheral inhibitors of DDC, do not cross BBB
Side effects due to peripheral conversion to DA - nausea, orthostatic hypotension
Peak-dose chorea / End of dose dystonia
Parkinson's Pharmacology - DA receptor agonists
Longer lasting effects than L-DOPA, more selective receptor stimulation
Parkinson's Pharmacology - inhibit DA breakdown
Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (MAO-B) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT)
Parkinson's Pharmacology - ACh muscarinic antagonists
Block ACh-M receptor activity in striatal interneurons - relieve inhibition on thalamus
Parkinson's Therapy - Deep brain stimulation
Inactivate GPi or STN
Huntington's Disease Pharmacology
Nothing available to halt disease progression
Dopamine inhibition for symptomatic treatment
Antidepressants / antipsychotics for personality and mood changes
Rhythmical and sinusoidal movement
Parkinson's Disease v Essential Tremor
PD: Asymmetrical, Rest > postural/action
Bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, shuffling gait
Micrographia - small handwriting
ET: Symmetrical, Postural/action > rest
No bradykinesia, no rigidity, normal gait
Shaky graphia - large, jagged, messy handwriting
Chin Tremor and Facial Masking
Parkinson's Disease
Head tremor
Essential Tremor
Irregular, random, abrupt, flowing movement
Hereditary - Huntington's, Spinocerebellar ataxia, neuroacanthocytosis
Secondary - Hyperthyroid, stroke, SLE, acute renal failure, drugs
Low amplitude chorea - affects distal muscles
High amplitude chorea - affects proxmial muscles
Unilateral High amplitude chorea - affects proximal muscles
Usually due to structural lesions - STN
Irregular shock-like movements
Fast and slow phase
Hereditary - Essential Tremor, epileptic, degenerative
Secondary - Metabolic, drugs, lesions, degenerative
Toxic Metabolic Myoclonus - worsens w/ attempted action
Abrupt, brief, stereotyped movement
Partial voluntary control - can be temporarily suppressed
Motor and vocal
Sustained muscle contractions w/ twisitng posutres
Repetitive movements w/ fixed posture
Writer's Dystonia
Core common features - Rigidity, Akinesia / Bradykinesia, Basal Ganglia Pathology
Seen in Parkinson's, Mutiple systems atrophy, Progressive supranuclear palsy
Multiple Systems Atrophy
Parkinsonism + Autonomic Failure
More symmetric, less prominent tremor
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Parkinsonism + opthalmoparesis (weakness in eye movement muscles)
"surprised" facial expression
Corticobasal Degeneration
Parkinsonism + Apraxia and Dystonia
Very Asymmetric, myoclonus features, not tremor
Wilson's Disease
Parkinsonism + Dystonia (young onset)
Facial and voice dystonia
Disorder of Copper Metabolism
Diencephalon subdivisions
Dorsal Thalamus - Thalamus
Epithalamus - includes pineal gland
Subthalamus - includes subthalamic nuclei
Thalamus boundaries
Anteriorly - interventricular foramen
Superiorly - transverse cerebral fissure and floor of lateral ventricles
Inferiorly - hypothalamic sulcus (seperates thalamus from hypothalamus)
Posteriorly - overlaps w/ midbrain
Laterally - internal capsule
Medially - 3rd ventricle
Thalamus anatomy - myelinated fibers
Internal Medullar Lamina
Divides thalamus into medial and lateral division
Splits to surround anterior division
Thalamus anatomy - Lateral Division - nuclei / function
Dorsal Tier:
Lateral Dorsal - Limbic
Pulvinar / Lateral Posterior - Association
Ventral Tier:
Ventral Anterior (VA) / Ventral Lateral (VL) - motor relay
Ventral Posterolateral - body sensory relay
Ventral Posteromedial - head sensory relay
Medial Geniculate - auditory relay
Lateral Geniculate - visual relay
Thalamic relay nuclei
VPL/VPM - sensory relay for body / head
LGN - visual
MGN - auditory
VA/VL - motor
Anterior Nucleus - Limbic system - input from mammilary bodis output to cingulate gyrus
Thalamic association nuclei
Dorsomedial Nucleus:
Input from prefrontal cortex, limbic system, and amygdala
Functions in affect and foresight
Pulvinar / Lateral posterior Nucleus
Inpyt from parietal-occipital-temporal association cortex
Functions in visual perception
Thalamic neurons - types
Thalamocortical - glutaminergic excitatroy projection neurons
Local interneurons - GABA inhibitory local collaterals
Nucleus Reticularis Neurons - GABA inhibitory local neurons - rim around dorsal/lateral aspect
Thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuit
Thalamocortical (TC) projection neurons (Glu) to cortex - no TC-TC connections
Reciprocal excitatory projections (Glu) from cortex to TC neurons
TC and CT neurons send collaterals to Reticular Nucleus
Reticular Nucleus sends inhibitory (GABA) projections to multiple TC cell bodies
TC neurons communicate w/ eachother via Reticular Nucleus
Inhibitory interneurons (GABA) synapse on TC cell bodies
Thalamocortical neuron electrophysiology
Tonic: Vm = -55mv --> depolarization causes sustained discharge
NA+ mediated AP frequency proportional to inuput
Silent: Vm = -60mv --> depolarization insufficient to reach firing threshold
Bursting: Vm = -70mV --> T-Type Ca2+ channels no longer inactivated
Depolarization causes Ca2+ influx --> burst of 2-5 Na+ spikes
Thalamocortical Tonic-Burst Transition
Tonic firing = relay mode --> faithfully relays prethalamic input to cortex
Burst mode = interuption of sensory info flow --> burst not related to pre-thalamic input
Brainstem / basal forebrain produce ACh and NEPI --> neuromodulatory effects on brain
Awake - high ACh/NEPI levels - close K+ leack channels - TC Vm near -55 mV --> Tonic
Sleep - low ACh/NEPI levels - TC Vm near -70 mV --> Bursting threshold
CNS Acetylcholine source
Nucleus Basalis of Meynert, brainstem reticular formation
CNS Noradrenaline source
Locos coeruleus
CNS serotonin source
Periacqueductal Gray, Dorsal Raphe Nucleus
CNS dopamine source
Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta
Human Paleocortex
Base of telencephalon - involved w/ olfaction
Human Archicortex
Agranular Cortex
Apparent lack of stellate (granule) cells
Areas that give rise to many projection axons - Many large pyramidal cells
Motor cortex
Granular Cortex
Many small cells (pyramidal and non-pyramidal)
Areas that receive lots of input - do not give rise to projection axons
Primary Sensory Cortices
Homotypical / Heterotypical Cortex
Homotypical - 6 distinct neocortical layers
Heterotypical - Granular and Agranular cortex
Cortical Columnar Orientation
Cells arranged in column perpendicular to cortical surface
Respond to same type of stimulus
Cortical Pyramidal Cells
Excitatory, glutaminergic projection neurons
Axon collaterals to adjacent pyramidal and local interneurons
Apical dendrite ascends through layers - basal dendrites w/in same layer
High and varying density of spines on dendrites - sites of excitatory input
Layers 2-6
Cortical Spiny Stellate (granule) cells
Excitatory, glutaminergic interneurons
Layer 4 - target of thalamic input
Multipolar dendritic tree
Ascending axon bundles into layers 2 and 3
Cortical Basket Cells
Inhibitory GABAergic interneurons
Smooth non-spiny cells
Axons stay in local network
Regular Spiking (RS) Cortical Cells
Generate sustained firing proportional to depolarizing input
Most excitatory cells - pyramidal and spiny stellate
Fast Spiking (FS) Cortical Cells
Thin action potentials, brief spike afterhyperpolarizaton (HAP)
Output frequency proportional to depolarizing input
Higher firing frequency compared to RS in response to same input
Most inhibitory cells - Baskey/non-spiny
Bursting Cells
All-or-none bursr of high frequency spikes
Subpopulation of pyramidal cells
Properties of local cortical circuits
Recurrent excitatory input b/w neighboring excitatory cells - synapse on spines
Excitatory input drive feedforward and feedback inhibiotry input - don't synapse on spines
Route of information flow through cortex
Thalamus --> L4 --> L2/3 <--> L5 --> L6 --> Thalamus
Somatosensory nerve endings
Generate graded potentials - behave like dendrites
Somatosensory free nerve endings
Tuned for pain, temperature, and crude touch
All other somatosensory receptors are mechanoreceptors
Slow adapting somatosensory receptors
Signal sustained presence of stimulus
Free nerve endings, Merkel's disks, Ruffini's corpuscles, Muscle Spindles, Golgi Tendon Organs
Fast adapting somatosensory receptors
Signal onset and offset of stimulus
Meissner's corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, Muscle Spindles
Lateral / Surround Inhibition
Stimulation of receptor excites cell - axon collateral to recurrent inhibitory interneurons
Inhibit adjacent receptor cells
Enhance contrast b/w signal and noise
Occurs at every level where synapse has occurred
Cortical Representation - Receptive Fields
Increased cortical representation --> increased receptor density, 2 point discrimintation
Decreased receptive field size
Primary SS cortex - body representation - stimulus type
3a - muscle afferents
3b - cutaneous receptors
2 - deep pressure receptors
1 - rapidy adapting cutaneous receptors
Cranial Nerves Exiting at Ponto-Medullary Junction
Laterally exiting cranial nerves
V, VII, IX, and X - all mixed sensory / motor
Medially exiting cranial nerves
III, IV, VI, and XII - all motor
Medial Lemniscus Position in Brainstem
Moves from medial to lateral position while ascending
"Stands on Pyramids" in Medulla - midline, D/V axis
Ventral end rotates laterally in Pons - drift away from midline
Elongated medial-lateral orientation in Midbrain - far from midline
Anterolateral System Position in Brainstem
Courses in lateral aspect - does not change location
Descending Hypothalamic Fiber Position in Brainstem
Courses in lateral aspect w/ ALST - does not change position
Brainstem Anatomy - 4th ventricle in…
Pons and Rostral Medulla
Brainstem Anatomy - Cerebral aqueduct in…
Brainstem Anatomy - Central canal in…
Caudal Medulla
Brainstem Anatomy - Cerebellar Peduncles in…
Medulla - ICP
Pons - ICP / MCP / SCP
Midbrain - SCP
Brainstem Anatomy - Olives in…
Rostal Medulla
Brainstem Anatomy - Pyramidal Decussation in…
Caudal Medulla - Medullary-cervical junction
Brainstem Anatomy - Caudal Medulla Structures
Pyramidal Decussation
Central Canal
Nucleus Gracilis / Fasciculus Gracilis
Nucleus Cuneatus / Fasciculus Cuneatus
Beginings of Medial Lemniscus Dorsal to Pyramids
Brainstem Anatomy - Rostral Medulla Structures
Inferior Olivary Nuclei - Dentate Cerebellar Nuclei looks similar but on dorsal aspect
4th Ventricle
Medial Lemniscus Dorsal to Pyramids
Vestibular Nuceli - CN VIII
Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
Hypoglossal Nuclei / Nerve - CN XII
Brainstem Anatomy - Caudal Pons Structures
Transverse Pontine Fibers - Pontocerebellear fibers
4th ventricle
Cranial Nerves VI, VII, and VIII
Sup / Mid / Inf Cerebellar Peduncle
Medial Lemniscus is diagonal and lateral from midline
Brainstem Anatomy - Rostral Pons Structures
4th Ventricle
Cranial Nerve V
Transverse Pontine Fibers - Pontocerebellar fibers
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
Dorsal Longitudinal Fasciculus
Medial Lemniscus elongated and lateral to midline
Brainstem Anatomy - Caudal Midbrain Structures
Inferior Colliculi
Cerebral Aqueduct - Periaqueductal Gray
Decussation of Superior Cerebellar Peduncles
Cerebral Peduncles
Medial Lemniscus elongated - dorsal to cerebral peduncle
Lateral Lemniscus surrounding Inferior Colliculi
Brainstem Anatomy - Rostral Midbrain Structures
Superior Colliculi
Cerebral Aqueduct - Periaqueductal Gray
Red Nucleus and Substantia Nigra
Cerebral Peduncles
Cranial Nerve III exiting in interpeduncular fossa
Ventral Tegmental Area
Brainstem Anatomy - Arrangement of CN VI and CN VII
CN VI nuclei located dorso-medial to CN VII nuclei
CN VII axons project medially and loop around CN VI nuclei before projecting laterally and exiting
Facial Weakness - UMN v LMN
Most cranial nerve LMN receive bilateral UMN input - except some LMN in facial nerve (VII)
Facial LMN in Pons --> ipsilateral facial muscles
Bilaterally innervated LMN --> ipsilateral upper face / shut eyes and wrinkle forehead
Uni/Contralateral Innervated of LMN --> ipsilateral lower face / nose, mouth, and chin
UMN Lesion - usually unilateral --> contralateral weakness of lower face
LMN lesion --> ipsilateral total facial weakness (Bell's Palsy)
Brainstem Nerve Fiber Classification
G / S: General - whole body / Special - Head or Neck only
V / S: Visceral - smooth muscle, glands, heart / Somatic - skeletal muscle or skin
A / E: Afferent - sensory / Efferent - Motor
Neural Tube - Brainstem Patterning
Neural Tube - Dorsal = Sensory / Ventral = Motor
D/V seperated by Sulcus Limitans
Brainstem - Neural tube split at roof, rotates
Medial = Motor (Neural Tube Ventral) / Lateral = Sensory (Neural Tube Dorsal)
Brainstem Cranial Nerve Nuclei Organization
Discontinous columns of functionally similar motor nuclei
Midline -GSE - GVE - SVE - Sulcus Limitans
Continuous columns of sensory nuclei
Sulcus Limitans - SVA - GVA - SSA - GSA - Lateral
Brainstem Cranial Nerve Nuclei - GSE
Column 1 next to midline - Innervated Skeletal Muscle
Occulomotor Nuc - CN III - Midbrain - Adduct eye and raise eyelid (Ips except contra sup rect)
Trochlear Nuc - CN IV - Midbrain - Depress eye (Contralateral)
Abducens Nuc - CN VI - Pons - Abduct eye (Ipsilateral)
Hypoglossal Nuc - CN XII - Medulla - Moves tongue (Ipsilateral)
Brainstem Cranial Nerve Nuclei - GVE
2nd column from midline - Pre-ganglionic Parasympathetics
Edinger-Westphal Nuc - CN III - Midbrain - Pupil constriction and near response (ipsilateral)
Sup Salvatory Nuc - CN VII - Pons - Lacrimal gland (ipsilateral)
Inf Salivatory Nuc - CN IX - Medulla - Parotid gland (ipsilateral)
Dorsal Motor Nuc of Vagus - CN X - Medulla - gut viscera
Brainstem Cranial Nerve Nuclei - SVE
3rd column from midline - Pharyngeal arch derived muscles
Motor Trigeminal Nuc - CN V - Pons - Muscles of mastication (ipsilateral)
Motor Facial Nuc - CN VII - Pons - Muscles of facial expression (ipsilateral)
Nucleus Ambiguus - CN IX,X - Medulla - Palate, pharynx, larynx muscles (ipsilateral)
Brainstem Cranial Nerve Nuclei - SVA / GVA
1st column from Sulcus Limitans - visceral sensory
Solitary Nuc and Tract - Medulla - Gustatory and Cardiorespiratory Nuc
Gustatory Nuc - CN VII, IX, X - Rostral Medulla - Taste (SVA)
Cardiorespiratory Nuc - CN IX, X - Caudal Medulla - Carotid sinus / body - CV regulation (GVA)
Brainstem Cranial Nerve Nuclei - SSA
2nd column from Sulcus Limitans - Vestibulocochlear sensory
Vestibuluar Nuclei - Sup and Lat in Caudal Pons - Med and Spinal in Medulla
Cochlear Nuclei - Rostral medulla - Pontomedullay junction - info from cochlea
Cochlear Nuclei displaced laterally from vestibular nuclei
Brainstem Cranial Nerve Nuclei - GSA
3rd column from Sulcus Limitans - Continuous column of Trigeminal Nuclei (V)
Mesencephalic Nuc and Tract of V - Midbrain - Proprioceptions, jaw muscles
Principle Sensory Nuc of V - Pons - touch
Spinal Trigemincal Nuc - Caudal Pons through Medulla - Pain and temperature
Trigeminal Nerve - Sensory - Touch
Large diameter afferents - cell bodies in Trigeminal Ganglion or Mesencephalic Nucleus
Afferents terminate in Principle Sensory Trigeminal Nucleus
Axons decussate - ascend in Medial Lemniscus to VPM thalamus
Some axons project to Trigeminal Motor nucleus - masseter stretch reflex
Trigeminal Nerve - Sensory - Pain and Temp
Small diameter afferents - cell bodies in trigeminal ganglion
Afferents descend to terminate in spinal trigeminal nucleus
Nucleus Oralis - Facial Touch
Nucleus Interpolaris - Tooth Pulp Pain
Nucleus - Caudalis - Face Pain and Temperature
Axons decussate at level of cell bodies - ascend in Antero Lateral System to VPM thalamus
Nucleus Caudalis - Topography
Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus - Facial Pain and Temperature - Onion Skin Pattern
Most Caudal cell bodies - neck and head behind V3 territory
Most Rostral cell bodies - mouth and nose
Intermediate cell bodies - intermediate layers of facial territory
Babinski Sign
Stroke planta surface of foot
Flexor Plantat Response - absent sign - normal in adults
Extensor Plantar Response - Present sign - normal in neonates, abnormal in adults (UMN Lesion)
Unilateral Babinksi Sign
Lesion of contralateral corticospinal tract
Lesion usually in cerebral hemispheres - distance b/w both CST
Bilateral Babinksi Sign
Lesion of both corticospinal tracts
Lesion usually in spinal cord or brainstem - close proximity
Increased tone
Resistance to external movement increases w/ increasing speed of stretch
Resistance rises before giving way to lower level of tone - clasp knife phenomenom
Typically occurs in Lesion of CST
Increased tone
Resistance to external movement does not vary w/ speed of imposed movement
Typically seen in lesions of extrapyramidal descending tracts (non-CST)
EMG - Spontaneous Activity
Normal Muscle - Silent
Recently denervated - fibrillations (spontaneous action potentials)
Primary Olfactory Sensory Neurons
Located in nasal neuroepithelium
Axons travel in olfactory nerve bundles
Pass through cribiform plate
Project to ipsilateral olfactory bulb in brain
Olfactory Bulb projections
Lateral Olfactory Tract - Ipsilateral Targets
Pyriform Cortex - Olfactory perception
Amygdala - odor associated emotions
Anterior Olfactory Nucleus - send axons to contralateral olfactory bulb
Olfactory Tubercle
Entorhinal Area
Olfactory Neuroepithelium Cells
Olfactory Sensory Neurons - ciliated bipolar receptor cells
Supporting Cells - Glial-like
Basal Cells - stem cell, generate new receptors and supporting cells
Olfactory Signal Transduction
Odorant binding to GPCR in cilia of sensory neuron
Golfα activates adenyly cyclase --> cAMP --> opens cAMP gated channel --> Na and Ca influx
Ca influx activates Ca-gated Cl channel --> Cl efflux
Depolarization --> action potential
Sensory Neuron Receptor Expression
Single nuerons expresses single receptor type
Single receptor can bind multiple odorants - different affinity
Single odorant can bind multiple receptors
Odor quality and intensity coding
Combinatorial coding from multuple receptors
Detect different parts of odorant molecule
Olfactory Coding in Bulb
Axons of sensory neurons expressing same receptor converge onto same glomerulus
Mitral/tufted cell send primary dendrite into single glomerulus (receive OSN input)
Each glomerulus contains primary dendrite from 25-30 MT cells
Single odorant activates mutliple glomeruli / multiple odorants activate single glomeruli
Odor stimulus represented by spatial coding and/or temporal coding of multiple glomeruli
Olfactory Bulb - Cell types
Mitral/Tufted cells - excitatory glutaminergic projection neuron - excitatory input from OSN
Periglomerular cells - inhibitory GABAergic local interneuron - modulate OSN
Granule cells - inhibitory GABAergic local interneuron - lateral inhibition
Olfactory Bulb Lateral Inhibition
M/T cell firing - secondary dendrites release glutamate --> excited granule cells
Grannule cells release GABA to inhibit original and nearby M/T cells
Excitation of M/T cell results in greater inhibiton of neighbor M/T cell - enhances contrast
Lateral Inhibition changes response elicitted by repertoire of odorants
Cortical Olfactory Coding
M/T cells project to olfactory cortex - Piriform (Paleocortex - 3 layers)
Divergent and Convergent input to cortical cells
Odorant activates unique but disperesed group of cortical neurons
No spatial organization - neighboring cortical cells have discontinuous receptive fields
Absence of smell sensation - general or specific
Hyposmia / Hyperosmia
Decreased smell sensation / abnormally acute smell sensation
Distortion of smell sensation
Olfactory hallucination - dysosmia in absence of stimulus
Olfactory agnosia
Inability to recognize odor sensation - common in stroke patients
Odorant Qualities
Volatile organic molecules
Taste Bud Location
Clustered in circumvallate, foliate, and fungiform papillae on tongue
Filiform papillae are mechanically gated - non gustatory
Taste Bud Innervation
Anterior 2/3 of tongue - Facial Nerve VII - Chorda Tempani - Geniculate Ganglion
Posterior 1/3 of tongue - Glossopharyngeal Nerve IX - Lingual Branch - Petrosal ganglion
Taste Information to Cortex
Sensory fibers in Geniculate and Petrosal Ganglion
Fibers enter solitary tract in medulla
Synapse on neurons in rostral and lateral part of solitary nucleus
Axons project to VPM thalamus
Relay to ipsilateral primary gustatory cortex (anterior insular and frontal operculum)
Primary Gustatory Cortex
Anterior Insular Cortex and Frontal Operculum
Input from VPM thalamus (ipsilateral)
Gustatory Transduction - Salt
Na+ stimulus
Opens "Amiloride-sensitive" Na+ channel
Na+ influx depolarizes cell
Gustatory Transduction - Sour
H+ stimulus
H+ sensitive cation channels
H+ influx depolarizes cell
TRP - Transient Receptor Potential proteins can serve as acid channels
Gustatory Transduction - Sweet, Umami, Bitter
Gustducin - Taste cell specific G-protein
Activates Phospholipase C
Opening of TRPm5 channel
Cation influx depolarizes cell
Taste Cells - Receptors and Released products
Each cell has single type of receptor (Salt, Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Umami)
Depolarization of cell causes release of ATP-containing vesicles at synaptic terminals
ATP excites downstream cell - generates action potential
Gustatory Receptors - Sweet, Umamia, Bitter
Sweet = T1R2 + T1R3
Umami = T1R1 + T1R3
Bitter = T2Rs
All are GPCR --> Gustducin --> TRPm5 channel --> Cation influx
Absence of taste sensation
Decreased sensation to tastants
Distortion of taste sensation
Gustatory agnosia
Inability to recognize taste sensation
Chemosensation Overview
Integration of Olfactory, Gustatory, and Somatosensory input
Olfactory - CN I - volatile molecules
Gustatory - CN VII, IX, X - Salty, sour, sweet, bitter, umami
Somatosensory - CN V - texture, spice, mint, temperature
MSG - monosodium glutamate
Amino acids
Meaty - signals protein enriched food
Sucrose, Lactose, Fructose
Signals carbohydrate enriched food
Medulla Cranial Nerves
Pons Cranial Nerves
Midbrain Cranial Nerves
Characteristic Finidng of Brain Stem Disorder
Crossed hemiparesis
Neurologic Deficit on opposite side of a cranial palsy
Cranial palsy ipsilateral to lesion
Neurologic Deficit contralateral to lesion
Medially Located Brainstem Cranial Nerves and Tracts
Corticospinal Tract
DCML (pons and medulla)
Laterally Located Brainstem Cranial Nerves and Tracts
V, VII, VIII, and X
DCML (Midbrain)
Crossed Hemiparesis - Lesion of CN…
Involvement of multiple cranial nerves on same side of body
Suggests lesion outside brainstem - extraaxial
All CN must pass through subarachnoid space surrounded by CSF
Pupillary Light Reflex
Tests integrity of Midbrain
Light stimulus to one eye --> contraction of both pupils
Optic Tract --> Ipsilateral Pretectal Nucleus --> Bilateral Edinger-Westphal Nucleus --> Ciliary Ganglion --> Iris Constrictor Muscles
EW nucleus projects pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers - course on periphery of CN III
Corneal Reflex / Blink Reflex
Tests integrity of Pons
Touch cornea w/ cotton ball --> eyelid blinking
Afferent - V1 - nasociliary branch of opthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve
Efferent - VII
Vestibulo-Occular Reflex
Tests integrity of brainstem from medulla to midbrain
Patient fixates eyes in center - turn head --> eyes rotate in opposite direction to compensate
Vestibular Nerve (VIII) --> ipsilateral Vestibular nuclei --> contralateral Abducens Nuclei (VI) --> Ipsilateral Lat Rectus and Contralateral Occulomotor Nerve --> Ipsilateral Medial Rectus
VI --> III courses in MLF
Coordinated movements of both eyes
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Disorder of Conjugate Lateral Gaze
Indicates Damage to MLF
Unilateral in older patients - commonly vascular accident
Bilateral in younger patients - commonly multiple sclerosis
Brainstem Vasculature
Midline vessels branch of Basilar or Vertebral Arteries
Vertebral Paramedian Arteries only supply one side --> unilateral defects
Isolated CN III palsy
Dilated pupil - Down and Out
Aneurysm until proven otherwise
Commonly at branch point of Posterior Communicating Artery
CN III palsy + Head Trauma
Temporal Lober herniation into midbrain
Compresses CN III
Pupil findings earliest sign of herniation
Wernickes - Korsakoff's Disease
Triad of Double Vision, Confusion, and Ataxia
Deficiency of Thiamine (vitamine B1)
Chronic deficiency results in midbrain hemorrhage
Presents as CN VI palsy
Patients commonly alcoholic or malnourished
CN V palsy
Jaw deviates TOWARDS weak side
Wasting of ipsilateral Temporalis Muscle
Impaired Corneal Reflex (V-->VII)
Localizes lesion in Pons
Wallenberg Syndrome
Lesion to Dorsal-Lateral Medulla
Caused by occlusion of PICA or Vertebral Artery Lateral Branches
Ipsilateral Facial Numbness - CN V
Contralateral Body Numbness - ALST
Ipsilateral Horner's Syndrome
Ipsilateral laryngeal, pharyngeal, and palatal hemiparalysis - CN IX, X, XII
CN IX or X palsy
Palate hemiparalysis
Palate deviates AWAY from weak side
CN XII palsy
Ipsilateral tongue atrophy
Brain major vascular supply
Receives 20% of cardiac output
80% from Internal Carotid Arteries --> anterior circulation
20% from Vertebral Arteries --> posterior circulation
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Internal Carotid Artery
Enter skull through Foramen Lacerum
1st major branch - Ophthalamic Artery to eye
2nd major branch - Anterior Choroidal Artery
3rd major branch - Post Communicating Artery - connects to post cerebral artery - joins Ant-Post circulation
Terminates into Anterior Cerebral and Middle Cerebral Artery
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Vertebral Artery
Enter skull through Foramen Magnum
Ant and Post Spinal Artery branches - supply spinal cord
Post Inf Cerebellar Artery branch - caudal cerebellum and lateral medulla
Both vertebral arteries join to form Basilar Artery
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Circle of Willis
Posterior - Vertebral Arteries join to form Basilar Artery
Basilar Artery branches: AICA, SCA
Basilar A divides into two Posterior Cerebral Arteries
Post Communicating Artery branches off PCA --> connects w/ Internal Carotid Artery
ICA divides into Middle and Anterior Cerebral Arteries
ACAs connected by Anterior Communicating Arteries
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Middle Cerebral Artery territory
Lateral Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temproal Lobe, Insular Cortex, Putamen, and Internal Capsule
Spares midline territory, occipital lobe, and most ventral aspects of frontal lobe
Middle Cerebral Artery occlusion
Contralateral hemiparesis - face and arms affected more than legs (central in homonculous)
Aphasia - if in dominant hemisphere
Neglect - if in non dominant hemisphere
Contralateral visual hemifield / quadrand defect - optic radiations
Deviation of gaze - frontal eye fields
Cortical sensory deficits
Ophthalamic artery occlusion
Ipsilateral monocular blindness
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Anterior Cerebral Artery territory
Medial Frontal Lobe, Cingulate, Corpus Callosum, Caudate
Anterior Cerebral Artery occlusion
Contralateral lower extremity weakness - medial homonculous
Behavioral changes - frontal lobe involvement (alien limb syndrome)
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Posterior Cerebral Artery territory
Medial Temporal lobe, Occipital Lobe, Anteromedial Thalamus
Posterior Cerebral Artery occlusion
Contralateral visual field loss (hemianopsia) - occipital
Contralateral hemiparesis - thalamus and capsular involvement
Behavioral changes - thalamus and capsular involvement
Weber / Medial Midbrain Syndrome
Ipsilateral CN III palsy w/ contralateral hemiparesis
Occlusion of Basilar Artery - infarct in midbrain or pons
Commonly involves proximal PCA and short circumfrential basial branches
Damage to CN III nerves and CST in peduncles
Locked In / Pontine Syndrome
Occlusion of proximal or midbasilar artery - infarct in pons - Bilateral damage
Damage to ventral pons - descending motor pathways --> paralysis
Sparing of dorsal pons - reticular activating system --> consciousness
Mild - CN VI palsy w/ contralateral hemiparesis
Severe injury - coma or death
Wallenberg / Lateral Medullary Syndrome
Occlusion of PICA
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature in body - ALST
Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature in face - spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract
Ataxia, nausea, vomiting, vertigo - damage to vestibular nuclei and/or ICP
Ipsilateral Horner's Syndrome - descending sympathetic hypothalamospinal tract
Signs common to Cerebellar Infarction
Sudden onset ataxia, vertigo, nausea and vomiting
Hiccups and/or restelessness may be first signs of IV ventricle compression --> hydrocephalus
Major Clinical Finidings - Lacunar (small vessel) occlusion
Contralateral motor OR sensory deficit
No cortical signs
Viable brain tissue
Target of acute stroke therapy - save penumbra
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Venous Drainage
Sup and Inf Sagital Sinus in midline
Sup sagittal, straight, and transverse sinuses meet at torcular herophili (confluence of sinuses)
Drain throuhg sigmoid sinuses into jugular veins
Brain Vascular Anatomy - Cavernous Sinus
Located on each side of sella turcica
CN III, IV, V1 and V2 course in lateral wall
CN VI and carotid artery run in center
Drain blood from orbits and anterior base of brain
Venous Sinus Thrombosis
Swelling --> hemorrhage
Swelling --> increased intracranial pressure --> reduced arterial perfusion --> infarction
Present w/ Headache, papilledema, seizures, sudden focal deficits, encephalopathy
Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
Connects Medulla to Cerebellum - Afferent
Dorsal Spinocerebellar tract - from ipsilateral Clark's nucleus
Cuneocerebellar Tract - from ipsilateral lateral Cuneate nucleus
Olivocerebellar Tract - from contralateral inferior olive
Vestibulocerebellar Tract - from ipsilateral vestibular ganglion and nucleus
Reticulocerebellar Tract -
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
Connects Cortex to Cerebellum (via Pons) - Afferent
Pontocerebellar Tract - from contralateral basis pontis --> mossy fibers
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
Connects Cerebellum to Red Nucleus and VA/VL thalamus - Efferent
Project to contralateral targets
Fibers decussate at level of infereior colliculus