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43 Cards in this Set

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sensory deprovation

the pain of deprivation

Brain needs stimulation. If not stimulated, the brain will findor create it.

one reason that we engage in behavior is to stimulate the brain

One reason cats kill when they may not be hungry is that the killing behavior is ________________.


A reason animals get bored and seek new things to do is to maintain a(n)_________________

minimum level of sensory stimulation

Which senses strongly modulate neural circuits?

smell and taste or chemical senses

Why is free will inadequate to explain why we do the things we do?

In general, behavior is controlled by neural circuits that are modulated by a wide range of factors.

receptors of smell





olfactory pathwas

1. olfactory cells project to the olfactory bulb
2.olfactory targets amygdala and pyriformcortex- does not go through THALAMUS!!
3.thalamic connection does project to the orbitofrontal cortex(OFC)
-emotional,social, and eating behaviors

1. olfactory cells project to the olfactory bulb

2.olfactory targets amygdala and pyriformcortex- does not go through THALAMUS!!

3.thalamic connection does project to the orbitofrontal cortex(OFC)

-emotional,social, and eating behaviors


the elixir of love

biochemicals released by one animal that act as chemo signals and can affect the physiology or behavior of another animal

detected by a special olfactory receptor system as the vomeronasal organ(connected to the amygdala and hypothalamus)

The receptor surface for olfaction is the _______________.

olfactory epithelium

Olfactory and gustatory pathways eventually merge in the orbitofrontal cortex, leading to the perception of ________________.


Chemosignals that convey information about the sender are called __________________.


The perception of bitterness is related to both the _______________ and the __________________.

allele of the taste receptor gene TAS2R38; number of taste buds

How do a relatively limited number of receptor types allow us to smell a trillion different odors?

Any given odorant stimulates a unique pattern of receptors, and the summed activity, or pattern of activity, produces our perception of a particular odor.

5 different taste-receptors respond to a different chemical components of food





umami(especially sensitive to glutamate)

cranieal nerves for taste



gustatory pathway

1. cranial nerves 7,9,10 form the main gustatory nerve, the solitary tract
a)gustatory region in the insula is dedicated to taste (witeli)
b)primary somatosensory region is responsive to tactile information (localizing tastes and textures on the ...

1. cranial nerves 7,9,10 form the main gustatory nerve, the solitary tract

a)gustatory region in the insula is dedicated to taste (witeli)

b)primary somatosensory region is responsive to tactile information (localizing tastes and textures on the tongue)(witeli)

2. gustatory to orbital cortex: mixture of olfactory and ustatory input gives rise to our perception of flavor(lurji)


combination of smell and taste

innate releasing mechanism(IRM)

mechanism that detects specific sensory stimuli and directs an organism to take a particular action

learned taste aversion

ever had food poisoning?


predisposition to respond to certain stimuli differently than to other stimuli

-brainmakes certain associations

-we are wired to make certain associations between food smell and health(to avoid poisoning)

neuroanatomy of motivated behavior

hypothalamic involvement in hormone secretions

hypothalamic involvement in generating behavior

see video 4 well!!



emotion processing region of the brain

see well

B. F. Skinner argued that behaviors could be shaped by ______________ in the environment

rewards or reinforcers

John Garcia used the phenomenon of _______________ to discourage coyotes from killing lambs.

taste aversion learning

The brain of a species is prewired to produce _____________ to specific sensory stimuli selected by evolution to prompt certain associations between events.

innate releasing mechanisms or IRMs

When a fly wanders around on a table, it is not exploring so much as ____________


Explain briefly how the concept of preparedness accounts for puzzling human behaviors

When two unrelated events are experienced together, they may inadvertently become associated. For example, unexpected pain in the presence of a stranger may lead to a faulty association between the person and the pain.

how do we control our emotions?

prefrontal cortex

3 components of an emotion

1.autonomic response(e.g increased heart rate)

hypotalamus and associaated structures

2.cognitions (e.s. thoughts about the experience)

cerebral cortex

3.subjective feelings (e.g . fear)

amygdala and parts of frontal lobes

james-lange view of emotion

physiological changes produced by autonomic nervous system come first, and then the brain interprets these changes as an emotion

amygdala and emotional behavior

1)amygdala influences conscious awareness of the consequences of events and objects via connections with prefrontal cortex

2)amygdala damage:

a)can result in decreases fear response

b)indiscriminate sexual behavior

c)tendency to examine objects by mouth

prefrontal cortex and emotional behavior

-damage to the prefrontal cortex has severe effects on social and emotional behavior.

a)inability to express their emotions and to recognize the emotional expression of others.

b)apathy and loss of initiative or drive

c)inability to plan and organize, leading to poor decision-making.

emotional disorders

1.major depression

2.anxiety disorder

-generalized anxiety disorder


-panic disorder

regulatory behavior

behavior motivated to meet the survival needs of the animal

controled by homeostatic mechanism( includes hypothalamus)

examples : internal body temp

nonregulatory behavior

behaviors that are not necessary to meet the basic survival needs of the animal.

not controlled by homeostatic mechanisms.

most involve the frontal lobes more than the hypothalamus

strongly influenced by external stimuli

examples: sexual behavior, aggression, food preference, curiosity, reading,parental behavior


related to many other problems

why is there so much obesity?

a)evolution needs high calorie food,storing food

b)cultural practices and beliefs promote consumptian. unda chamo tore deserts ver miigeb

why do some people become obese while others do not?

1.energy input differences

a)craving for high-calorie foods

b)cultural norms

c)large cephalic-phase response to sight and smell of food

2)energy output differences

a)physical activity

3)genetics interact with both energy input and output


voluntary self-starvation

fatal in 10 perc


bingeing and purging-typically normal weights