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16 Cards in this Set

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í lok keppninnar voru veittar
the prizes were awarded at the
end of the competition
sumir borða ekki morgunmat
some (people) do not eat
þó að rigni förum við samt út
although it was raining we still
went out
komið þið báðir?
are you both coming?
hún las hugsanir hans
she read his thoughts
hún hljóp til að ná í strætó
she ran to catch the bus
drengurinn brosir við barninu
the boy smiles with the child
við skulum fela okkur!
we need to hide ourselves!
þetta kom beint frá hjartanu
it came straight from the heart
það er alltaf vindur á Íslandi
there is always wind in Iceland
það er of langt bil á milli lína
there is too much space
between the lines
farfuglarnir koma á vorin
the migrating birds come in the
ég ætla að fá vænt ýsustykki
I would like a nice piece of
hann er með dökkt hár
he has dark hair
hún er alltaf svo alvarleg
she is always so serious
nú er hægri stjórn við völd
a right-wing government has
power now