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59 Cards in this Set

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Primary dimension of diversity

Those who are not changeable

Secondary dimension of diversity

Traits in people that are changeable I.e marital status, religious beliefs


The variety of Human qualities among all people and groups including first people's of Canada ; aboriginal people

Global village

The connections we make around the world through telecommunications

Pluralist country

A diverse country


Homogenous country

Not a diverse country

What percentage of population in Canada is born outside the country


1/5 people are Canada are...?

Visible minorities

Which year did Canada recognize French as a second language?


How many first nation groups are there in canada


How many aboriginal languages are there and what are the three most spoken languages

Over 60 languages. Cree, inuktitut, and ojibway the most common

Aboriginal people

Original inhabitants of north America, there are three groups of aboriginals (Indians,Metis,Inuit)

First nations

Replaces the word Indian. No legal definition

First peoples

Refers to all three groups of aboriginal people (Indian,metis and Inuit) not interchangeable with first nations


The name algonquin first nations call themselves. It means "original people"

Registered or status Indian

A first nation person who is registered under the Indian act.


Assembly of First Nations. AFN is a national organization that speaks on behalf of status Indians. Current national chief is Perry Bellegard. Phil Fontaine was the previous chief of AFN from 1997-2000 and 2003-2009

Treaty Indian

A status Indian who belongs to a first nation or band which signed a treaty with the crown (government)


People of mixed first nation and European ancestry who identify metis as distinct from Indian and Inuit. Language spoke is michif.


Are people who traditionally live in the arctic, Northern Quebec and Labrador. Known as Eskimos until 1970. Inuk is the singular form of Inuit which means real people. They speak inuktitut. Inuit are not covered under the Indian act.

A band

A political term used by the federal government which refers to a group of First Nations (status Indians) on a reserve.

How many people in Canada identify as aboriginal

1.4 Million (4%) of the population

4 types of reserves

Urban,rural,remote and special access

The Indian Act

Canada's federal legislation first passed in 1876 that sets out certain federal government obligations and regulates the management of First Nations reserves. It defines who is an Indian and differentiates between status and non status.

Inuit people believe the northern lights are ?

Ancestors or a killing entity.

In Ontario how many aboriginal people are there?

301,425 (21.5% of Canada's aboriginals)

Percentage of Canadians who identify themselves as first nation?


Tossed salad or cultural mosaic refers to?

Intermingled of cultures


Fear of other cultures

Services for new immigrants

ISAP - Offers integrations programs.

Volunteer Host Program

LINC- offers language training

To become a Canadian citizen you must

Be 18 years old, be a permanent resident, must have done taxes, no criminal history, knowledge of Canada.

Residential schools

30% of aboriginals placed in these schools. 4000 children died. Last res. School closed in 1996.

Stolen Sisters

The over 1200 missing or murdered aboriginal women.

Sixties scoop

Attempt to assimilate native children

Starlight tours

Law enforcers who would drive aboriginals to remote areas and leave them there to find their way back. Many died.


The process of adjusting to the ways of a new society.

Percentage of natives who live off reserve and pay tax?


Which aboriginal group is not covered by the Indian act?



Belief in one god

5 k's in Sikh religion which must be followed by orthodox men

Kesh, Kanga,Kara,Kaccha,Kirpan


Royal commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Addresses many issues of aboriginal status

Which day is national reconciliation day

June 11th

Which day is national aboriginal day?

June 21st

How many people speak michif approximately


Four ideologies for settlement include

Civic, assimilation, ethnist and multiculturalism.


Beaded belts with symbols used to record important events


Burning of sweet grass in a spiritual ceremony. It invites people the clear their minds and hearts.


Traditional gatherings where people dress up in traditional clothing and dance and eat.

Medicine man and shaman

"He who dreams" are people who special powers to heal and predict events.


A social gathering on the west coast where people celebrate an event such as birth, weddings, succesfull harvests ext.

The four sacred herbs

Sweet grass, tabacco, sage and cedar


A name given to an invisible spirit that presides over nature


Algonquin term used to say thank you and goodbye.


When comparing cultures, people believe their culture is superior to others.

Section 12-1 (b) of the Indian act

Discriminates against women and gets their status card taken away along with the children's status card if she marries a non aboriginal man. Men could marry non aboriginal women with no penalty. This act was removed in 1985

Community and police action commitee

Coordinates between police and visible minorities and aboriginal communities with the objective of nurturing and developing partnership.

GLBT liaison committee

Community based which has regular meetings since 1991. Addresses the needs of the LGBT community.

Hate crime unit

A unit that seeks out hate crimes made by the public and deals with them accordingly. Advised the public to report these crimes

Mamidosewin center

Algonquins aboriginal center