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25 Cards in this Set

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What is seen if radial nerve is damaged?
cannot extend forearm, loss of triceps reflex, loss of sensation of posterior arm; loss of brachioradialis reflex, WRIST DROP (cannot extend wrist), loss of sensation of posterior forearm, loss of sensation of lateral and posterior hand
Radial nerve hint
BEST: brachioradialis, extensors of wrist and fingers, supinator, triceps
What is seen if the ulnar nerve is damaged?
CLAW HAND (cannot flex distal IP joint of ring and little finger), cannot adduct thumb, cannot abduct or adduct fingers, loss of sensation of medial hand
What is seen if median nerve is damaged?
cannot pronate, cannot flex thumb, cannot pronate, BISHOP'S HAND/HAND OF BENEDICTION, cannot flex DIP joints of digits 2 and 3, loss of sensation of lateral palm, loss of sensation of distal first 3 1/2 digits
What if recurrent branch of medial nerve is damaged?
APE HAND (cannot oppose thumb)
How do you get scapular winging?
long thoracic N damage
Loss of forearm pronation
cannot raise arm
axillary N- deltoid
loss of arm and forearm flexion
initiation of abduction
suprascapular N - supraspinatus muscle
site of injury of radial nerve
shalf of humerus
site of injury of median nerve
supracondyle of humerus
site of injury of ulnar nerve
medial epicondyle
site of injury of axillary nerve
surgical neck of humerus or anterior shoulder dislocation
Erb-Duchenne palsy
traction or tear of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus (C5 and C6 roots); follows blow to shoulder or trauma during delivery
Erb-Duchenne findings
limb hands by side (paralysis of abductors), medially rotated (paralysis of lateral rotators), forearm is pronated (loss of biceps)
Superior trunk nerves
suprascapular (to infra and supra spinatus), subclavius muscle
Lateral cord nerve
lateral pectoral N
posterior cord nerves
lower subscapular (teres major), thoracodorsal (lat dorsi), upper subscapular (subscapularis)
medial cord nerve
medial pector to pectoralis major and minor
lateral cord and medial cord combine to form...
median N (pronators, thenar)
lateral cord ends as...
musculocutaneous (flexors)
posterior cord turns into...
radial N (triceps, extensors)
medial cord ends as...
ulnar (interosseus)
posterior cord lateral branch
axillary (deltoid, teres minor)