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99 Cards in this Set

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Systematic continuities and changes in the individual over the course of life
Developmental Continuities
Ways in which we remain stable over time or continue to reflect our past
Developmental Psychology
Branch of psychology devoted to identifying and explaining the continuities and changes that individuals display over time
Any scholar, regardless of discipline, who seeks to understand the developmental process (e.g., psychologists, biologists, sociologists, anthropologists, educators)
Developmental changes in the body or behavior that result from the aging process rather than from learning, injury, illness, or some other life experience
A relatively permanent change in behavior (or behavioral potential) that results from one's experiences or practice
Normative Development
Developmental changes that characterize most or all members of a species; typical patterns of development
Ideographic Development
Individual variations in the rate, extent, or direction of development
Holistic Perspective
A unified view of the developmental process that emphasizes the important interrelationships among the physical, mental, social, and emotional aspects of human development
Capacity for change; a developmental state that has the potential to be shaped by experience
Scientific Method
The use of objective and replicable methods to gather data for the purpose of testing a theory or hypothesis. It dictates that, above all, investigators must be objective and must allow their data to decide the merits of their thinking
A set of concepts and propositions designed to organize, describe, and explain an existing set of observations
A theoretical prediction about some aspect of experience
The extent to which a measuring instrument yields consistent results, both over time and across observers
The extent to which a measuring instrument accurately reflects what the researchers intend to measure
Structured Interview/ Structured Questionnaire
A technique in which all participants are asked the same questions in precisely the same order so that the responses of difference participants can be compared
Diary Study
A questionnaire method in which participants write answers to specified questions in a diary or notebook, either at specified times or when prompted by an electronic pager
Clinical Method
A type of interview in which a participants response to each successive question (or problem) determines what the investigator will ask next
Naturalistic Observation
A method in which the scientist tests hypotheses by observing people as they engage in everyday activities in their natural habitats (for example, at home, at school, or on the playground)
Observer Influence
Tendency of participants to react to an observer's presence by behaving in unusual ways
A procedure in which the investigator records the frequencies with which individuals display particular behaviors during the brief time interval each is observed
Structured Observation
An observational method in which the investigator cues the behavior of interest and observes participants' responses in a laboratory
Case Study
A research method in which the investigator gathers extensive information about the life of an individual and then tests developmental hypotheses by analyzing the events of the person's history
Method in which the researcher seeks to understand the unique values, traditions, and social processes of a culture or subculture by living with its members and making extensive observations and notes
Psychophysiological Methods
Methods that measure the relationships between physiological processes and aspects of children's physical, cognitive, social, or emotional behavior/development
Correlational Design
A type of research design that indicates the strength of associations among variables; though correlated variables are systematically related, these relationships are not necessarily causal
Correlational Coefficient
A numerical index, ranging from -1.00 to +1.00, of the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables
Experimental Design
A research design in which the investigator introduces some change in the participant's environment and then measures the effect of that change on the participant's behavior
Independent Variable
The aspect of the environment that an experimenter modifies or manipulates in order to measure its impact on behavior
Dependent Variable
The aspect of behavior that is measured in an experiment and assumed to be under the control of the independent variable
Confounding Variable
Some factor other than the independent variable that, if not controlled by the experimenter, could explain any differences across treatment conditions in participants' performance on the dependent variable
Experimental Control
Steps taken by an experimenter to ensure that all extraneous factors that could influence the dependent variable are roughly equivalent in each experimental condition; these precautions must be taken before an experimenter can be reasonably certain that observed changes in the dependent variable were caused by the manipulation of the independent variable
Random Assignment
A control technique in which participants are assigned to experimental conditions through an unbiased procedure so that the members of the groups are not systematically different from one another
Ecological Validity
State of affairs in which the findings of one's research are an accurate representation of processes that occur in the natural environment
Field Experiment
An experiment that takes place in a naturalistic setting such as home, school, or a playground
Natural (or Quasi-) Experiment
A study in which the investigator measures the impact of some naturally occurring event that is assumed to affect people's lives
Cross-Cultural Comparison
A study that compares the behavior and/or development of people from different cultural or sub cultural backgrounds
Cross-Sectional Design
A research design in which subjects from different age groups are studied at the same point in time
A group of people of the same age who are exposed to similar cultural environments and historical events as they are growing up
Cohort Effect
Age-related difference among cohorts that is attributable to cultural/historical differences in cohorts' growing-up experiences rather than to true developmental change
Practice Effect
Changes in participants' natural responses as a result of repeated testing
Selective Attraction
Nonrandom loss of participants during a study that results in a nonrepresentative sample
Nonrepresentative Sample
A subgroup that differs in important ways from the larger group (or population) to which it belongs
Cross-Generational Problem
The fact that long-term changes in the environment may limit conclusions of a longitudinal project to that generation of children who were growing up while the study was in progress
Sequential Design
A research design in which subjects from different age groups are studied repeatedly over a period of months or years
Microgenetic Design
A research design in which participants are studied intensively over a short period of time as developmental changes occur; attempts to specify how or why those changes occur
Informed Consent
The right of research participants to receive an explanation, in language they can understand, of all aspects of research that may affect their willingness to participate
Benefits-to-Risk Ratio
A comparison of the possible benefits of a study for advancing knowledge and optimizing life conditions versus its costs to participants in terms of inconvenience and possible harm
The right of participants to concealment of their identity with respect to the data that they provide
Protection from Harm
The right of research participants to be protected from physical or psychological harm
A criterion for evaluating merit of theories; this kind of theory is one that uses relatively few explanatory principles to explain a broad set of observations
A criterion for evaluating the scientific merit of theories. A theory is this when it is capable of generating predictions that could be disconfirmed
A criterion for evaluating the scientific merit of theories. This kind of theory is one that continues to stimulate new research and new discoveries
Psychosexual Theory
Freud's theory that states that maturation of the sex instinct underlies stages of personality development, and that the manner in which parents manage children's instinctual impulses determines the traits that children display
Unconscious Motives
Freud's term for feelings, experiences, and conflicts that influence a person's thinking and behavior, but lie outside the person's awareness
A type of motivated forgetting in which anxiety-provoking thoughts and conflicts are forced out of conscious awareness
An inborn biological force that motivates a particular response or class of response
Psychoanalytic term for the inborn component of the personality that is driven by the instincts
Psychoanalytic term for the rational component of the personality
Psychoanalytic term for the component of the personality that consists of one's internalized moral standards
Psychosocial Theory
Eriksson's revision of Freud's theory which emphasizes sociocultural (rather than sexual) determinants of development and posits a series of eight psychosocial conflicts that people must resolve successfully to display healthy psychological adjustment
A school in psychology that holds that conclusions about human development should be based on controlled observations of overt behavior rather speculation about unconscious motives or other unobservable phenomena; the philosophical underpinning for the early theories of learning
Well-learned associations between stimuli and responses that represent the stable aspects of one's personality
The initially voluntary act that becomes more or less probable of occurring depending on the consequence that it produces
Any consequence of an act that increases of an act will recur
Any consequence of an act that suppresses that act and/or decreases the probability that it will recur
Operant Learning
A form of learning in which voluntary acts become either more or less probable, depending on the consequences they produce
Observational Learning
Learning that results from observing the behavior of others
Environmental Determinism
The notion that children are passive creatures who are molded by their environments
Reciprocal Determinism
The notion that the flow of influence between children and their environments is a two-way street; the environment may affect the child, but the child's behavior also influences the environment
Cognitive Development
Age-related changes that occur in mental activities such as attending, perceiving, learning, thinking, and remembering
An organized pattern of thought or action that a child constructs to make sense of some aspect of his or her experience
Piaget's term for the process by which children interpret new experiences by incorporating them into their existing schemes
Imbalances or contradictions between one's though processes and environmental events. On the other hand equilibrium refers to a balanced, harmonious relationship between one's cognitive structures and the environment
Piaget's term for the process by which children modify their existing Schemes in order to incorporate or adapt to new experiences
Invariant Developmental Sequence
A series of developments that occur in one particular order because each development in the sequence is a prerequisite for the next
Sociocultural Theory
Vygotsky's perspective on development, in which children acquire their culture's values, beliefs, and problem-solving strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society
Information-Processing Perspective
A perspective that views the human mind as a continuously developing, symbol-manipulating system, similar to a computer, into which information flows, is operated on, and is converted to output (answers, inferences, and solutions to problems)
The study of the bioevolutionary basis of behavior and development with a focus on survival of the individual
Natural Selection
An evolutionary process, proposed by Charles Darwin, stating that individuals with characteristics that promote adaptation to the environment will survive, reproduce, and pass these adaptive characteristic to offspring; those lacking these adaptive characteristic will eventually die out
Sensitive Period
Period of time that is optimal for the development of particular capacities, or behaviors, and in which the individual is particularly sensitive to environmental influences that would foster these attributes
Modern Evolutionary Theory
The study of the bioevolutionary basis of behavior and development with a focus on survival of the genes
A selfless concern for the welfare of others that is expressed through prosocial acts such as sharing, cooperating, and helping
Ecological Systems Theory
Bronfenbrenner's model emphasizing that the developing person is embedded in a series of environmental systems that interact with one another and with the person to influence development
The immediate system (including role relationships and activities) that the person actually encounters; the innermost of Bronfenbrenner's environmental layers or contexts
The interconnections among an individual's immediate settings or microsystems; the second of Bronfenbrenner's environmental layers or contexts
Social systems that children and adolescents do not directly experience but that may nonetheless influence their development; the third of Bronfenbrenner's environmental layers or contexts
The larger cultural or subcutural context in which development occurs; Bronfenbrenner's outermost environmental layer or context
In ecological systems theory, changes in the individual or the environment that occur over time and influence the direction development takes
Two or more persons, related by birth, marriage, adoption, or choice, who have emotional ties and responsibilities to each other
Family Social System
The complex network of relationships, interactions, and patterns of influence that characterize a family with three or more members
Traditional Nuclear Family
A family unit consisting of a wife/mother, a husband/father, and their dependent child or children
Nature/Nurture Issue
The debate among developmental theorists about the relative importance of biological predispositions and environmental influences as determinants of human development
Activity/Passivity Theme
A debate among developmental theorists about whether children are active contributors to their own development or, rather, passive recipients of environmental influence
Continuity/ Discontinuity Issue
A debate among theorists about whether developmental changes are quantitative and continuous, or qualitative and discontinuous (I.e. stage like)
Quantitative Change
Incremental change in degree without sudden transformations; for example, some view the small yearly increases in height and weight that 2- to 11- year-olds display as this kind of developmental change
Qualitative Change
Changes in kind that make individuals fundamentally different than they were before; the transformation of a prelinguistic infant into a language user is viewed by many as this kind of change in communication skills
Developmental Stage
A distinct phase within a larger sequence of development ; a period characterized by a particular set of abilities, motives, behaviors, or emotions that occur together and form a coherent pattern
Those who borrow from many theories in their attempts to predict and explain human development