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30 Cards in this Set

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what is a double

two successive strikes in a game

what is a frame

one tenth of a game; one of the ten squares on the score sheet

what is a gutter ball

poorly rolled ball that goes into either gutter

what is a handicap

pins given to a team or individual to make averages somewhat equal

what is a keglar

another name for a bowler

what is a mark

getting a strike or spare

what is an open frame

a frame without a strike or spare

how do you get a perfect game

when you get all strikes; score of 300 (12 strikes)

what is a pocket

the space between the 1-3 pins where a right- handed bowler should hit

for a strike; between the 1-2 pins for left handers

what is a sleeper

a pin hidden directly behind another pin

what is a strike out

three successive strikes in the tenth frame, or striking to finish the game

what is a turkey

three strikes in a row

how are the pins set up

7 8 9 10

4 5 6

2 3


how do you get a foul

touching or going beyond the line while delivering a ball; the pins that get knocked down don't count. pins will then reset and you will be allowed to bowl the second game


two or more pins standing with intermediate pins knocked down in front or between. head pins must be down. (7-10)

what is an error

failing to bowl down all the pins after the second ball has been delivered except on a split

how big is the "alley" or "lane"

62 feet 10 inches long and about 41 inches wide

where the bowler stands what is that and how long is it

it's called the "approach area" and it is 15 feet in length

the bowling lane is 60 feet from the foul line to the head pin

the foul line separates the approach area from the alley. 9 inch wide gutters go along both sides of the alley.

the pins are in a triangular formation

what is the height and weight of the pins

15 inches high and weigh at least 3-3 1/2 pounds

what is the height and weight of a bowling ball

not more than 27 inches around and weighs more than 16 pounds

the more you bowl the higher your score will be

each pin knocked down counts as one point

each game is divided into 10 frames

what is the highest score you can get during bowling

highest score: 300

with 12 strikes total to get that score

what is the average bowlers score

120 or between 160-180 for a regular bowler

each bowler gets 2 tries to knock all the pins down unless they get a strike the first time

what does an 'X' stand for

a strike

what does a half shaded circle stand for

a spare `

what number pin is the head pin

pin number 1

what is the number of the king pin

pin number 5