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236 Cards in this Set

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Rumex crispus/ Yellow Dock
Rumex crispus/ Yellow Dock
Indications- Anemia, bowel stagnation/constipation, malabsorption, hypochlorhydria, liver congestion, chronic skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis), dry cough

Contraindications: Oxalate kidney stones
Arcticum lappa
Burdock, Gobo
- Actions: alterative, diuretic, demulcent, diaphoretic, nervine, relaxant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, increases glucose tolerance, GI stimulant, balances hormones
- Indications: skin disorders (boils), menopause, PMS, arthritis, gout, diabetes, chronic indigestion, lymphatic congestion, kidney weakness, UTI, cancer, fever, sore throat and preeclampsia
Urtica dioica
Stinging Neetles
- Queen of the nutritional alteratives
- Organ affinities: liver, blood, spleen, bone marrow, lymph
- An herbal deconstruction crew
- Properties: builder, destroyer, dries up mucus, stimulates protein building, nutritional alterative, anti-allergy, diuretic, anti-arthritis, sinus and liver support
- Indications: atrophy (muscles or organs), stagnation, depression, toxicity, low BP, hair loss, mucus, diarrhea, swelling, edema, anemia of pregnancy, deficient lactation, arthritis, gout, burns, hives, depletion, weakness, allergies with protein sensitivities.
Trifolium pratense
Red clover
Cough and skin

•Family: pea (Fabaceae), has pods

•Indications: cough and skin alterative, hot flashes, spasmodic coughing and pulmonary irritation with stagnation and congestion of glands, blood cleanser in skin conditions (eczema, acne and lingering cystic infections).

•Bitter and cooling
Mahonia aquafolium and Mahonia nervosa
Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon Grape) and Mahonia nervosa (Small Oregon Grape)
- Skin and blood
- Root is used, contains berberine
- Actions: alterative, tonic, digestant, detergent, antimetic, antibiotic
Medicago sativa
“The Green Flame”: The healing power of the divine in green things. The animating life force within all creation, giving it life, moisture and vitality. Coined by Hildegard of Bingen.
What is an ALTERATIVE herb?
- An herb that alters the body in a non-specific but broadly beneficial way.
- TONIC herb that brings the body back to balance through enhancing
- Food-like in character
- Alters a pathological metabolism back to a physiological metabolism.
- Safe, can be used long-term
Alterative herbs have what specific physiological effects on the body?
-Traditionally conceived of as a “blood purifier” or “blood cleanser”

-Improve the quality of the blood, increase the appetite, promote digestions and accelerate the process of elimination.

All Adaptogens are Alteratives but not all Alteratives are Adaptogens.
Name some commonly used botanicals as alteratives.
Bitter roots, including:
-Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion)
-Trifolium Pratense (Red Clover)
-Rumex species (Yellow Dock, Curly Dock)
-Berberis species (Oregon Grape, Barberry, Mahonia)
-Chelidonium majus (Greater Celandine)
What are the 3 keys to learning from plants according to George Washington Carver?
Quality of Humility
Expectancy born of Faith and Wonder
Describe how plants have a spiritual nature.
Each herb has a spiritual identity, a personality pattern which stands, so to speak, with its eternal light. This spiritual personality teaches us about how a creature stands in the integrity of its being. Plants can teach us spiritual lessons of wholenss and healing. Remember the light of the vital force.
• Agents which increase the secretions of toxins from the body
• May act on kidneys, lymph or liver/biliary system
• Referred to as “blood cleaners”
Name some medical conditions that indicate the need for alteratives.
- Especially for general and chronic conditions
- Toxemia
- Digestive, eliminatory and circulatory hypofunctioin
- maldigestion, hypochlorhydrria, constipation, flatulence, liver dysfunction and acne
What are some contraindications for alteratives?
Acute diarrhea
Describe how to make an herbal infusion.
•1 part coarsely ground herb to 20 parts of boiling water
•Pour boiling water upon the herb
•Stir and cover
•Steep for 5 to 30 minutes depending on the herb
•25 gm herb to 500 mL water
•Average tea bag 3 gram to 240 mL (1 cup)
Describe how to make an basic decoction.
•25 gm of herb to 500 mL of water
•Soak herbs in cool water
•Bring to boil, cover and simmer 10-15 minutes, often longer
•Strain and press

-Better for roots and barks or not volatile plant parts, Mushrooms also
-Can concentrate the strength of solution
- Family fabacae
- Actions: nutritive tonic, alterative, phytoestrogen, anti-tumor
- Indications: insufficient nutrition, tendency toward emaciation, accompanying organ weakness
Populus Balsamifera
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Populus Balsamifera
Common name: Cottonwood
Family: Salicaceae
Parts used: unopened buds and bark
Populus Balsamifera/Cottonwood
Medicinal actions?
Populus Balsamifera/Cottonwood
Medicinal actions: STIMULATING expectorant, anti-microbial, antiseptic, vulnerary, laxative (bark), cathartic (bark)
Dosing: salve, oil, liquid extract
Populus Balsamifera/Cottonwood
Populus Balsamifera/Cottonwood
Indications: dysentery, pharyngitis, enema for internal hemorrhoids, doche for leucorrhea, wash for wounds, joint pain, stiffness, colds, sore throats, coughs, laryngitis
Rumex crispus/ Yellow dock
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosage: ?
Rumex crispus/ Yellow dock
Medicinal action: Mild laxative, Alterative, Nutritive
Dosing: Decoction, tincture
Rumex crispus
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Rumex crispus
Common name- Yellow dock
Family name- Polygonaceae
Parts used- Leaves, roots
Indications- “Singer’s Herb” (aids voice & throat); Lung herb; Smoothes irritated tissue. Promotes expectoration. Stimulates perspiration to eliminate toxins. Strong warming & anti-catarrhal effect. High BP, incl uterine contractions, HTN.

Contraindications- Pregnancy b/c uterine stimulant

Medicinal actions?
Medicinal actions- anti-viral/anti-microbial, diaphoretic, expectorant, anti-catarrhal, emmenagogue, carminative, diuretic, sedative, antispasmodic.

Dosing- Poultice, tincture, salve, powder, decoction, chew on root.
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Common name: Osha
Family name: Apiaceae, Parsley
Parts used: roots
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Common name: propolis
Family name: not a plant
Parts used: all
Indications: hepatoprotective, antioxidant, expectorant, antiseptic (cooling and healing)
Contraindications: pregnancy
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Common name: Gumweed
Family name: Asteracea (Sunflower/Aster)
Parts used: resin, volatile oil
Medicinal actions?
Medicinal actions: anti-asthamatic, diaphoretic, anti-spasmolytic
Dosing: herb and flower parts - best as a fresh tincture
Indications: Expectorant- infectious respiratory conditions, asthma, POISON IVY, mucus (thick, white, sticky)
Contraindications: large doses may produce kidney and stomach irritation
Doctrine of Signatures?
Doctrine of Signatures: thick, white sticky mucus from the young flower buds - fights this type of mucus in the respiratory tract. The flower buds have little hooks on them, associated with the adhesive nature of the plant. The plant often has new buds while dried seed heads are still present, so it's useful for the young and old.
Chimaphilia Umbellata
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Chimaphilia Umbellata
Common name: Pipsissewa
Family name: Ericaceae (wintergreen)
Parts used: leaf
Chimaphilia Umbellata
Chimaphilia Umbellata/Pipsissewa
Indications: flushed cheeks, inflammed liver, ascites, hemorrhoids, breast tumors, swelling of peritoneum, bladder, prostate and vaginal labia
Contraindications: pregnancy; slow growing plant
Chimaphilia Umbellata
Medicinal actions?
Chimaphilia Umbellata/Pipsissewa
Medicinal actions: KIDNEYS, lymphatic/glandular system, PROSTATE
Dosing: decoction (can use longer than uva-ursi b/c of lower tannin content)
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Common name: Cranberry
Family name: Ericaceae
Parts used: fruit
Vaccinium Macrocarpon/Cranberry
Vaccinium Macrocarpon/Cranberry
Indications: UTI, acidify urine, dec stone formation, dec sxs in chronic pyelonephritis, dec dental plaque
Contraindications: none
Vaccinium Macrocarpon/Cranberry
Medicinal actions?
Vaccinium Macrocarpon/Cranberry
Medicinal actions: anti-oxidant, antibacterial
Equisetum Arvense
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Equisetum Arvense
Common name: horsetail
Family name: X
Parts used: aerial
Equisetum Arvense/Horsetail
Equisetum Arvense/Horsetail
Indications: cystic irritation, nocturnal urinal incontinence, renal calculi
Contraindications: do not use for > 6 weeks as it may be irritating to the kidney
Curcuma longa
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Curcuma longa
Common name: Turmeric
Family name: Zingiberaceae
Parts used: Rhizome
Thymus vulgaris/ Garden Thyme
Medicinal actions?
Thymus vulgaris/ Garden Thyme
Medicinal actions: Anti-septic, anti-helminthic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, astringent, EXPECTORANT, secretolitic, spasmolytic
Dosing: infusion
Thymus vulgaris
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Thymus vulgaris
Common name: Garden Thyme
Family name: Lamiaceae
Parts used: Leaf
Equisetum Arvense/Horsetail
Medicinal actions?
Equisetum Arvense/Horsetail
Medicinal actions: diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, repairs CT
Dosing: cold water infusion
Urtica dioica/ Stinging nettles
Medicinal actions?
Urtica dioica/ Stinging netteles
Medicinal actions: Alterative, Nutrition, Anti-Allergy, Diuretic, Anti-arthritis, sinus support, liver support

Dosing: Tincture, infusion
Urtica dioica/ Stinging Nettles
Urtica dioica/ Stinging Nettles
Indications: Atrophy, myalgia, osteoarthritis, eczema, hemorrhage, BPH, toxicity, low BP, inc. mucus, diarrhea, edema, anemia of pregnancy, dec. lactation, gout, burns, hives, depletion, allergies w/ protein sensitivity, hair loss, depression, toxicity, stagnation

Contraindications: None
Urtica dioica
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Urtica dioica
Common name: Stinging nettles
Family name: Urticaceae
Parts used: Herbs, Radix, Seeds
Urtica dioica
Doctrine of Signatures
Build it up or tear it down!
• Make something with Nettles!
• Queen of the nutritional alteratives
• Organ affinities: liver, blood, spleen, bone marrow, lymph.
• An Herbal deconstruction, construction crew.
Arctium lappa/ Burdock
Medicinal actions?
Arctium lappa/ Burdock
Medicinal actions: Alterative, diuretic, demulcent, diaphoretic, nervine, relaxant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, inc. glucose tolerance, GI stimulant, balance hormones

Dosing: Tincture, decoction
Arctium lappa/ Burdock
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Arctium lappa/ Burdock
Indications: Skin disorders, menopause, PMS, arthritis, gout, diabetes, chronic indigestion, lymphatic congestion, kidney weakness, UTIs, Cancer, Fever, sore throat, preeclampsia, apthous ulcers, boils, psoriasis
Contraindications: pregnancy, long term use or excessive doses of the seed can cause urinary tract irritation.
Arctium lappa
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Arctium lappa
Common name: Burdock
Family name: Asteraceae
Parts used: All; esp roots and seeds
Hydrastus canadensis/Goldenseal
Hydrastus canadensis/Goldenseal
Indications: dermatological, ENT, GI and gynecological conditions
Contraindications: large doses may exhaust the mucus glands, weaken the digestive system and inhibit the healthy inflammatory reaction
Hydrastus canadensis/Goldenseal
Medicinal actions?
Hydrastus canadensis/Goldenseal
Medicinal actions: alterative, choleretic, astringent, anti-microbial, king/queen of mucus membrane tonics
Dosing: tincture
*endangered plant
Hydrastis canadensis/Goldenseal
Doctrine of Signatures?
Hydrastis canadensis/Goldenseal
Doctrine of Signatures:
- intense yellow color = stimulating effect on digestive and GB function
- bright red berry (fruit) = new blood rising from the digestion process
Hydrastus canadensis
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Hydrastus canadensis
Common name: Goldenseal
Family name: Ranunculaceae
Parts used: root
Ganoderma lucidium (Reishi mushroom)
Ganoderma lucidium (Reishi mushroom)
Indications: cancer therapy, immune system enhancer, HTN, anxiety/stress and anti-allergy
Contraindications: no known toxicity, use with caution in organ transplant or immunosuppressed patients
Ganoderma lucidium (Reishi mushroom)
Medicinal actions?
Ganoderma lucidium (Reishi mushroom)
Medicinal actions: adaptogen, deep immune activator, anti-allergenic, anti-hepatotoxin, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antibacterial, antiviral, cardiac tonic and expectorant
Dosing: hot water decoction, powder or tincture
Ganoderma lucidium
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Ganoderma lucidium
Common name: Reishi mushroom
Family name: Ganodermataceae
Parts used: mushroom, mycelium
Zea Mays
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Zea Mays
Common name: corn silk
Family name: Poaceae (grass family)
Parts used: fresh corn silk
Zea Mays (corn silk)
Zea Mays (corn silk)
Indications: GU conditions
Contraindications: corn allergies, may antagonize the effects of anticoagulants (due to vitamin K constituent)
Zea Mays (corn silk)
Medicinal actions?
Zea Mays (corn silk)
Medicinal actions: demulcent, potassium-sparring diuretic, vulnerary (wound healing), analgesic, dissolves deposits and stones
Cynara scolymus (Artichoke)
Cynara scolymus (Artichoke)
Indications: gallbladder, lipid metabolism, indigestion
Contraindications: fresh leave may cause contact dermatitis
Cynara scolymus (Artichoke)
Medicinal Actions?
Cynara scolymus (Artichoke)
Medicinal Actions: hepatic, cholagogue, choleretic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antithrombotic
Dosing: infusion
Cynara scolymus
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Cynara scolymus
Common name: Artichoke
Family name: Asteraceae
Parts used: leaves
Avena sativa (Oat)
Avena sativa (Oat)
Indications: addictive habits, concentration, nervous system irritation dt exhaustion/stress, melancholy, insomnia
Contraindications: antagonize antinociceptive effect of morphine and pressor response to nicotine
Avena sativa (Oats)
Medicinal Actions?
Avena sativa (Oats)
Medicinal Actions: nervine, alterative, sedative, nutritive to nervous system
Dosing: infusion
Avena sativa
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Avena sativa
Common name: Oats
Family name: Poaceae
Parts used: milky oat seeds
Passiflora incarnata (Passion flower)
Passiflora incarnata (Passion flower)
Indications:heart palpitations and sleep disturbances due to nervousness, anxiety, HTN and muscle spasms due to stress
Contraindications: pregnancy
Passiflora incarnata (Passion flower)
Medicinal actions?
Passiflora incarnata (Passion flower)
Medicinal actions: antispasmodic, hypotensive, nervine, sedative, anti-inflammatory, cerebral vasorelaxant, anodyne, anxiolytic

Dosing: infusion (tea)
Artemesia absinthium
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Artemesia absinthium
Common name: Wormwood (The Green Fairy)
Family name: Asteraceae
Parts used: ?
Passiflora incarnata
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Passiflora incarnata
Common name: Passion flower
Family name: Passifloracea
Parts used: flowering herb
Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm)
Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm)
Contraindications: hypothyroidism and pregnancy
Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm)
Medicinal actions?
Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm)
Medicinal actions:nervine, sedative, mild anitdepressant, mild antispasmodic, vasodilating hypotensive, carminitive, antiviral
Dosing: infusion (tea)
Melissa officinalis
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Melissa officinalis
Common name: Lemon balm
Family name: Lamiaceae
Parts used: flowering herb
Trifolium pratense/ Red Clover
Medicinal actions?
Trifolium pratense/ Red Clover
Medicinal actions: Mild antispasmodic, Sedative, Expectorant, Blood thinner, Mild alterative (affinity for lungs, throat, salivary glands)

Dosing: Tincture, infusion, decoction
Trifolium pratense/ Red clover
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Trifolium pratense/ Red clover
Indications: Spasmodic coughing (Whooping cough, croup), pulm irritation/stagnation, gland congestion, swollen/hard LNs, chronic skin eruptions (eczema, acne), cancer (skin, breast), mm spasms, cysts, hormonal imbalance (hot flashes)

Contraindications: Pregnancy, Blood thinners, E+ cancers
Trifolium pratense
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Trifolium pratense
Common name: Red clover
Family name: Fabaceae
Parts used: Flowers
Trifolium pratense/ Red Clover
Doctrine of Signatures: ?
Trifolium pratense/ Red clover
Redness - inflammation
Mahonia aquifolium/ Oregon grape
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Mahonia aquifolium/ Oregon grape
Medicinal actions: Astringent, antimicrobial, alterative, vulnerary, tonic, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, choleretic, stomachic, laxative, antioxidant, elimination of catabolic residues

Dosing: Decoction, tincture
Mahonia aquifolium/ Oregon grape
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Mahonia aquifolium/ Oregon grape
Indications: Antimicrobial (esp GI, respiratory, urinary), indigestion, liver congestion, chronic cholecystitis, skin conditions (psioriasis, eczema, acne), eye infections; syphilitic dyscrasia, skin conditions, secretion & excretion

Contraindications: Pregnancy
Mahonia aquifolium
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Mahonia aquifolium
Common name: Oregon grape
Family name: Berberidaceae
Parts used: Root bark & stem bark
Serona repens
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Serona repens
Common name: Saw Palmetto
Family name: Palmaceae
Parts used: berry
Serona repens/Saw palmetto
Serona repens/Saw palmetto
Indications: BPH (short term), chronic prosatitis, prostate cancer, male pattern baldness, spasm of urethra - incontinence, underweight, decr. appetite, low libido
Contraindications: pregnancy
Serona repens/Saw palmetto
Medicinal action?
Serona repens/Saw palmetto
Medicinal action: anti-androgenic, anti-exudative, anti-inflammatory, endocrine agent, spasmolytic,
Dosing: decoction
Vitex agnus castus
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Vitex agnus castus
Common name: Chaste tree berry
Family name: Verbenaceae
Parts used: fruits
Vitex agnus castus/Chaste tree berry
Vitex agnus castus/Chaste tree berry
Indications: PMS, endometriosis, menstrual cramps, premenstrual herpes, polymenorrhea, amenorrhea, fibroids, menopause with hot flashes
Contraindications: pregnancy; may counteract effectiveness of OCP's
Vitex agnus castus/Chaste tree berry
Medicinal actions?
Vitex agnus castus/Chaste tree berry
Medicinal actions: Female repro tract regulator
Dosing: Tincture, infusion
Eleutherococcus senticosus/ Siberian ginseng
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Eleutherococcus senticosus/ Siberian ginseng
Medicinal actions: Adaptogen, Antioxidant, Anticoagulant-platelet aggregation inhibition, Immunomodulator, Cholesterol lowering, Mild CNS stimulator, Tonic, Antiviral, Hypoglycemic, Vasodilator

Dosing: Decoction, tincture
Eleutherococcus senticosus/ Siberian ginseng
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Eleutherococcus senticosus/ Siberian ginseng
Indications: Stamina, physical & mental performance, incr. growth, stabilize blood sugar, incr. protein anabolism, stress adaptation, stim. T cell activation, protects against radiation, adrenal tonic, strengthens heart muscle

Contraindications: Enhances affects of antibiotics, Diabetics using insulin
Humulus lupulus/Hops
Humulus lupulus/Hops
Indications: hot flashes, menopause, neuralgia, insomnia, excitability, priapism, restlessness
Contraindications: its sedative activity has increased the sleeping time induced by the drug Pentobarbital
Humulus lupulus/Hops
Medicinal actions?
Humulus lupulus/Hops
Medicinal actions? sedative, hypnotic, diuretic, phytoestrogenic, topical bactericidal, anaphrodisiac for men,
Dosing? infusion
Humulus lupulus
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Humulus lupulus
Common name: Hops
Family name: Cannabaceae
Parts used: strobile
Vitex agnus cactus/Chaste tree berry
Doctrine of Signatures
Moonbeam, Dark of the Night, Leaves turned black when "cooked" by hot tub
Eleutherococcus senticosus
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Eleutherococcus senticosus
Common name: Siberian ginseng
Family name: Araliaceae
Parts used: Root bark or cortex
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Common name: Goldenrod
Family name: Asteraceae
Parts used: aerial parts in the bud stage
Solidago (Goldenrod)
Solidago (Goldenrod)
Indications: Influenza, repeated colds, bronchitis, tonsilitis, sinusitis, allergies, Irrigation of urinary tract - inflammation & renal gravel
Contraindications: chronic kidney disorders, edema from heart failure or kidney failure
Soligado (Goldenrod)
Medicinal Actions?
Soligado (Goldenrod)
Medicinal Actions: UTI, flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis
Dosing: infusion
Populus balsamifera
Common name:
Family name:
Parts used:
Populus balsamifera
Common name: Cottonwood
Family name: Salicacea (willow)
Parts used: unopened buds, oleoresin, bark
Medicago sativa/ Alfalfa
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Medicago sativa/ Alfalfa
Medicinal action: Alterative, Nutritive, incr appetite, digestion & assimiation, bile production & secretion, Phytoestrogen, hormonal balance, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, Antiathersclerotic

Dosing: Tincture, infusion
Medicago sativa/ Alfalfa
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Medicago sativa/ Alfalfa
Indications: Nutrition, emaciation, organ weakness, BPH, Lactation, Decreases cholesterol

Contraindications: Severe debilitation, pregnancy (uterine contractions), Blood thinning agents (warfarin), SLE, Fertility problems
Medicago sativa
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Medicago sativa
Common name: Alfalfa
Family name: Fabaceae
Parts used: Aerial parts
Medicago sativa/ Alfalfa
Doctrine of signatures: ?
Medicago sativa/ Alfalfa
Doctrine of signatures: Strong will to belong, survive
Juniper communis
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Juniper communis
Common name: Juniper
Family name: Cupressaceae
Parts used: berries
Juniper communis (Juniper)
Juniper communis (Juniper)
Indications: chronic GU infections, edema, UT atony, nephritis,
Contraindications: inflammatory conditions of the kidneys, chronic overdose may cause kidney damage
Juniper communis (Juniper)
Medicinal actions?
Juniper communis (Juniper)
Medicinal actions? diuretic, carminative, anti-microbial/spasmodic, inflammatory
Dosing: infusion
Aesculus hippocastanum
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Aesculus hippocastanum
Common name: Horse chestnut
Family name: Hippocastanacea
Parts used: seeds and bark
Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut)
Medicinal actions?
Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut)
Medicinal actions? decreases vessel permeability, contracts veins, astringent,
Dosing: dry liquid extract
Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut)
Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut)
Indications: chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, general congestion of tissues and atonic organs, hematomas
Contraindications: red dot item, many precautions. Toxicity - aescin - hemolytic properties.
Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi
Common name: Uva-Ursi (Bearberry)
Family name: Ericaceae
Parts used: leaves
Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (Bearberry)
Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (Bearberry)
Indications: chronic bladder irritation
Contraindications: pregnancy, irritating to bladder and kidneys if used long term, tannins can bind to minerals - therefore causing nutritional deficiencies if used long term
Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (Bearberry)
Medicinal actions?
Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (Bearberry)
Medicinal actions: diuretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory
Dosing: decoction
At risk herbs...
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga, Actaea)
Blue Cohosh (caulophyllum)
Eyebright (Euphrasia)
Goldenseal (Hydrastis)
Lady's Slipper Orchid
Lomatium (Lomatium)
Osha (Ligusticum)
Slippery Elm (Ulmus)
Chionanthus virginicus
Fringe Tree
Oleaceae Family
Inner Bark
Chionanthus virginicus
Fringe Tree
Decoction and tincture

Cholagogue, choleretic, antiseptic, cathartic, hepatic, diuretic, digestive tonic
Chionanthus virginicus/ Fringe Tree
Indications: ?
C/I: ?
Indications: Digestive organs- cirrhosis & fatty liver, gallstones, pancreatic inactivity, glycosuria, chronic gastritis, Good for jaundice, urinary tract, venous system congestion.

C/I: Bile duct obstruction, during pregnancy unless otherwise prescribed by health care practitioner
Tilia spp. (Linden flower)
Tilia spp. (Linden flower)
Indications: Relaxing and demulcent, Respiratory tract, Dry cough, Truth serum, Croup, Keeps vessels strong and flexible (veins and arteries)
Arteriosclerosis and HTN. Used in combo with Hawthorne and Ginkgo
Tilia spp. (Linden)
Doctrine of Signatures?
Tilia spp. (Linden): Doctrine of Signatures
Wood soft but bark strong (arteries are similar)
Carvable hardwood
Tilia spp
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Linden flower
Tiliaceae Family
Flowers and leaves
Rosmarinus officianalis
Rosemary-take me to the final with your meat!
Mint Family/Lamiaciae
Rosmarinus officianalis (Rosemary)
Medicinal actions?
Rosmarinus officianalis (Rosemary)
Medicinal actions: Antiinflammatory, antioxidant, stimulant for circulation, diaphoretic, memory herb. Flavor enhancement
Dosing: infusion or tincture
Tilia sp (Linden)
Medicinal actions?
HYPOTENSIVE, SEDATIVE, DEMULCENT, diaphoretic, diuretic, stomachic, antispasmotic, antidepressant, calmative

Tincture or infusion
Rosmarinus officianalis (Rosemary)
Rosmarinus officianalis (Rosemary)
Tonic to vasomotor fnx, peripheral circulation, soothes nervous system, atonic conditions of stomach, gastric HA, circulatory wkness, HTN.
Ginkgo biloba/ Ginkgo
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Ginkgo biloba/ Ginkgo
Medicinal actions: Peripheral circulatory enhancement (limbs, brain), Vasodilator, Decreases reinnervation time after mm injury, Anti-inflammatory, Memory enhancement, Antioxidant, Antithrombotic, PAF antagonist, Antiathersclerotic

Dosing: Infusion, tincture
Ginkgo biloba/ Ginkgo
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Ginkgo biloba/ Ginkgo
Indications: Cerebral insufficiency, incr. BF rate, Circulatory disorders, Concentration, Memory loss, Alzheimers, Raynauds, PMS, tinnitus

Contraindications: Bleeding disorders, children, pregnancy, lactation, allergy, drugs (warfarin, aspirin, MAO inhibitors, anti-depressants)
Ginkgo biloba
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Ginkgo biloba/ Ginkgo
Common name: Ginkgo
Family name: Ginkgoaceae
Parts used: Leaf
Ginkgo biloba/ Ginkgo
Doctrine of signatures: ?
Ginkgo biloba/ Ginkgo
Doctrine of signatures: Leaf shape and veins represent an opening
of the peripheral circulation.
Ancient origin suggests that it is
useful for issues of aging.
Thuja occidentalis/ American cedar
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Thuja occidentalis/ American cedar
Medicinal actions: Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, carminative, anti-spasmodic, tussive, alterative, circulatory stimulant, immune stimulant, lymphatic

Dosing: Tincture, infusion, homeopathic, salve
Thuja occidentalis/ American cedar
Doctrine of Signatures: ?
Thuja occidentalis/ American cedar
Doctrine of Signatures:
• The tree loves wet soil which reflects its use in kidney, lungs & bladder.
• Finely divide leaves suggests it promotes deep tissue circulation.
• Its strong oils and rot resistant wood reflect its strong immune supporting characteristics & antifungal, antiviral.
• Thuja moves circulation and energy like moving water from cool roots to warming sunning tops of the trees.
• Flat leaves are Iike an iron which can smooth the irritated bunched vital force
Thuja occidentalis/ American cedar
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Thuja occidentalis/ American cedar
Indications: Preserves vital force, Prevents insults to deep immunity, Balance of wet & dry, Inflammation, Stagnation, Cancer, Warts, Diphtheria, Croup, Wounds, Urinary incontinence, Resp infxns, UTIs

Contraindications: acute kidney infxns/dz, pregnancy, prolonged (thujone toxicity)
Thuja occidentalis
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Thuja occidentalis
Common name: American cedar
Family name: Pinaceae
Parts used: Twigs, branches
Astragalus membranaceus/ Astragalus
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Astragalus membranaceus/ Astragalus
Medicinal actions: Adaptogen, Immune stimulant, Diuretic, Vasodilator, Antiviral, Antitumor, Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant, Cardiotonic, Energy tonic, Physical endurance, Immune resistance, Kidney protective, Antioxidant

Dosing: Tincture, decoction
Astragalus membranaceus/ Astragalus
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Astragalus membranaceus/ Astragalus
Indications: Phlegm, coughing, breathing problems, "food tonic"; Eenergy tonic; Physical endurance, Adaptation to heat/cold; Decr appetite & sweating; Incr immune resistance; Ischemic heart dz, angina, prolapsed organs, uterine bleeding; anemia blood tonic; restores immune fxn with cancer tx, aging

Contraindications: Organ transplants, immune suppressive agents, Acute infection
Astragalus membranaceus
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Astragalus membranaceus
Common name: Astragalus
Family name: Fabaceae
Parts used: Root
Astragalus membranaceus
Doctrine of Signatures: ?
Astragalus membranaceus
Doctrine of Signatures:
• Roots have a yellow, white color: reminds one of the lymph & Immune system.
• Shape of root reminds one of strong support.
Usnea barbata/ Old Man's Beard, Spanish Moss, Tree Lichen
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Usnea barbata/ Old Man's Beard, Spanish Moss, Tree Lichen
Medicinal actions: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Immunostimulating, Antispasmodic, Antipyretic, Analgesic, Demulcent

Dosing: Tincture, powdered herb, compress
Usnea barbata/ Old Man's Beard, Spanish Moss, Tree Lichen
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Usnea barbata/ Old Man's Beard, Spanish Moss, Tree Lichen
Indications: Herbal Antibiotic (esp Gm+ strep, staph, mycobacterium tuberculosis & other fast growing; spares Gm-), urinary infxns, resp infxns, GI infxns

Contraindications: none known
Usnea barbata
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Usnea barbata
Common name: Old Man's Beard, Spanish Moss, Tree Lichen
Family name: Lichenes
Parts used: Whole lichen (thallus)
Crataegus/ Hawthorne
Doctrine of Signatures: ?
Crataegus/ Hawthorne
Doctrine of Signatures:
• Red of the heart
• White flowers of purity, smell of death
• Strength of the heart wood
• Strength & openness
Crataegus/ Hawthorne
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Crataegus/ Hawthorne
Medicinal actions: Diuretic, Antiarrhythmic, Nutritious, Astringent, Cardiotonic, Cardioprotective, Peripheral vasodilation, Relaxant,

Dosing: Flowers- tea, tincture, essence; Berries- tincture, tea; Bark- tincture
Crataegus/ Hawthorne
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Crataegus/ Hawthorne
Indications: Pts not grounded
enough/ too grounded, Circulatory problems, Cardiac weakness, Food for aging heart, CAD, Arteriosclerosis, Fatty degeneration of heart, Heart enlargement, Angina pectoris, Senile heart conditions, CHF, Essential HTN, Cardiac arrhythmias, Emotional conditions of "heart”

Contraindications: Other cardiac meds. Should be monitored.
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Common name: Hawthorne
Family name: Rosaceae
Parts used: Flowers, leaves, berries, bark
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Medicinal actions: Sedative, hypnotic; Antispasmodic, Anticonvulsant, Analgesic, Anti-depressant/anxiety, Anesthetic, Antifungal, Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory

Dosing: Root
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Indications: Anxiety, stress, insomnia, muscle tension/spasm, asthma, ADHD, fibromyalgia, cystitis, tension HA's

Contraindications: Liver toxicity (limit consumption), Alcohol, pregnancy, nursing
Piper methysticum
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Piper methysticum
Common name: Kava kava
Family name: Piperaceae
Parts used: Root
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Doctrine of Signatures: ?
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Doctrine of Signatures: Happy Herb - takes you to the happy place - tropical beach; perfect tx for stress & anxiety of modern life
Cordyceps sinensis
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Cordyceps sinensis
Common name: Caterpillar Mushroom
Family name: Not listed
Parts used: Mycelium
Viburnum opulus or prunifolium/ Cramp bark
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Viburnum opulus or prunifolium/ Cramp bark
Medicinal actions: Antispasmodic, Astringent, NERVINE, Cerebrospinal vasostimulant, Hypotensive, beta 2 receptor agonist, Carminative, Anti-inflammatory, Restores Symp & Parasym NS balance of voluntary and involuntary spasm, sedative

Dosing: Powder, decoction, tincture
Viburnum opulus or prunifolium/ Cramp bark
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Viburnum opulus or prunifolium/ Cramp bark
Indications: Bronchial, GI, GU, Skeletal mm spasms, menstrual cramps, uterine prolapse, asthma, leg cramps

Contraindications: Pregnancy, Blood thinning agents, May cause hypotension in large doses, Berries have caused death, Leaves & fruits may cause gastroenteritis
Viburnum opulus or prunifolium
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Viburnum opulus or prunifolium
Common name: Cramp bark
Family name: Caprifoliaceae
Parts used: Bark
Phytolacca decandra
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Phytolacca decandra
Common name: Poke root
Family name: Phytolaccaeae
Parts used: Roots
Phytolacca decandra/ Poke root
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Phytolacca decandra/ Poke root
Medicinal actions: Lymphagogue, Alterative, Anti-catarrahl, Anti-rheumatic, Emetic, Purgative, Anti-fungal, Parasiticide, Anti-microbial, Anti-inflammatory

Dosing: Tincture, decoction, powder, poultice, homeopathic
Phytolacca decandra/ Poke root
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Phytolacca decandra/ Poke root
Indications: Swollen LNs, rheumatic & arthritic joints, recurring infxns, sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, chronic skin conditions, breast lumps, mastitis

Contraindications: Overdose (n/v, diarrhea, cramps, dizziness, hypotension, decr. resp, HA. Possible death dt resp paralysis), Pregnancy. Topical application- skin irritation.
Phytolacca decandra/ Poke root
Doctrine of Signatures: ?
Phytolacca decandra/ Poke root
Doctrine of Signatures:
• Young Fruit looks similar to the LNs and lymph channels
• Red berries hang down in a droopy manner. Contrast heat and
Galium aparine/ Cleavers
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Galium aparine/ Cleavers
Medicinal actions: diuretic, alterative, anti-inflammatory, laxative, vulnerary, astringent, anti-lithic, lymphagogue (one of the best and safest tonics for congested lymph), refrigerant

Dosing: tincture
Galium aparine/ Cleavers
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Galium aparine/ Cleavers
Indications: Urinary problems (cystitis, infections, stones), BPH, Relaxant, Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, cancer), tonsilitis, gonorrhea

Contraindications: None noted
Galium aparine
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Galium aparine
Common name: Cleavers
Family name: Rubiaceae
Parts used: Aerial parts
Larrea tridentata/ Chaparral
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Larrea tridentata/ Chaparral
Medicinal actions: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Anti-neoplastic, Alterative, Antiseptic

Dosing: Infusion, tincture
Larrea tridentata/ Chaparral
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Larrea tridentata/ Chaparral
Indications: Autoimmune dz, SLE, Cancer, Decr. platelet aggregation, External skin lesions, Herpes, Liver congestion, Arthritis, Resp infxns, UTIs

Contraindications: Liver dz (potential toxicity), Pregnancy, Allergy
Larrea tridentata
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Larrea tridentata
Common name: Chaparral
Family name: Zygophyllacea
Parts used: Leaves
Gentiana lutea/ Gentian
Medicinal actions: ?
Dosing: ?
Gentiana lutea/ Gentian
Medicinal actions: Cholagogue; Bitter tonic; Incr appetite; Stimulating to digestive organs, mucosal tissues, portal circulation; Anti-inflammatory

Dosing: Decoction, tincture
Gentiana lutea/ Gentian
Indications: ?
Contraindications: ?
Gentiana lutea/ Gentian
Indications: General GI debility, Flatulence, Anorexia, GI atony, Poor digestion, Low stomach acidity, Portal congestion, Malaria

Contraindications: Acute GI inflammation, Pregnancy
Gentiana lutea
Common name: ?
Family name: ?
Parts used: ?
Gentiana lutea
Common name: Gentian, Bitter Root, Bitterwort, Gall Weed, Qin Jiao
Family name: Gentianaceae
Parts used: Root, rhizome
Schisandra chinensis
Common name?
Part used?
Schisandraceae family
Schisandra chinensis
liver/GB tonic, antibacterial, antiulcer, adaptogen, hepatoprotective, immunomodulator, antioxident, cholagogue, astrigent, expectorant

Dosing: raw fruit, decoction or tincture
Schisandra chinensis
Schisandra chinensis
Indications: Liver restorative, lung tonic, immune support. mental alertness, insomnia, prolonged diarrhea and immunodeficient states.
Valeriana officinalis
Valeriana officinalis
Sedative, relaxing nervine, antispasmotic, anticonvulcent, hypotensive, diuretic, diaphoretic, antiarrhythmic
Tea, tincture
Valeriana officinalis (valerian)
Valeriana officinalis (valerian)
Restlessness, hysteria, emotional stress, pn, insomnia, depression, anxiety, nervous palpations, anything to do with the nerves, arrhythmias, GI cramping, menstrual cramps, shingles, backache
C/I: GABA receptor activity may induce withdrawl sxs if used for a long time.
Piper methysticum
Kava kava
Piperaceae Family
Piper methysticum (Kava kava)
Medicinal actions?
Medicinal actions: Sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, antifungal, diuretic
Dosing: tea, tincture
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Piper methysticum/ Kava kava
Indications: Relieves anxiety and stress, insomnia, muscle tension, and asthma. fibromyalgia, acute cholecystitis, ureter spasms, tension HA, reduce infarcs and ischemic brain damage
C/I: Long term use can cz dry, pigmented scaly skin, appearing after discontinued use. Doses larger than 9 g/day raises liver enzymes. Don't use during pregnancy, nursing, drinking alcohol or with use of other drugs that cz drowsiness
Lomatium dissectum
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Umbelliferae Family

Lomatium dissectum
Antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulator
Infusion or tincture
Lomatium dissectum
Lomatium dissectum
Colds, flu, viral , bacterial and fungal infx, and for hard to tx UTI or URI infx
C/I: Ingesting the fresh plant will cz a skin rash for some. Contains COUMARINS- may exacerbate blood thinning.
Lobelia inflata
Lobeliaceae Family
Aerial portions and ripe seed
Lobelia inflata (Puke weed)
Stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, antispasmotic, emetic
Infusion, acetract (vinegar) or EtOH tincture
Lobelia inflata
Lobelia inflata
Indications: dyspnea, diffusive stimulant, spasmotic coughs, during parturition when os is spongy and not relaxing. Externally as antispasmotic.
C/I: Nervous prostration, shock, paralysis, pneumonia, heart dz, high BP, pregnancy, may cz n/v, contact c fresh plant may cz dermatitis
Allium sativum
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Liliaceae family
Allium sativum (Garlic)
Medicinal actions?
Antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, diuretic, carminative, natriuretic, anticoagulant, antithrombotic, hypotensive, antispasmodic, hypoglycemic, diaphoretic, cholagogue, inhibits tumor growth, supports immune fnx, protect liver, immunomodulator, hepatoprotective
FRESH tincture, fresh cloves are best
Allium sativum/ Garlic
Allium sativum/ Garlic
Indications: Infx (esp GI and respiratory), high BP, atherosclerosis, dysentery, peripheral vascular dz, DB, liver dz. May help c H.Pylori

C/I: Gi disturbance, acute inflammation, insomnia, dehydration, hypoglycemia, impending surgery, impending organ transplant, concomitant c anticoagulants
Rhodiola rosea
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Crassulaceae Family
Rhodiola rosea
Medicinal actions; ?
Dosing: ?
Rhodiola rosea
Medicinal actions: Adaptogen
Dosing: Tincture
Rhodiola rosea
Rhodiola rosea
Decrease fatigue, increase endurance during exercise, enhance LEARNING!, depression, memory, heart health
Artemesia Absinth (Wormwood)
Doctrine of Signatures?
Artemesia Absinth (Wormwood)
- grows on marginal soils to which it brings life and beauty
- balances the bitter and sweet in life
- survivor plant; makes the best of bad environment
- green/silver leaves, balancing youth and wisdom; growth and death
Zingiber officianalis
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Zingiberacaea Family
Zingiber officianalis
Carminative, dec. platelet aggregation, antiatherosclerotic, diaphoretic, cardiotonic, antipyretic, antitussive, expectorant, stomachic, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmotic, diuretic, antiemetic, choleretic, hypolipidemic, analgesic, antioxidant
Infusion or tincture
Zingiber officianalis
Digestive disturbances, increases bile secretion, circulatory sluggishness, feverish conditions, HA, motion sickness, nausea, heart health, antithrombotic, antitumor
C/I: REALLY large doses not recommended during pregnancy.
Cinnamomum spp.
Lauraceae Family
inner bark
Cinnamomum spp.
Medicinal actions?
Medicinal actions: Astringent, diaphoretic, aromatic stimulant, carminative, hemostatic, antiseptic, flavoring, antibacterial, antifungal, GI tonic, anodyne, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, dec. insulin resistance

Dosing: Infusion, essential oil, tincture
Cinnamomum spp.
Dysmennorhea, passive bleeding (GI, renal and pulmonary), n/v, cold and flu, oral candida, DB
C/I: Not to be used in large doses (2 g) for extended periods of time.
Achillea millefolium
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Asteraceae Family
Flowers and leaves
Achillea millefolium/Yarrow
Indications and C/I
Indications: tonic and stimulatory for the urinary, GI and respiratory tract mucous membranes. Tonic for circulatory system. Used for initial stages of colds and fevers, bleeding, diverticulosis, amenorrhea, urinary incontinenence and sore throats
C/I: B-iso-thujone constituent can cz vomiting, cramping urine retention
Achillea millefolium/ Yarrow
Medical actions?
Bitter tonic, antiseptic, antifungal, astrigent, styptic, stimulating diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, anticoagulant
Dosing: Infusion, tincture
Mentha piperita
Common name?
Family name?
Parts Used?
Lamiaciae Family
Mentha piperita/Peppermint
Medicinal actions?
Mentha piperita/Peppermint
Medicinal actions: Antispasmodic, cholagogue, choleretic, carminative, mild disinfectant, external analgesic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic

Dosing: Infusion or tincture
Mentha piperita/Peppermint
Colic, gas, IBS, indigestion, n/v, cold, flu, mental fatigue, alleviates itchy skin (esp c bites and stings). Inhaled as decongestant.
C/I: pregnancy dt emmenagogue (use c caution), gall stones, hiatal hernia
Foeniculum vulgare
Common name?
Family name?
Part used?
Foeniculum vulgare/ Fennel
Foeniculum vulgare/ Fennel
Indications: Indigestion, gas, coughs

C/I: overdose of oil can cz n/v, seizures and pulmonary edema. Use c caution if prego
Foeniculum vulgare
Medicinal actions?
Mild expectorant, antispasmodic, antiinflammatory, galactagogue, phytoestrogen, carminative, flavoring
Dosing: Infusion or tincture
Matricaria recutita
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Flowers picked before fully opening
Matricaria recutita
Indigestion, gastritis, gastric ulcers. mild sedative, menstrual cramps, colic. Useful for fevers. Externally for ulcers, burns and wounds. Poultices used for meningitis.
C/I: may cz allergenic sensitivity, contact dermatitis, though allergies are RARE
Matricaria recutita
Medicinal actions
Matricaria recutita (chamomile)
Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, analgesic, antipyretic, antiseptic, antibacterial against Strep, antifungal, caminative
Dosing: infusion, tincture
Silybum marianum
Common name?
Family name?
Part used?
Milk thistle
Silybum marianum
Milk thistle
Liver dz and protection from toxins, DB, kidney protection,
Silybum marianum (Milk thistle)
Medicinal actions?
Silybum marianum (Milk thistle)
Medicinal actions: Antioxidant, hepatoprotective, hepatotrophorestorative, gastroprotectant, hypoglycemic, kidney protective
Dosing: Decoction, powder swallowed c milk chaser, tincture
Taraxacum officianalis
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
whole plant used
Taraxacum officianalis/Dandelion
Arthritis, gout, high BP, high cholesterol, edema, abn blood sugar, liver issues, gastric HA, fall roots beneficial for gut bacteria
C/I: May cz contact dermatitis, bile obstruction, acute GB inflammation, acute gastointestinal inflammation, intestinal blockage
Taraxacum officianalis/Dandelion
Medicinal uses?
Diuretic (esp leaf), stomachic, mild laxative, cholagogue, choleretic, antioxidant, anti-platelet aggregating action
Dosing: Decoction, infusion, tincture
Can also be eaten in salads...
Chelidonium majus
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Greater Celandine
Entire fresh plant
Chelidonium majus/ Celandine
Chelidonium majus/Celandine
Spasmolytic (think lungs and bile ducts), chronic dz of liver, GB, and spleen. HA. Dissolves warts.
C/I: Don't use during pregnancy dt uterine stimulation. Watch lab values for liver enzymes
Chelidonium majus/ Celandine
Medicinal actions?
Chelidonium majus/ Celandine
Medicinal actions: Cholagogue, choleretic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, weak analgesic, anti-inflammatory, weak CNS sedative, antispasmodic, stimulates digestive enzymes, eases digestive disturbances
Dosing: infusion, tincture, externally for warts.
Chichorium intybus
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
All of plant
Chichorium intybus/Chicory
Medicinal uses?
Appetizer, cholagogue, digestive aid, diuretic, laxative, tonic, mild sedative
Dosing: tincture, decoction, juice
Chichorium intybus/Chicory
Liver congestion, malnutrition, lack of appetite, gastritis, constipation, jaundice, inflammation, warts, tumors, cancers
Actaea rasemosa - cimicifuga
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Black cohosh
Actaea rasemosa - cimicifuga
Black cohosh
Menopause, suppressed/delayed menses, whiplash, depression, feel like going insane, stuck vital force
C/I: 1st trimester, lactating mothers, estrogen sensitive cancers, frontal h/a

Actaea rasemosa - cimicifuga
Black cohosh
Medicinal actions?
Anti-spasmodic, emmenagogue, anti-rheumatic, uterine tonic, estrogen modulating
Dosing:Tincture, powder, decoction, infusion
Echinaceae spp.
Common name?
Family name?
parts used?
roots, seeds, flowers
Echinaceae spp.
Medicinal actions?
Echinaceae spp.
Medicinal actions: Immunomodulator, antiinflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, adrenal cortex, stimulates leukocytes, inh. hyaluronidase, enhances phagocytosis, sialogogue
Dosing: Infusion or tincture
Echinaceae spp.
Enhances resistence to infections and stim. wound healing, protects gut from microprganisms, decreases inflammatory reactions, bac and viral infections.
C/I: Can cz n/v, mb infertility for men. Augustofolia mb an endangered species
Artemisia Absinthium (Wormwood)
Artemisia Absinthium (Wormwood)
Indications: digestive problems (bloating, gas, lack of tone) and balance problems (emotional, spiritual, physical)
Contraindications: pregnancy, gastric/peptic ulcers, irritable nervous states, seizure disorders, toxic to CNS
Rosmarinus officinalis
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Common name: Rosemary
Family name: Lamiaceae
Parts used: herb
Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary)
Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary)
Indications: cardiovascular conditions, remembrance
Contraindications: pregnancy
Rosarminus officinalis (Rosemary)
Medicinal actions?
Rosarminus officinalis (Rosemary)
Medicinal actions: circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory, rubefacient, tonic astringent, diaphoretic, carminitive, nervine and emmenagogue
Dosing: tincture
Hollywood Method - Herbal Formula Players?
Overall Concept: What is this formula about?
Star Acting Herb: Primary medicinal herb
Supporting Herbs (2nd or co primary herbs)
Supporting background herb(s)
Activator or Harmonizing herb
Form of herbal product: Herbal Tea,
Tincture, Capsule? What brand?
Describe the basic preparation of a tincture with a dried herb.
- Grind or powder herb
- Calculate volume to strength ratio
- Fill jar with herbs and enough alcohol to cover the herbs
- Label the date, name of herb, weight-to-volume ratio, solvents used and their %
- Shake the jar 1-2x/day for 14 days
- Store in a cool, dark place
- Decant
Describe the basic preparation of a tincture with a fresh herb.
- Determine water content of plant
- Chop herb
- Calculate volume to strength ratio
- Fill jar with herbs and enough alcohol to cover the herbs
- Label the date, name of herb, weight-to-volume ratio, solvents used and their %
- Shake the jar 1-2x/day for 14 days
- Store in a cool, dark place
- Decant
What is % alcohol to the following constiuents?
- Alkaloids?
- Bitters?
- Glycosides?
- Mucilage?
- Essential oils?
- Resins?
- Saponins?
- Tannins?
- Alkaloids: 45-70%
- Bitters: 25-45%
- Glycosides: 25-60%
- Mucilage: 25-30%
- Essential oils: at least 45%
- Resins: 90%
- Saponins: 25-60%
- Tannins: 25-60%
Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)
Medicinal actions?
Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)
Medicinal actions: bitter, carminative, anti-microbial, anthelmintic, choleretic, emmenagogue
Dosing: infusion, tincture, lotion or oil
Capsicum annuum
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Capsicum annuum
Common name: Cayenne
Family name: Solanaceae (nightshade family)
Parts used: fruit
Capsicum annuum (Cayenne)
Medicinal actions?
Capsicum annuum (Cayenne)
Medicinal actions: circulatory stimulant tonic, carminative, spasmolytic, diaphoretic, antiseptic, rubefacient, counter-irritant
Dosing: capsules, ointment and cream
Capsicum annuum (Cayenne)
Capsicum annuum (Cayenne)
Indications? Pain, poor circulation, arthritis, inflammation, atherosclerosis
Contraindications: caution with pregnancy, inhaling vapors
Euphrasia officinalis
Common name?
Family name?
Parts used?
Common name: Eyebright
Family name: Scrophulariaceae
Parts used: aerial parts
Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright)
Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright)
Indications: conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, hay fever
Contraindications: none
Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright)
Medicinal actions?
Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright)
Medicinal actions: astringent, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant
Dosing: infusion