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34 Cards in this Set

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Q. Name the Herb?
Family: Asteraceae (KNOW)
Primary actions: diaphoretic, styptic, vulnerary, bitter. Has an antiseptic, astringent and tonifying effect on mucous membranes. Discontinue if a rash occurs.
Achillea millefolium
Q. Name the herb?
Family: Asteraceae. Part Used: Dried flower, aerial plant (KNOW). pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Primary actions: diaphoretic, immune stimulant. Used to help clear the upper respiratory tract of mucous congestion.
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Q. What herb has side effects of nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, thirst. Contraindicated in pregnancy?
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Q. Name the Herb?
Part Used: flowers, berries. flavonoids (anthocyanadins). Primary Actions: Flowers: Anti-catarrhal, anti-oxidant, diaphoretic (taken as hot infusion)
Berries – Anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory/ lymphagogue
Sambucus nigra
Q. Berries are useful to treat chronic asthma and allergies, due to mast-cell stabilization. Sambucus berries, when dried and cooked are a good treatment for rheumatic joints. Use only ripe berries. Contain sambunigrin, which is toxic.
Sambucus nigra
Q. Name the herb?
Family: Asteraceae. Primary actions: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, lymphagogue, vulnerary. One of the best herbs for treating local skin problems. Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Calendula officinalis
Q. It can be useful to aid in draining cysts, fibrocystic breasts (local applications). Topical: salves, ointments, creams, oil
Calendula officinalis
Q. Name the herb?
Part Used: Aerial. Taste/Char: cooling, drying. Primary actions: lymphagogue, alterative, anti-inflammatory. Promotes detoxification. Treat eczema or psoriasis as well as other stagnant conditions.
Galium aparine
Q. This herb is great at increasing lymphatic drainage and reducing stagnation in tissues. Can reduce inflammation in conditions of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, and pyelonephritis. Contrindicated in contact dermatitis.
Galium aparine
Q. Name the herb?
Family: Berberis—Berberidacea
Hydrastis--Ranunculaceae. Part Used: Root. PRIMARY ACTIONS: Anti-microbial, bitter, immune stimulant, alterative.
Berberis vulgaris
Q. Direct action on mucous membranes in the body and specifically treat atonic, chronic mucosal problems. Use these plants when treating, pharyngitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, UTI, conjunctivitis and sinusitis. Contraindicated: in Pregnancy and Lactation due to effects of Berberine alkaloids.
Berberis vulgaris
Q. Name the Herb?
Family: Asteraceae. Part Used: Root, seeds and flowers. Taste/Char: pungent, bitter, cooling. Primary actions: alterative, antimicrobial, immune stimulant. Indicated in the treatment of stasis or in septicemia
Echinacea angustifolia
Q. Used to treat any condition of stagnation and impurities that manifest on the skin such as boils, abscesses, ulcers, septicemia, syphilis, cancer and gangrene. Possible caution for long term use in progressive systemic diseases or auto-immune disease, such as Lupus, MS, TB, or RA
Echinacea angustifolia
Q. Name the herb? Taste/Char: bitter, pungent, astringent. Primary actions: anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory. Respiratory and GI tracts.IMPORTANT (DIALates Respiratory). Reduces mucus and congestion on local tissues
Boswellia spp.
Q. What is Baswellia used for orally? Who is it contraindicated in?
Used in a mouthwash formula for the treatment of gingivitis and pyorrhea.
Limit extended internal use in pregnancy and lactation.
Q. Name the herb?
Primary actions: astringent, antimicrobial, immune-stimulant. Stimulates activity of white blood cells.(IMPORTANT) Expectorant. It aids in healing the gut mucosa, improving GALT and Peyer’s patch function.
Q. What is Commiphora cautioned with?
long-tern internal use in Pregnancy
Q. Name the Herb? Alkaloids. Taste/Character: Acrid, bitter, cooling, drying. Primary actions: alterative, immune-stimulant, anti-microbial, lymphagogue. Lower dose for acute conditions.
Baptisia tinctoria
Q. Name the herb? Most commonly used for localized infections or inflammation of the mucous membranes with patients that are septic or where there is ulceration or necrosis. There is a dusky red to bluish color to the inflamed tissue and it appears ulcerated, decayed or putrid. Dont give to prego.
Baptisia tinctoria
Q. Name the herb? Primary actions: alterative, lymphagogue, inflammation when we have to move toxins. Part of Turska’s formula, used to treat ovarian cysts. Used in detox programs. Affinity for lymphatics. Avoid prego.
Phytolacca americana
Q. Name the herb? Symptoms of overdose involve initial burning sensation in the mouth and throat followed a few hours later by nausea, vomiting, intense abdominal cramping, profuse sweating, watery or bloody diarrhea.
Phytolacca americana
Q. Name the Herb? Part Used: Rhizome and the resin extracted from the rhizome. Primary actions: alterative, cathartic, cholagogue, lymphagogue, cytotoxic, antiviral. Use on topical warts. Traditional use as powerful purgative.
Podophyllum peltatum
Q. Name the herb? Taste/Char: pungent, hot, spicy. Primary actions: Antimicrobial, immune-stimulant, lymphagogue. Native Americans chewed the root of this herb to enhance stamina and protect against illness. Affinity for respiratory tract. Avoid Prego.
Ligusticum porteri
Q. Name the herb? Used to enhance white blood cell counts after chemotherapy or radiation treatment. It is also commonly used in conjunction with Astragalus to treat cancer. Indicated for APHTHOUS STOMATITIS.
Ligustrum lucidum
Q. Name the herb? Primary Actions: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant. Avoid in hepatitis patients, and prego patients.
Larrea tridentata
Q. Name the herb? Primary actions: Antimicrobial, immune-stimulant. It has primarily been used for respiratory and urinary system infections. Adverse reaction: a full body maculopapular rash that resembles Measles.
Lomatium dissectum
Q. Name the herb? Shown to be effective against Shigella, Salmonella, Candida albicans, Pseudomonis, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus pyoogenes and Staph viridens.
Lomatium dissectum
Q. Name the herb? Part Used: Inner bark (dried and cured). Taste/Char: bitter, cooling. Primary actions: anti-fungal, immune modulator, anti-neoplastic. It is used to treat breast cancer, blood and bone marrow cancers. Avoid prego.
Tabebuia avellanedae
Q. What is Tabebuia avellanedae primarilly used for?
It is a primairly anti-fungal, used both externally and internally to treat tinea and chronic candidiasis.
Q. Name the herb? volatile oil (thujone). Primary actions: anti-microbial, anti-catarrhal (Break up mucous), astringent. Thuja is commonly used externally and internally for warts, including HPV. Vag Pak, used to treat cervical and vaginal cancers and condyloma.
Thuja occidentalis
Q. What does Thuja occidentalis do for the nose? What does Thuja occidentalis contraindicated for?
1. Reduces nasal polyps.
2. Pregnant. Can cause vomitting, convulsions, coma, and death.
Q. Name the herb? Taste/Character: bitter, dry, sweet, cooling. Primary actions: anti-microbial, immunostimulating. UTI, URI, gastroenteritis, impetigo, pharyngitis, skin infections.
Usnea barbata
Q. Usnea acid is thought to disrupt what?
Cellular metabolism of bacteria
Q. Usnic acid is also anti-fungal and effective against Trichomonas? T or F