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18 Cards in this Set

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How is BPD defined?

-instability of personal relationships, self-image and affect

-marked impulsivity

For a diagnosis what 5 or more symptoms are needed?

-frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment

-pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterised by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation

-identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self image


What is the prevalence?

1-2 percent of pop.

up to 70percent women.

gender bias?

What are the clinical features?

-always appear to be in state of crisis

-mood swings

-short lived psychotic episodes which are limited


-usually underachieve

-self mutiliation

-self harm

-lack of consistent identity

How do they see others?

-feel both dependent and hostile

-highly sensitive to rejection

-feeling afraid of being abandoned

-express rage when feel frustrated

-cannot tolerate being alone

-prefer a frantic search for companionship, rather than their own company

-accept strangers as friends, behave promiscuously

What is splitting?

See others as either all good or all bad.

-nurturing attachment figures vs. hateful sadistic figueres

-idealization and devaluation

-manipulation to obtain nurturance

What did Otto Kernberg describe in terms of defense mechanisms?

-projective identification occurs in BPD patient

intolerable aspects of self are projected onto another person

What are emotions like in BPD?

-felt more easily, more deeply and for longer

-can take long time to return to baseline emotional state

-intense feelings /whether good or bad

-overwhelming negative emotions

-aware of the emotions but can't regulate them, attempt to shut down entirely --suicidality or self harm

What behaviour is seen?

Impulsive behavour.

Substance abuse, eating disorders, promiscuos sex, reckless spending and driving

Gives immediate release from emotional pain.

But shame and guilt follow actions in long term

Vicious cycle


childhood trauma

genetic predisposition

neurological factors

environmental factors

evidence suggests that bpd is similar to which disorder?


what is the biopsychosocial model of causation?

-biological and genetic factors

-social factors

-psychological factors

what is the treatment for bpd?


-challenge projective identifications, negative and positve transferences, counter transference problems, reality orientated apporach


social skills training

Dialectical behaviour therapy

what are common features of recommended psychotherapy for BPD?

-therapy must be long

-emphasis on strong professional relationship

-clear boundaries

-therapist is active and directive

-develop a hierarchy of priorities together

-empathic validation


what pharcotherapy is used?

antipsychotics to control anger, hostility, brief psychotic episodes

antidepressants for low mood

benzodiazepines, xanax for help with anxiety and depression - problem here

what is social constructionism?

look at the ways in which social phenomena are created.

name some 'social constructionist' causes of bpd?

-women use it to survive and resist oppression

-how women are treated

-non medical explanations,

damaged system versus damaged individual

masculine attributes of individuality and rationality are celebrated in our society, vs female attributes such as emotionality and nurturance

do men get bpd?

problem here. is it 'unmanly' to acknowledge feelings?

anger interpreted differently?

men's level of violence more lethal, therefore antisocial personality disorder?