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164 Cards in this Set

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What is an innominate bone?

A bone also known as hip bone which is irregularly shaped and fuses the illium, pubis and ischium in the pelvis.

What is the bone highlighted?

What is the bone highlighted?

The Illium

What bone is highlighted?

What bone is highlighted?

The Illiac Crest

What bone is highlighted?

What bone is highlighted?


What does ASIS stand for?

Anterior Superior Illiac Spine

What bone is highlighted?

What bone is highlighted?


What does PSIS stand for?

Posterior Superior Illiac Spine

What bone is highlighted?

What bone is highlighted?


What does AIIS stand for

Anterior Inferior Illiac Spine

What bone is highlighted?

What bone is highlighted?

Ischial Tuberosity

What bone is highlighted?

What bone is highlighted?

Obturator Foramen

what is shown here?

what is shown here?

The aecetabulum

What is the acetabulum?

The socket part, of the ball and socket joint where the head of the femur sits.

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

The ischial spine

How many bones make up the pelvic girdle?


What are the bones that make up the pelvic girdle?

the sacrum, the coxyx, the illim, the ischium and the pubis

How many joints are in the hip?


Which are the joints in the hip?

Lumbosacral, symphysis pubis and sacroilliac

What bones meet at the lumbosacral joint?

The last vertebrae of the lumbar region of the spine and the first vertebrae of the Sacrum region of the spine.

What joint is being shown here?

What joint is being shown here?

The lumbosacral Joint

What joint is being show here?

What joint is being show here?

Symphysis pubis

What two bones meet at the symphysis pubis?

The left and right pubic

what type of joint is the symphysis pubis?


What two types of cartilage is the symphysis pubis?

hylaine and fibrocartilage

What joint is shown here?

What joint is shown here?


what bones meet at the sacroilliac joint?

The illium and sacrum

What type of joint is the sacroilliac

Synovial joint

What joint is shown here?

What joint is shown here?

The acetabulfemoral joint

What articulations are at the acetabulofemoral joint?

The head of the femur and the acetabulum

What is the acetabulum made up of?

the ischium, illium and pubis

What type of joint is the acetabulofemoral joint?


what is the classification of the acetabulofemoral joint


what is a multi-axial joint?

a joint which can provide movement along three or more axis

what is a mono-axial joint?

Where movement occurs across one plane of movement.

What is a bi-axial joint?

where movement occurs across two planes of movement.

What movements are available at the acetabulofemoral joint?

Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Medial Rotation and Lateral Rotation

What plane of movement does the acetabulofemoral joint allow?

Sagittal, Frontal and Transverse

What axis of movement does the acetabulofemoral joint allow?

Medial-Lateral, Anterior-Posterior and Superior-Inferior

What is a 'fibrous joint'?

Where the adjacent bones are connected by fibrous connective tissue.

What is a 'cartilaginous joint'?

The articulating surfaces are joined by fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage.

What is a 'synovial joint'

Where the articulating surfaces are indirectly connected by a joint cavity filled with lubricating fluid called 'synovial' fluid.

What is a snyarthrosis joint?

A nearly immobile joint- doesn't provide movement.

What is the nature of a snyarthrosis joint?

To provide a strong union between the two articulations- important for offering protection for vital organs

What is an example of a snyarthrosis joint?

The sutures in the skull

What is an 'ampiathrosis joint'?

A joint which has very limited mobility.

What is an example of an ampiathrosis joint?

The cartilaginous joint between vertebrae or the pubic symphasis.

What is the role of an ampiathrosis joint?

Provide a strong connection between the adjacent bones and provides protection of vital organs.

What is a 'diathrosis joint?'

A freely movable joint also known as a synovial joint

What is the nature of a diathrosis joint?

Allow joints a wide range of movement

What is an example of a diathrosis joint?

The ball and socket joint at the hip (acetabulofemoral joint)

What is the classification of a diathrosis/synovial joint?


What bone is highlighted here?

What bone is highlighted here?

The femur

what is highlighted here?

what is highlighted here?

head of the femur

what is highlighted here?

what is highlighted here?

The neck of the femur

What part of a bone is highlighted yellow?

What part of a bone is highlighted yellow?

Body of the femur

What part of a bone is shown here?

What part of a bone is shown here?

The greater trochanter

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?

The lesser trochanter

What is highlighted green here?

What is highlighted green here?

The medial epicondyle

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?

The lateral epicondyle

what highlighted in green here?

what highlighted in green here?

Lateral condyle

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Medial condyle

what is the green colour highlighting?

what is the green colour highlighting?

The pectineal line

Where is the pectineal line located?

Runs below the lesser trochanter, diagonally towards the linea aspera

What is the role of the pectineal line?

Provides attatchment for the adductor brevis

Where is the head of the femur located?

At the proximal end of the femur

Where is the neck of the femur located?

Between the head and both trochanters

where is the body of the femur located?

between each end of the bond ends (head

Where is the greater trochanter located?

Laterally between the neck and body of the femur

What is the role of the greater trochanter?

Provides attachment for the gluteus maximus and minimus and most deep rotator muscles

Where is the lesser trochanter located?

Medially and posteriorly, distal to the greatertrochanter.

What is the role of the lesser trochanter?

Providing attachment for the iliopsoas muscle

what is shown here?

what is shown here?

The adductor tubercle

Where is the adductior tubercle located?

Proximal to the medial epicondyle.

What is the role adductor tubercle?

Provides attachment for a portion of the adductor magnus.

What is highlighted in blue?

What is highlighted in blue?

The linea aspera of the femur

Where is the linea aspera located?

Runs the length of the body of the femur

What is the role of the linea aspera?

Provides muscle attachment

What joint is highlighted green?

What joint is highlighted green?

The sacrococcygeal joint

What are the two articulations in the sacrococcygeal joint?

The last vertebrae of the sacrum region of the spine and the coccygeal

What type of joint it the sacrococcygeal joint?

An ampiathrosis joint.

What is the function of the pelvic girdle?

Transfers the weight from the top half of the body, to the lower limbs while keeping the body balanced.

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

The illiac fossa

What is a fossa?

An area, usually in bone, where there a depression or hollowing which is usually smooth.

Give an example of a fossa?

the fossa of the scapular or the cranial fossa.

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

The superior ramus of pubic bone

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Inferior pubic ramus

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

The tubersoity of the ischium

What is the letter E showing?

What is the letter F showing?

Ramus of the ischium

What is the image showing here?

What is the image showing here?

The greater sciatic notch

What is being shown here?

What is being shown here?

The lesser sciatic notch

What is being shown here?

What is being shown here?

The greater sciatic foramen

Whats is being shown here?

Whats is being shown here?

The lesser sciatic foramen

What is shown in green?

What is shown in green?

The intercondylar fossa of the femur

What is circled here?

What is circled here?

The acetabular labrum

What bone is shown here?

What bone is shown here?

The tibia

What bone is shown here?

What bone is shown here?

The fibular

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Medial meniscus

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Lateral meniscus

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Medial condyle of the tibia

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Lateral condyle

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Tibial plateau

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

The intercondylar eminence of the tibia

What is highlighted green?

What is highlighted green?

Tibial tuberosity

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Medial malleolus

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

The interossous membrane

What joint is shown here?

What joint is shown here?

the proximal tibiofibular joint

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Lateral malleolus

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?

Head of the fibular

How many tibiofibular joints are there?


What are the tibiofibular joints?

Proximal tibiofibular, intermediate (interossous membrane) tibiofibular and the distal tibiofibular

how many tarsals is the foot made up of?


What are the names of the tarsals?

lateral, intermediate and medial cuneiforms, cuboid, talus, calaneous and navicular

What bone is highlighted green?

What bone is highlighted green?

The calcaneous (heel bone)

What bone is highlighted here?

What bone is highlighted here?

The talus

What bone is highlighted here?

What bone is highlighted here?

The cuboid

What bone is shown here?

What bone is shown here?

The medial cuneiform

What bone is highlighted red?

What bone is highlighted red?

Lateral cuneiform

What bone is shown in red?

What bone is shown in red?

The intermediate cuneiform

What bone is shown in yellow?

What bone is shown in yellow?

The navicular

What bones are highlighted red?

What bones are highlighted red?

Metatarsals 1- 5

What metatarsal is shown here?

What metatarsal is shown here?

the first metetarsal

what metatarsal is shown here?

what metatarsal is shown here?

The fifth metatarsal

What is highlighted green?

What is highlighted green?

Proximal Phalanhges

What is shown in green?

What is shown in green?

the distal phalanges

What phalanges are shown here?

What phalanges are shown here?

The intermediate phalanges

What is highlighted green?

What is highlighted green?

Calcaneal tuberosity

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

The navicular tuberosity

What is highlighted green?

What is highlighted green?

the sustentalculum tali

What is shown here?

What is shown here?

Tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal

what is the true ankle joint?

the talocrural joint

what are the articulating bones in the talocrural joint?

tibia, fibular and talus

What joint is shown here?

What joint is shown here?

The subtalar joint

what two bones meet at the subtalor joint?

the talus and the calcaneous

What is the line showing?

What is the line showing?

the midtarsal joint line also known as the transverse

What are the articulations at the midtarsal joint line?

The calcanealcuboid (calcaneous + Cuboid) and the Talonavicular (Talus + Navicular)

What is the classification of the talocrural joint?

synovial hinge joint

What movements are available at the talocrural joint?

plantar and dorsi flexion

What plane of movement is this?

What plane of movement is this?

Sagittal plane

What axis does a sagittal plane of movement have?

Frontal axis

What plane of movement is this?

What plane of movement is this?

Transverse plane

What axis does a transverse plane have?

longitudinal axis

What plane of movement is shown here?

What plane of movement is shown here?

Frontal plane

What axis does the frontal plane have?

sagittal axis

meaning of anterior

at the front or in front

meaning of posterior

at the back or behind

meaning of superior


meaning of inferior


meaning of lateral

towards the outer part of the body, away from the midline.

meaning of medial

towards the inner side of the body, towards the midline of the body.

meaning of distal

further away from the trunk or root of the limb

meaning of proximal

closer to the trunk or root of the limb

meaning of superficial

closer to the skin

meaning of deep

further from the skin.

What is compact bone?

Bone tissue which is more dense

what is spongy bone?

a softer bone tissue found at the epiphysis (end) of bones

Whats the role of a ligament?

Connects bone to bone

Whats the function of the skeleton?

- provides shape and support

- enables you to move

- protects your organs

- produces blood cells

- stores vitamins and minerals

What is the diaphysis of the bone?

The shaft (middle of the bone)

What is the epiphysis of the bone?

The end of the bones

Whats the name of the cartilage found at the end of the sternum?

xiphoid process

What cartilage is the acetabulum covered in?


What is the role of the acetabular labrum?

To deepen the socket

What cartilage is the acetabular labrum?


What are the fixed joints of the pelvis?

Sacroilliac, lumbosacral and symphasis pubis