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98 Cards in this Set

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the study of bones
short bones
cube shaped bone
carpel, small tarsel bones
flat bones
two plates of compact bone, seperated by cancellous bone
some bones of skull, ribs
irregular bones
complex and irregularly shaped bone
vertabrea, certain facial bones
sesamoid bones
small bone embedded in a tendon
patella, proximal and distal sesamoid bones
long bone
bone longer than wide
humerus, radius, femur, tibia
the long shaft of a long bone
the two enlarged ends of long bone
joint joining point of the diaphysis and the epiphysis in a growing bone
long bone
the fibrous covering around the bone that is not covered by articular cartilage
medullary cavity
the space in the diaphysis containing the marrow
the fiberous and cellular tissue lining the medullary cavity
any outgrowth of a bone
compact bone surrounding the medullary cavity
epiphyseal cartilage
the plate of cartilage between the diaphysis and epiphyses of immature long bone
where lengthening takes place
endochondreal ossification
formation of long bones in the fetus by transforming a cartilaginous model into bone
compact bone
gross term for the part of bone that looks solid
cancellous bone
gross term for bone with visible spaces in it
woven bone
histological name for immature bone that has been laid down but not organized by remodeling
haversian bone
histological term for adult bone that has been remodeled
large articular prominence
skull, humerous, femur, and tibia
cotyloid cavity
deep articular depression
acetabulum of the hip joint
prominent border or ridge
crest of hipbone
prominence just proximal to a condyle
lateral epicondyle of the humerous or femur
smooth flat surface, covered with hyaline cartilage
thoracic vertabra for attachment to a rib
a narrow cleft-like opening between adjacent bones
an opening through a bone
infraorbital foreman, obturator foreman, foreman magnum
small hallow
mandibular fossa, olecranon and radial fossae of the humerous
shallow nonarticular depression
fovea capitis on the head of the femur
long narrow furrow accommodating a vessel, nerve, or tendon
rounded articular process
head of femur or humerus
a ridge less prominent than a crest
tube-like canal through a bone
a depression at edge of a bone
notch of the tibia or ulna
sharp slender process
spine of a vertebra
large blunt process found only on the femur
pully shaped structure
small rounded process
tuberosity or tuber
large usually roughened process
axial skeleton
bones and cartilages protecting the soft structures of the head, neck, and trunk
apeendicular skeleton
bones of the limbs and the bones connecting the limbs to the axial skeleton
visceral or splanchnic skeleton
consists of bones that develop in the viscera or soft structures such as the os penis in carnivores and the ossa cordis in the ox and sheep
simple joint
articulations with 2 bones articulating
compound joint
articulations with more than 2 bones articulating
fibrous joint
articulations united by fibrous tissue allowing little or no movement
example of fibrous joint
sutures, synostosis
cartilaginous joint
articulation united by fibrocartilage, hyaline cartilage or both, slightly movable or immovable
examples of cartilaginous joint
pelvic symphysis, mandibular symphysis
synovial joint
articulation united by synovial joint capsule, freely moveable
example of synovial joint
should and elbow joint
immovable joint
synarthosis, fixed tight union allowing little or no movement and having great strength
examples of immovable joint
suture between facial bones
a fibrous joint between skull bones
hyaline cartilage joint
synchondrosis, immovable, temporary joint of hyaline cartilage
examples of hyaline cartilage joint
cartilaginous epiphyseal plate uniting diaphysis and epiphyses
slightly movable joint
amphiarthrosis, connected by either connective tissure or fibrocartilage
examples of slightly movable joint
between vertebral bodies
freely movable joint
diarthosis, synovial joint
plane joint
multiaxial, flat articular surface, simple gliding or sliding motion, tarsal, carpals
ball-and-socket joint
multiaxial, head fitting into pit or socket shoulder & hip joint
hinge joint
unaxial, right agle movement, elbow joint
pivot joint
uniaxial, allows rotation round longitudinal axis, atlanto-axial joint
condylar joint
formed by 2 condyler of 1 bone into concavities of another bone, femorotibial joint
ellipoidal joint
radiocarpel joint
saddle joint
distal interphalangeal joint
decrease in angle
increase of angel
condylar joint between mandibular fossa of temporal and mandible
condylar joint, occipital condyles and cranial articulation surfaces of atlas
pivot joint, between dens and cranial articular surface of atlas and axis
shoulder joint
scapulohumoral, ball-and-socket joint, between glenoid cavity of scapula and humeral head
elbow joint
humeroradiohumoral, hinge joint
carpal joint
hinge joint, has 3 main joints, antebrachiocarpal, middle carpal, and carpometacarpal
antebrachiocarpal joint
between distal radius, ulna and proximal row of caral bones, alot of movement
middle carpal joint
between 2 rows of carpal bones lot of movement
carpometacarpal joint
between distal row of carpal bones and metacarpal bones, little movement
collateral ligaments
stabilize stifle medially and laterally
metacarpalphalangeal joint
between metacarpal bones and proximal phalanges, hinge joint, also called fetlock joint in hourses
proximal interphalangeal joint
between proximal and middle phalanges also called pastern joint in horses
distal interphalangeal joint
saddle joint, between middle and distal phalanges, also called coffin bone in horses
sacroiliac joint
between wings of sacrum and ilium, combined cartilaginous and synovial joint
pelvic symphysis
slightly immovable joint, between 2 hip bones (os coxae)
hip joint
coxofemoral articulation, ball-and-socket between head of femur and acetabulum
stifle joint
femorotibial joint, condylar joint acts like a hinge joint, known as knee in humans
medial collateral ligament
strong stabilizing band on the medial side of stifle, fuses with joint capsule and the medial meniscus
tarsus, compound hinge like carpal joint
tarsocrural joint
articulation between proximal row of tarsal bones and tibia and fibula
proximal intertarsal joint
articulation between proximal row (talus and calcaneus) and central and 4th tarsal bones
distal intertarsal joint
articulation between central tarsal and tarsal bones 1, 2 and 3
tarsalmetatarsal joint
articulation between distal row of tarsal bones and metatarsal bones 1 and 5
nuchal ligament
massive ligament, supports head, runs from nuchal crest to spinous process of thoracic vertebrae
round ligament
hold head of femur in acetabulum, runs from acetabular bone to fovea capitis
patellar ligament
horse, medial, middle, and lateral patellar ligaments, runs from platellar to tibial turberosity
suspensory ligament
located between metacarpal bone and deep digital flexor tendon
stay apparatus
components are muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Allows horse to stand with little muscular activity
check apparatus
portion of stay apparatus below fetlock joint
reciprocal apparatus
series of muscles and ligaments that permit stifle and hock to both flex and extend together
common calcaneon tendon
achilles tendon in humans