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60 Cards in this Set

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Osteoblasts are what shapes
cuboidal mainly but can be columnar
mature osteoblasts trapped in lacunae
Large multinucleated cells for bone resorption
what is the clear region in osteoblasts lining a bone
depositing of osteoid and other proteins
calcium homeostasis is regulated by what three hormone
PTH, calcitonin, calcitriol (Vitamin D)
PTH does what to calcium levels and stimulates what
stimulates bone resorption, so calcium in serum goes up

PTH can, when given as a drug (Forteo recombinant human PTH), act to build bond as a treatment for osteoporosis- this is counterintuitive and is not well understood by researchers.
How does PTH stimulate bone resorption?
Binds to osteoblasts which secrete Osteoclast stimulating factor and then binds to receptors in osteoclasts
Calcitonin comes from where?
parafollicular cells of the thyroid
calcitonin prevents what
bone resorption and builds bone and keeps calcium levels low in serum
Vitamin D does what
Increases Ca and phosphate absorption in the gut, which increases bone resorption. Reduced excretion of calcium in kidneys
Calcitriol (vitamin D) leads to?
Bone resorption, reduction excretion of Ca in kidneys
absorptions of ca and phosphate
What does estrogen do to bone density
It inhibits resorption and is stored in testes and adrenals for men
Bone is mainly made of what collagen?
Type I
Collagen and ground substance become mineralized with calcium and phosphate in the form of what?
bone specific vitamin K dependent calcium binding protein
Bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) are significant why?
cause differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts (may be used by surgeons to repair bone defects)
additional proteins in matrix?
Type V collagen, osteonection, osteopontin, sialoproteins
Glycosaminoglycans-Hyaluroinc acid chondroitin sulfate and keratin sulfate
Bone is a mineral resevoir for what?
is it well vascularized
red marrow is the site for what
Calcium and Phospahte
yes unlike cartilage
Bone is made of what components
bone tissue, hematopoitic tissue, adipose tissue, blood vessels, nerves and hyaline cartilage
what is the periosteum
CT that surrounds bone (long bones)
Periorsteal nerve would cause pain when what happens?
broken bone
In flat bones, the outer layer of compact bones is called?
the inner spongy bone is called?

Red bone marrow
site for developing blood cells
located in sternum and iliac crest in adults
site for biopsy or bone marrow transplant
Yellow marrow replaces what in adults
most red marrow
can convert back to red marrow in times of anemia
Spongy bone is also called what
cancellous or trabecular
Haversian systems are found where?
compact bone and thicker trabeculae of spongy bone
Concentric lamellae and Haversian Canal
Volkmanns canal are related to Haversian canals how?
the run perpendicular to the them
Interstitial lamellae are what?
Lie between complete lamellae and are remnants of bone remodeling
Inner circumferential lamellae are near what
Outer circumferential lamellae are near what?

Periosteum has 2 layers composed of
outer fibrous layer of Dense CT
Inner layer that is composed osteoprogenitor cells that can become osteoblasts
thin layer of osteoprogenitor cells that lines internal surfaces(beginning of spongy bone)
What are sharpeys fibers
collagen fibers at the site of tendon insertion to a bone
collagen fibers run which direction compared to bone surface
Osteocytes entend what ?
cytoplasmic processes into canaliculi (only on EM slide)
haversian systems are also called what
gap junction are present where in bone
osteocyte processes
small canals allowing cytoplasmic processes of osteocytes in lacunaw to make contact with other cells via gap junction
haversian systems are lined with
endosteum, running along long axis of bone. contains blood vessels, nerves and CT
characteristics of Primary bone and secondary bone
Primary bone is woven with many cells and a matrix
secondary bone is mature with concentric lamellae and interstitial lamellae
Primary bone is in adults mainly where?
tooth sockets or sutures of flat bones
In a mallery Azan stain light is what and dark blue is what?
calcified cartilage
Howships lacuna
depression in bone from osteoclasts also called resorption bay
osteoprogenitor cells are what?
Osteoclasts are derived from fusion of what
monocytes and create multinucleated cells
Clear zone around osteoclasts does what?
forms a microenvironment. Secretes H and Cl (via H ATPase) to dissolve inorganic matrix
Secretes lysomal enzymes to degrade organic matrix
the organic bone matrix is made of what
collagen type I fibers and proteoglycans, and glycoproteins (sialoprotein and osteocalcin)
the inorganic bone matrix is made of what
calcium and phosphorous in the form of hydroxyapitate
Mineralization of bone matrix is impaired (soft bones) Because of VITAMIN D deficiency
in children leads to rickets
Osteogenesis inmperfecta
Brittle Bone Disease
fractures after minor trauma
ratio of mineral to organic matrix is normal but have thinner spiculaes than normal
what happens is you have a vitamin C deficiency
poor bone growth and fracture repair BECAUSE OF IMPAIRED COLLAGEN SYNTHESIS
process of intramembranous ossification
Best example is the flat bones of skull.
Begins by a condensation of mesenchymal cells

Groups of mesenchymal cells within the membrane differentiate into osteoblasts. This site of osteoblast formation becomes a primary ossification center.

Osteoblast lay down bone matrix. Matrix encapsulates osteoblasts and calcifies. Cells become osteocytes located in lacunae. Spicules of woven bone form and these grow together forming trabeculae.
Compact bone forms outer plates. Inner bone around the developing marrow cavity becomes spongy bone
endochondral ossification
Mainly long and short bones
Endochondral ossification consists of two phases:
Hypertrophy and degeneration of chondrocytes
Osteogenic bud of osteoprogenitor cells and blood vessels penetrates the space left by the dead chondrocytes
Formation of the primary ossification center (prenatal)

Bone collar forms around diaphysis by differentiation of osteoblasts from the inner perichondrium, followed by deposition of bone matrix. This process, bone collar formation, is actually a form of intramembranous bone formation, i.e. bone formation within the perichondrium.

Cartilage hypertrophy, degeneration, and calcification occur in area surrounded by the bone collar
Osteogenic bud of blood vessels and osteoprogenitor cells penetrates bone collar and enters space left by degenerating cartilage
Osteoblasts differentiate and secrete bone matrix on a scaffold of remaining calcified cartilage
Primary ossification center expands to occupy the whole diaphysis

A secondary ossification centers arise later in the epiphyses (postnatal). This secondary center again forms by endochondral ossification
what are the 5 layers of epiphyseal plates
Zone of Reserve- hylaine cartilage
Zone of proliferation - condrocytes proliferate and START to form columns
Zone of hypertrophy- Condrocytes ENLARGE, matrix is compressed into lines between COLUMNS OF CONDROCYTES
zone of calcification-cartilage calcifies and first area to be basophilic
Zone of resorption- nearest diaphysis, comes in contact withmarrow cavity, blood vessels invade
Bone remodeling unit cutting cone
Osteoclasts are big open end
progressively smaller cone is closing cone of osteoblast
Pituitary dwarfism
Deficiency of growth hormones
Excess growth hormone with epiphyseal plates still open
thickening of bones becauses growth plate closed
Process of fracture repair
1. blood clot forms at site
2. CT of periosteum and endosteum proliferate
3. Hyaline cartilage forms
4. Primary bone forms at site by endochondral and intramembranous
5. Bone callus temporaryily unites fracture
6. Osteoporgenitor cells from periosteum divide and become osteoblasts they invade the callus and deposit new bone
7. Remodeling occurs with healing