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98 Cards in this Set

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Bone tissue consist of
organic matrix, Inorganic minerals and cells
Formula for Hydroxyapatite crystals
What surrounds Hydroxyapatite crystal to faciliates exchange with body fluids
hydration shell
Bone cells
osteoblast (formation), osteoclast (resorption) Osteocytes (control center)
50% of the dry weight of bone is
inorganic matter
what are the components of hydroxyapatite crystal
calcium and posphorous
What are the components of Inorganic matter
calcium, phosphorus, non-crystalline calcium carbonate, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate and citrate
Organic bone matrix is composed of
callagen type I and ground substance (proteoglycans and glycoprotein)
Glycoprotein plays what role in the organic bone matrix
stimulating and organizing mineralization of type I collagen
without organic matrix what would the bone texture be
Without inorganic matter, what would bone texture be like
Hardness of bone is from
mineralization of type I collagen
Osteoblast originated from
osteoprogenitor cell in bone marrow and periosteum
bone apposition
bone forming
what are osteocytes
osteoblast trapped in the bone they formed.
How do osteoblast lay down bone
synthesize the matrix (osteoid), then mineralize it
What are the shape of inactive osteoblast
what is the shape of active osteoblast and what organelle is prominent
cuboidal, rER
osteocytes lie in tiny chambers;
How osteocyte communicate with each other
gap junction at end of their cytoplasmic processes
osteocyte processes extend through a network of bone channels
What does the extracellular fluid in the canaliculi do
transmit mechanical stress and strain and sends nutrition to the osteocytes
how many osteoblast in each lacuna
what is osteocyte sensitive to
mechanical stimuli esp. shear stress
Is osteocytes long lived or short lived
What does the osteocytes death trigger
bone resorption and new bone formation
Osteoclast originate from
fusion of monocytes from bone marrow
large, multinucleated and highly mobile describe which bone cell
Osteoclast form a selaed depression on the bone surface
Howship's lucuna
Describe the border of osteoclast facing the bone
folded, irregular, ruffled border. Surrounded by organelle free cytoplasm "clear zone"
what does the osteoclast excrete
proteolytic enzyme and protons (acids)
Osteoclast are activated (stimulated and inhibited) by what cytokines
stimulated: RANKL and IL-1
inhibit: Osteoprotegrin (OPG)
Osteoclast activation by hormones
thyroid and calcitonin
Osteoclast activation by parathyroid hormones
stimulate osteoclast indirectly by stimulating osteoblast to produce IL-1
Where are osteoclast lysosomal enzyme packaged
golgi complex
Briefly describe step of bone resorption
dissolution of calcium phosphate by Hydrogen ions. bone matrix is removed and absorbed by osteoclast cytoplasm and transfer to the blood
Where does the periosteum located
on the outer surface of the bone
What cells are contained in the periosteum CT layer
osteoblast and progenitor cells
what are the two layers of periosteum
outer fibrous (collagen and fibroblast)
inner cellular (osteogenic)
What binds the collagen fibers of the periosteum to the bone
sharpey's fibers
What lines the inner cavities of the bone and includes the marrow cavity and trabecular surface
Gross Architecture Compact
cortical, lamellar
trabecular, spongy
Gross architecture
compact, cancellous
Microscopic Architecture
immature, mature
primary, woven
secondary, cortical or canecellous
secondary cortical or canecellous
Embryologic formation
endochondral, membranous
endochondral what kind of formation
membranous what kind of formation
Endosteum is composed of what
single layer of osteoprogenitor
enosteum and periostem supply a constant supply of
In cortical bone there usually what in the shell
cancellous bone
Where is the mandible cortical
everywhere, except the alveolar process
maxilla consist of
cortical plates filled w/ alveolar process w/ cancellous bone
concentric layer in cortical bone called
what is the vertical column that surrounds a central blood vessel in cortical bone
osteon or haversian
how are the collagen fibers in each lamella arranged
right angle
what is the structure b/w osteons in cortical bone
interstitial lamellae
Circumferential lamella is
outer surface of the cortical bone
inner circumferential lamellae
Cortical bone: marrow cavity
what is in center of haersian system (osteon)
blood vessel, nerve and loose CT
In Cortical bone, what connects central canal and marrow cavity
Volkmann's canal
hypomineralized matrix that is randomly aligned collagen fiber is
immature bone
What is the first formed bone in development and regeneration
immature bone
What is remodel into mature boen either compact or cancellous
immature bone
Tooth sockets are examples of
primary bone
Development and secondary growth, bone is formed in a scaffold of
mesenchymal tissue
how is craniofacial bone formed
intramembranous bone
what is not membranous formation of the facial bones
mandible and skull base
What bones are membranous formation
hip, scapula, clavicle and sternum and craniofacial
What happens to primary ossification center in membranous bone
ossification of mesenchyme where cells differentiate into osteoblast
Events of osteoblast in membranous formation
osteoblast synthesize collagen, which traps cells, osteoblast differentiate into osteocytes
What bone (development or 2ndry) form in scaffold of cartilage
Enchondral formation starts as a collar around the scaffold yes, or no
Events of endochondral formation
cartilage cell death - cell hypertorphy - matrix calcification (1ry bone) - 1ry destroyed by osteoclast - open tunnel for vascular invasion - osteoblast invade
Epiphyseal plate connects what structure
epiphysis and diaphysis
Hyper trophy of chondrocytes does what
makes bone longer; separate epiphysis from diaphysis
What in the epiphyseal plate is arranged in parallel direction of growth
What are the five zones of epiphyseal plate
resting, proliferative, hypertrophic, calcified cartilage, ossifaction
What is in resting zone
hyaline cartilage
what happens in the proliferative zone
proliferation of osteocytes
Hypertrophy of chondrocytes accumulate what
calcified cartilage zone what dies
what resorbs calcified cartilage in ossification zone
what is the cartilage at the end of epiphysis called
articular cartilage
how much of the body calcium in bone
calcitonin does what
keeps osteoclast from destroying the bone, lower serum calcium level
Parathyroid hormone does what
stimulates osteoclast bone resorption via osteoblast released IL-1, increase serum calcium
Parathyroid decrease or increase calcium in serum
primary bone tumors and metastasis