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28 Cards in this Set

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Life of Mormon
Went to Hill Shimm @ 24 to get records
Made the golden plates
didn't fight for 10 years
Lots and Lots of plates in Hill Shimm
abridged BOM -
golden plates go with Moroni
plates moved from Hill of Shimm to Hill Cumorah
Mormon puts small plates with large plates - as lord told him to.
World of Mormon
So much wickedness
continual scene of wickedness before our eyes
Work of Mormon
16 became general
326-330 first win after 4 years
51 years old when he quits
51-64 time to work on plates
64 leads again
why does he lead them? he loved them
Motivation of Mormon
Why does he lead them? love
-christ is anchor
-keep working LABOR - don't give up
Mormon's Lament
Mormon 6: 17-20
Most important callings in family
Lord's Message to the Lamanites
Mormon 7
-You're the house of Israel
-Don't Fight
-Don't delight in the shedding of blood
Moroni's Message to the Gentiles concerning the pride of their hearts
Mormon 8
Prideful - Love things more than people
found it?
author - Ether
found it - Limhi
translated - Mosiah, King Benjamin's son
Why did the Lord chasten the brother of Jared for the space of three hours?
-Because he wasn't praying for his brethren
-Knocked him down, 5 minutes, then built him up
Christ as premortal Spirit
Spirit Body is similar to Mortal Body - Brother of Jared thought he saw the flesh and blood of Christ before Christ had a body.
Balance between revelation and agency
Air- gives answer
Light - Withhold answer
"It mattereth not doctrine"
sometimes you have to figure answer on your own
go to scriptures
Who is the author of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon?
Brother of Jared
Who engraved the vision upon the Golden Plates?
Moroni's instructions to Joseph Smith about the witnesses to the BOM
Can choose 3 witnesses who will be shown by the power of god, show by Moroni.
Can choose as many to assist to be witnesses - saw plates
Law of Witnesses
Need 2 or 3 witnesses for all sacred ordinances.
Prophet-1st Couns.-2nd Couns.
Sacred Covenants V Secret Combinations.
WHY: both power & gain
HOW: both secret signs, words, covenants and oaths.
PROMISE: both protection, power, gain
DIFFERENCES: covenant with Satan v. God; temporary v. eternal.
What is a secret combination?
Something who affects everything, all nations, etc. NOT a teenage gang.
4 Nephi 1-18
4 Nephi 19-49
Destruction of Nephites in 4 Nephi
-Many Churches
-Persecute true church
-Kill the saints & prophets
-Secret combination
What is 4 Nephi?
type or shadow for the millennium
Who is Moroni?
-Leader of 10,000
-Last righteous nephite
-appeared 22 times to Joseph Smith
-talked with Christ face to face
-prince of America -Orson Pratt (Columbus, George Washington)
What does Moroni hold?
Keys to BOM
Moroni wrote most - Ether & Moroni & half (sealed portion)
35 years alone - hiding from lamanites
Why was the BOM in ---- language?
-Reformed Egyptian
-Because its small, its a shorthand
What must remain in BOM
mistakes, can't erase
Ether 1-6
Ether 7-11
Ether 12 -15
1-6: One man, brother of Jaredite
7-11: Centuries, sped up
12-15: one man, Coriantumr
Why does Ether start where it does?
Doesn't include Adam & Even because it's recorded on Brass Plates (Old Testaments)
How to obtain blessings from the Lord?
-Do everything you can first
-Be humble, acknowledge your weaknesses
-Be specific about what you want
-Ask in faith