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138 Cards in this Set

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Nephi 13: 1-4
3 Nephi 13: 5-8
3 Nephi 13: 9-13
3 Nephi 13: 16-18
Alms (tithes & offerings)
Lord's Prayer
Motives for prayer, tithes, etc.
Horizontal - to please other people
Vertical - to please God
Traits of Jesus - 3 Nephi 17
6. compassion
7. merciful
8. perceives needs
9. ALL powerful
11. loves little children
14. hates sin
15. prays to the father
Who has power to determine worthiness of partaking of the sacrament?
only bishops!
3 Nephi 18 - Sacrament!
6. sacrament
26-28. taking sacrament unrighteously
29-32. excommunication - still need to fellowship
3 Nephi 19:6-9 - what is repeated over and over?
Pray to the father in the name of Jesus
Prayer formula
-pray to father in the name of Christ
- Pray for what you want most : compaionship of the Holy Ghost
Exception to praying with Father
3 Nephi 19:18-22
You can pray to Jesus if he is physically with you
Why does Jesus quote Malachi? and other OT prophets.
Nephites left 600 BC - Malachi a prophet 400 BC - don't have his record.
Who is Jesus talking to according to 3 Nephi 26: 1-2?
future generations
Future Generations
3 Nephi 24:1
Who/what? Date? so what?
What: My messenger, church?
Date: 1830
So what: church is important, "stay in the boat" - Jeffrey R. Holland
Future Generations
3 Nephi 24: 8-10
What? Date? so what?
What: Tithes & offerings
Date: 1838
So what? "door to temple" - "Windows of heaven" - Revelations
Future Generations
3 Nephi 24:14-16
3 Nephi 25:1
What? Date? so what?
what:Proud burn - 2nd coming
date: ?
so what: duh!
Future Generations
3 Nephi 25: 5-6
What? date? so what?
Who: Elijah
date: 1836, April 3
so what: marriage
3 Nephi 27:3 - what is the name of the church?
The church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints
3 Nephi 27: 8 -10
Requirements for his church
- His name
- His Gospel
- His works
What does gospel mean?
good news
What are the sources of the gospel?
Sin, death, judgement
What are the applications of the gospel?
holy ghost,
endure to the end
3 Nephites - doctrine of translation

3 Nephi 28: 6-9

What will they be doing?
Bringing souls unto Christ
3 Nephites - doctrine of translation
- no pain
-no temptation
- no sorrow save for sins of the world
- no taste for death
What are translated beings?
What are translated beings?

Not celestial (have not died) but higher than telestial (us) - terrestria
3 Nephi 29: 4-5, 6-7
What do you deny to be cursed?
his works
gifts of spirit
gift of holy ghost
4 Nephi 1-18

What's going on?
4 Nephi 19 - 49

What's going on?
Life of Mormon
Went to Hill Shimm @ 24 to get records
Made the golden plates
didn't fight for 10 years
Lots and Lots of plates in Hill Shimm
abridged BOM -
golden plates go with Moroni
plates moved from Hill of Shimm to Hill Cumorah
Mormon puts small plates with large plates - as lord told him to
World of Mormon
So much wickedness
continual scene of wickedness before our eyes
Work of Mormon
16 became general
326-330 first win after 4 years
51 years old when he quits
51-64 time to work on plates
64 leads again
why does he lead them? he loved them
Motivation of Mormon
Motivation of Mormon

Why does he lead them? love
-christ is anchor
-keep working LABOR - don't give up
Mormon's Lament
Mormon 6: 17-20
Most important callings in family
Lord's Message to the Lamanites
Mormon 7
-You're the house of Israel
-Don't Fight
-Don't delight in the shedding of blood
Moroni's Message to the Gentiles concerning the pride of their hearts
Mormon 8
Prideful - Love things more than people
found it?
author - Ether
found it - Limhi
translated - Mosiah, King Benjamin's son
Why did the Lord chasten the brother of Jared for the space of three hours?
-Because he wasn't praying for his brethren
-Knocked him down, 5 minutes, then built him up
Christ as premortal Spirit
Spirit Body is similar to Mortal Body - Brother of Jared thought he saw the flesh and blood of Christ before Christ had a body.
Balance between revelation and agency
Air- gives answer
Light - Withhold answer
"It mattereth not doctrine"
sometimes you have to figure answer on your own
go to scriptures
Who is the author of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon?
Brother of Jared
Who engraved the vision upon the Golden Plates?
Moroni's instructions to Joseph Smith about the witnesses to the BOM
Can choose 3 witnesses who will be shown by the power of god, show by Moroni.
Can choose as many to assist to be witnesses - saw plates
Law of Witnesses
Need 2 or 3 witnesses for all sacred ordinances.
Prophet-1st Couns.-2nd Couns.
Sacred Covenants V Secret Combinations.
WHY: both power & gain
HOW: both secret signs, words, covenants and oaths.
PROMISE: both protection, power, gain
DIFFERENCES: covenant with Satan v. God; temporary v. eternal.
What is a secret combination?
Something who affects everything, all nations, etc. NOT a teenage gang.
Destruction of Nephites in 4 Nephi
-Many Churches
-Persecute true church
-Kill the saints & prophets
-Secret combination
What is 4 Nephi?
type or shadow for the millennium
Who is Moroni?
-Leader of 10,000
-Last righteous nephite
-appeared 22 times to Joseph Smith
-talked with Christ face to face
-prince of America -Orson Pratt (Columbus, George Washington)
What does Moroni hold?
Keys to BOM
Moroni wrote most - Ether & Moroni & half (sealed portion)
35 years alone - hiding from lamanites
Why was the BOM in ---- language?
-Because its small, its a shorthand
What must remain in BOM
mistakes, can't erase
Great Question of BOM
Whether Christ has power to save us or not?
Alma 30
Korihor teaches there is no Christ
All things testify of Christ
Alma 33
Testify of Christ

Moses, Zeenok, Zeenos
Alma 34
Two pronged purpose of BOM
Come unto Christ
Expose enemies of Christ
Alma’s evidences of God
Earth & creations
Personal revelation
Why were Zoramites in Apostasy?
Ignored the basics (no daily prayer or scripture study)
How to know Christ - Alma 32
Hear the word
Plant the seed
Say “I know”
Gain eternal life
E words - Alma 32 What do they represent?
Enlarge, enlighten, expand
Represents the Holy Spirit
What does “every seed bringeth forth unto its own likeness” mean?
We can become like Christ
What is the seed?
The seed is Christ and the fullness of the Gospel
Repetitive Message given by Zenos - Alma 33
God is merciful because of the son
All men may have eternal life
W’s of the atonement
Who, what,why,when,how, where
W’s of the atonement
Who- Jesus Christ
What- infinite and eternal sacrifice
Why - we are all lost & fallen without
When- don’t procrastinate
How - faith unto repentance
Where -anywhere
Alma 36
Alma tells Helaman about repentance
Trust in the Lord and he’ll deliver you from trials, tribulations, afflictions
Alma 37
Words of Christ
Alma 38
Talking to son of Shiblon
Missionary instruction
Deliver from trials - Exodus pattern
Red sea - Water/fire - Manna - promised land
Sin - Baptism- Sacrament- Jesus
How to prevent problems Alma 30
Be humble
Stay away from zone of weakness/Siron
Listen to family
Alma 39
Alma 40
Resurrection - Christ is first
Alma 41
Law of restoration and judgement
Alma 42
Justice and Mercy
3 ways BOM is keystone
Keystone in our witness of Christ
Keystone of our doctrine
Keystone of our testimony
To cast alongside
What did Gidggidoni and his people do to overcome the threats of Giddianhi and the Gaddianton Robbers
Pray - family prayer
Gathering together
Fortify our families
Follow the prophet
The “Letter from Lucifer” characteristics of Satan
Pride and bribery
Doubt and fear
Old means good
Play the victim
What three factors lead to the Nephite destruction recorded in 3 Nephi 5-10?
Killing prophets
Secret combinations
3 Nephi 1-10 - Who?
Gidgiddoni- chief judge
Giddianhi - bad
Zemnarihah - bad
Jacob - bad
3 Nephi 1-10: what?
Signs of Christ’s birth and death
Gov. collapses
Letter from Giddianhi to Lachoneus
3 Nephi 1-10 Why?
Rise and fall - parallels
Corrupt government - government collapses
Gathering: where, why, and how?
Where? Stakes and wards
Build temples
Learn doctrine
Feel the spirit
It’s a commandment
How? Missionary work
Who are destroyed?
All are destroyed except those who don’t stone prophets and saints
How long did Jesus take showing what it was like being resurrected?
2500 people X 10 seconds
25,000 seconds - 416 minutes - 7 hours
Jesus showing wounds - teaching what a resurrected being is like
Doctrine of Baptism
Doctrine of Christ
Become as a little child
Greek word for repent
Means to have a new mind
Doctrine of eternal life
Doctrine of Eternal life
Poor in spirit
Hunger and thirst after righteousness
Pure in heart
Poor in Spirit
Blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto christ for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted
Pure In Heart
For the shall see God
Social relations with others
Social relations with others
Persecuted for Christ
They shall inherit the earth
For they shall obtain mercy
For they shall be called the children of God
Persecute for Christ
For their is the kingdom of Heaven
Law of Christ v Moses
Christ - principles
Moses - rules
Law of War
1. Don't go unless God Commands
2. Raise standard of peace - 3x
3. He will fight battles for you
Good government
Lamanite conversions
Doctrine- prophets/atonement
Parallels - Helaman
Corrupt gov.
Secret combinations
Lamanites righteous
Signs of Christ
2nd coming
Parallels-4 Nephi
Peace - Millenium
Problems of gov & secret combos
Serious difficulty in government
3 divisions -new chief judge
Kishkuman (assasinated Pahoran, gadianton robbers, killed by Helaman’s servants)
Coriantumr - take heart of Zarahemla
Helaman, son of Helaman
Little pride among nephites
Day to day pride grows
Growth of church - Malady, medication, method
Malady - sin
Medication - atonement
Method- missionaries
True prophets
Cry repentance
Testify of Christ
Have sealing power
Establish true doctrine
4 fold mission of Samuel the lamanite
1. Judgements of God
2. Conditions of repentance
3. Coming of Christ
4. Signs of his coming
What does god send to cause an upswing in people’s behavior?
Death, famine, terror
What leads to all manner of iniquity in BOM?
What is the cure?
Faith and repentance
Exscuses the nephites gave for not following Prophet
Wicked traditions
Good guessers
Can’t see
From devil
Keeps us in ignorance
Makes us your servants
Hardened hearts
How to gain power to overcome obstacles?
One must be taught about Christ
One must exercise faith in Christ
One must covenant with Christ
One must keep covenants with exactness
Courage formula
Pray - assurances - peace -faith - hope in christ -courage
What is example of 2nd coming destruction?
Reasons for signs
No cause for unbelief
Righteous judgment upon wicked (and righteous)
What is sin of BOM
Ether 12: 6
Trial After Fatih
Trial: adversity, test, examination, evaluate, assessment

Faith: confidence, belief, hope, trust, obedience
What can you ask about trials?
What can I learn?
How to overcome?

What is hope?
-steadfast and immovable
-not a wish
-centered in christ
what is charity?
-sacrificial love

-willing to give up anything

- "know what it means to love someone more than yourself"
3 Jerusalems
1. City of Enoch
2. New Jerusalem - Jackson County Missouri
3. Old Jerusalem

will come together and join

all washed in blood of christ
Moroni 1-6
organization of church
what is tree of life?
Goal of BOM
get to tree of life and stay there
How to stay in tree of life

Moroni 1: 1-4
1. Church
2. Holy Ghost
- Listen
-sacrament prayer
Moroni 7-8
Light of Christ
Light of Christ = spirit, conscience
-faith, hope, charity
- baptism of little children
Good v Evil
-do good
-love god
-serve god
-believe Christ

-do evil
-deny God
-serve not God
-believe not in Christ
Formula to increase love
-remission of sins
-meekness, lowliness of hearts
-visitation of the holy ghost
Mormon on baptizing little children
Little children alive in Christ

why? only the blood of christ, atonement

always years of accountability, not year
Moroni 9:19-21
Bad things sent to get good things
What are we nobodies without?
the grace of Christ
Gifts of spirit
not all gifts of spirit are listed in scripture
Coming unto Christ
1.Light of christ
2. Holy Ghost
3. More sure word prophecy
- comforter=Jesus
What does atonement mean?
at one with god
7 points of Resurrection
1. Christ
2. Timeline Resurrection
3. space between death and Res.
4. paradise
5. spirit prison
6. 1st res.
7. spirit and body reunited
Law of restoration/judgement

what will be restored
1. Body
2. Each part
3. Works
4. Desires
How you qualify for gifts of spirit?
love him/ keep ALL commandments
seek to keep all commandments
Justice and Mercy
Law: either obey or disobey
If disobey: punishment - remorse - repent
Perfect - telos
telios - distance
Ether 1-6
Ether 7-11
Ether 12-15
One man, BOJ
centuries, sped up
One man, coriantumr
who told us name of BOJ
Joseph Smith