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22 Cards in this Set

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the sperm travel through the mucus of the cervical canal, enter the uterine chamber and move into the ampulla-the outer third of the fallopian tube.
fertilization takes place when the sperm joins or fuses with the ovum. the fusion of the sperm into the ovum requires approximately 24 hours.
once fertilization has occurred, the new cell is referred to as a
during the time the zygote is traveling to the uterus there is a phase of rapid cell division called
Further changes result in formation of a structure that is a solid mass of cells resembling a muberry called
the morula develops into a the embryonic form that is a spherical mass of cells having a central fluid filled cavity surrounded by two layers of cells called
the condition of the uterine lining is critical if immplantation of a zygote is to occur=
the embedding of the fertilized ovum in the uterine mucosa.
ectopic pregnancy
implantation occurs outside of the uterine cavity.
during the first few weeks after implantation, primary
villi(short vascular processes or protrusions growing on certain membranous surfaces)appear.
it is also during these first few weeks that the first stages of the Chorionic villi
tiny vascular protrusions on the chorionic surface that project into the maternal blod sinuses of the uterus and help form the placenta) occur.
The aminiotic cavity has walls lined with the
ectoderm(outer layer of embryonic tissue giving rise to skin, nails and hair)and a cavity filled with amniotic fluid.
The yolk sac is lined with the
endoderm(the innermost of the cell layers from the endoderm arise the lining of cavities and passages of the body and the covering of most internal organs), which supplies nourishment until implantation.
A third layer of primary cells, the mesoderm
embyronic middle layer of germ cells giving rise to all types of muscles, connective tissure, bone marrow, blood, lymphoid tissure, and alll epithelial tissue) is located between the two cavities.
the embryo develops at the point at which these three layers meet, callled
the trilaminar embryonic disk
Starting with the ninth week the embryo is referred to as the
fetus and the fetal stage begins
during the ealy weeks of pregnancy ofter before a woman even knows she is pregnant teratogenic agents
any drug, virus, or irradiation that can cause malformation of the fetus)can cause harm.
a nongenetic factor that causes malformation and disease syndromes in utero.
placenta is a
dislike organ made up of about 20 sections called cotyledons
The placenta allows transfer of oxygen and nutrients through such processes as diffusion, active transport, and other certain substances called the
placental barrier
The amniotic sac is composed of two layer, both originating in the zygote. the outer layer, the
chorion attaches to the fetal portion of the placenta.
the inner layer, the amnion
blends with the fetal umbilical cord
The major part of the cord is a pale white, gelatinous mucoid substance called the
whartons jelly