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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the principle method of quantifying obstructive defects?
What is the principle method of quantifying restrictive defects?
Measurements of lung volumes
What is the principle method of quantifying vascular/air-blood interface defects?
Lung diffusion capacity (DLCO)
c/c FVC and FEV1
Forced Vital Capacity is the amount of air that can be forceably exhaled from the lungs.

The Forced Expired Volume in one second is the maxium volume of air that can be exhaled in the first second on exhalation.
What is RV?
Residual volume is the amount of air left in the lungs after exhalation.
What types of diseases cause a decrease in FEV1?
Obstructive diseases because high pleural pressures during exhalation cause the obstructed airways to close up, trapping air in the lungs.
c/c FVC and FEV1 in obstructive disease.
FEV1 will be affected out of proportion to FVC, thereby lowering the FEV1/FVC ratio so it is below 0.80.
What does a FEV1/FVC ratio below 0.8 indicate?
Obstructive disease.
(extra credit)

What is a limitation of the FEV1/FVC ratio?
It is sensitive mainly to changes in large airways.
c/c FEV1 and FVC in restrictive disease.
In restrictive disease, FEV1 and FVC decrease IN PROPORTION to each other.

Thus the ratio is NORMAL in restrictive disease.
c/c the FEV1/FVC ratio in obstructive disease vs. the FEV1/FVC ratio in restrictive disease.
The FEV1/FCV ratio in obstructive disease is BELOW 0.80

The FEV1/FCV ratio in restrictive disease is normal.
What is TLC?
Total Lung capacity is the total amount of air in the lungs.
What is VC?
Vital Capacity is the amount of air that you can exhale after a full, forced inspiration.

Note: this does not include the residual volume.
What is TV?
Tidal Volume is the amount of air inhaled/exhaled during a normal breath.
What is FRC?
Functional Residual Capacity is the amount of air that remains in the lung after a normal, passive exhalation.

Note that this includes residual volume.
What is the "hallmark" of a restrictive defect?
A TLC below 80%
Other than the FEV1/FCV ratio, what are the "hallmark" changes in the capacities of the lungs in obstructive disease?
Air trapping causes RV to increase --> TLC stays the same, thus --> VC must decrease.

In some obstructive diseases such as emphysema, TLC may increase, but this increase is much smaller than the increase in RV.
What 2 types of lung diseases decrease the lungs' diffusion capacity?
1. Diseases of the lung parenchyma.

2. Pulmonary embolism.
Arterial blood gases:

Arterial blood gases:

pH/PaCO2/PaO2/O2 sat/HCO3
What are some of the major factors that affect the relationship between PaO2 and the % O2 saturation?
1. pH
2. Temperature
3. PaCO2
What causes the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the right?
Inc temp
Inc [2,3-DPG]
Inc PaCO2
Dec pH
What causes the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the left?
Dec temp
Dec [2,3-DPG]
Dec PaCO2
Inc pH
What is CaO2?
CaO2 is the oxygen content of blood. It refers to all the molecular oxygen in the blood.

This is the sum of the oxygen bound to hemoglobin AND the oxygen dissolved in the plasma.
How do you calculate the "bound oxygen?"
Bound oxygen = the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (1.34 * [Hgb]) times the % saturation of hemoglobin.
How do you calculate dissolved oxygen?
PaO2 * 0.0031

0.0031 is the solubility of oxygen in the blood.

Question 1 of 5: Are the reported values internally consistent?
Things to check:

At pH of 7.40, [H+] = 40 nM

Each change of 0.01 in pH corresponds with a 1 nM change in [H+].

If the blood gas is internally consistent, then:

[H+] = 24 * (PaCO2/HCO3)

On room air measurements, PaCO2 + PaO2 should not be greater than 150. If it is, the ABG is not internally consistent.
On room air, the sum of PaCO2 + PaO2 should not be higher than what?
Each change of ___ in pH corresponds to a change of ___ in [H+].
Each change of 0.01 in pH corresponds to a change of 1 nM in [H+].
At a pH of 7.40, the [H+] = ?
40 nM

Question 2 of 5: Is there hypoxemia?
PaO2 = 104 - 0.42 * age patient supine
PaO2 = 104 - 0.27 * age patient upright
c/c the PaCO2 and the PaO2 in the atmosphere.
The PaCO2 in the atmosphere is 0

The PaO2 in the atmosphere is 160
c/c the PaCO2 and the PaO2 in the alveolus.
The PaCO2 in the alveolus is 40

The PaO2 in the alveolus is 100
What is the approximate PaCO2 of blood returning to the heart?
Approx 46 mm Hg
What is the approximate PaO2 of blood leaving the heart?
Approx 97 mm Hg

Question 3: What is the A-a gradient?
The A-a gradient is the difference between the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli and the partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood.

PAO2 = PIO2 - (PaCO2/R)

Here, PAO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli, and PIO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen in the inspired air (150), and R is the respiratory quotient = 0.8


PAO2 = 150 - (PaCO2/0.8) OR PAO2 = 150 - (1.25 * PaCO2)

for example if PaCO2 = 40 then the above equalls 50. 150 minus 50 is 100. If the arterial oxygen is around 97 like it should be, then there will be a minimal A-a gradient
A normal A-a gradient is below 10. It increases to the high teens with age. An A-a gradient above 20 is almost always abnormal.
PIO2 = ?
PIO2 = FiO2 * (Patm - PH2O)

At sea level on room air, this equals

PIO2 = FiO2 * (Patm - PH2O)
PIO2 = 0.21 * ( 760 - 47 )
PIO2 = 150
What is the normal range for an A-a gradient? Abnormal?
Normal is usually under 10.
Abnormal is above 20.

Should equal 2.5 + 0.21 * (age)
What causes hypoxemia with a NORMAL A-a difference?
Low ambient PIO2
Alveolar hypoventilation
What causes hypoxemia with an INCREASED A-a gradient?
V/Q inequalities
Right-to-left shunts
Membrane diffusion impairments
What are the five basic causes of hypoxemia?
1. Low ambient PIO2
2. Alveolar hypoventilation
3. V/Q mismatch
4. Right-to-left shunts
5. Membrane diffusion impairments
c/c ventilation and perfusion in the apex of the lung vs. the base of the lung.
The apex of the lung has larger, less compliant alveoli, thus there is less ventilation. Gravity makes blood flow to the base of the lung more, thus there is more perfusion in the base of the lung (lower resistance).

The base of the upright lung receives about 2x as much ventilation and about 4x as much perfusion as the apex.

(The PO2 in the upper parts of the lung is greater, though!)
How can we distinguish between a V/Q mismatch and a right-to-left shunt?
Give 100% oxygen. Measure the PaO2/FiO ratio.

If the ratio is around 600-700, then there is no problem - this is a normal response.

If the ratio is between 200-300, then there is a V/Q mismatch.

If the ratio is below 200, then there is right-to-left shunting.

Question 4 of 5: Is there an acidemia or an alkalemia?
Normal range is approximately from 7.36 to 7.44.

Question 5 of 5: Is the cause of the pH disturbance primarily due to a respiratory or metabolic problem, and, if primarily respiratory, is the disturbance acute or chronic?
If pH is low (ACIDOSES) and:
1. If PaCO2 is low (< 40) and HCO3 is low (< 24), then the acidosis is a METABOLIC ACIDOSIS.
2. If PaCO2 is high (> 40) and HCO3 is high (> 24), then the acidosis is a RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS.

If the pH is high (ALKALOSIS) and:
1. If the PaCO2 is low (< 40) and the HCO3 is low (< 24) then it is a RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS.
2. If the PaCO2 is high (> 40) and the HCO3 is also high (> 24), then it is a METABOLIC ALKALOSIS.
In ACUTE ACIDOSIS, for every ___ mm Hg increase in PaCO2, there should be a _ mEq increase in HCO3.
In acute acidosis, for every 10 mm Hg increase in PaCO2, there should be a 1 mEq increase in HCO3.
In CHRONIC ACIDOSIS, for every ___ mm Hg increase in PaCO2, there should be a _ mEq increase in HCO3.
In chronic acidosis, for every 10 mm Hg increase in PaCO2, there should be a 3.5 mEq increase in HCO3.
What is the formula used to predict if compensation is appropriate during metabolic acidosis?
The Winter Formula

Expected PaCO2 = (1.5 * HCO3) + 8 +/- 2
In ACUTE ALKALOSIS, for every ___ mm Hg decrease in PaCO2, there should be a _ mEq decrease in HCO3.
In ACUTE ALKALOSIS, for every 10 mm Hg decrease in PaCO2, there should be a 2 mEq decrease in HCO3.
In CHRONIC ALKALOSIS, for every ___ mm Hg decrease in PaCO2, there should be a _ mEq decrease in HCO3.
In CHRONIC ALKALOSIS, for every 10 mm Hg decrease in PaCO2, there should be a 5 mEq decrease in HCO3.