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92 Cards in this Set

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Given in shock to maintain renal blood flow?
DOC for....
(1) Cardiogenic shock?

(2) Septic shock?
(1) Dobutamine

(2) NE
Short acting benzodiazapines?
Alprazolam, triazolam, and Oxazepam
Lone acting benzos that increase the risk of falling in elderly patients?
chlordiazepoxide, chlorazepate, diazepam, and flurazepam
Benzos that are less likely to cause dependance?
long acting benzos
Calcified cystic tumor that arises from the remnant rathke's pouch?
Embryonic precursor of the anterior pituitary?
Rathke's pouch (from ectoderm)
Posterior pituitary comes from what embryonic tissue?
3 cardinal signs of diabetes mellitus?
polyuria, polydyspsia, and polyphagia
Glucugaon stimulates...
glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, and ketone body formation
action of insulin
(1) Increases glucose, AA, and potassium uptake by cells

(2) Inhibits lipolysis and ketone body formation
Medical RX of pheochromocytoma?
IRREVERSIBLE alpha 1-alpha 2 antagonist
REVERSIBLE alpha 1-alpha 2 antagonist
Safe site for intramuscular injections in the butt
superior lateral quadrant
Injections into the superior medial quadrant of the butt would damage this nerve
superior gluteal nerve
Hip dips down when ipsilateral foot is lifted off the ground?
gluteus medias gait
Causes gluteus medias gait?
damage to the superior gluteal nerve or the gluteus medius muscle
Innervated by CNXI and turns the head in the opposite direction?
sternocleidomastoid muscle
The sternocleidomastoid muscle inserts at these three sites?
(1) Manubrium of the sternum

(2) medial part of the clavicle

(3) mastoid process of skull
Fracture due to minimal trauma in an elderly patient?
think osteoporosis
serum calcium, phosphorus, and PTH levels are within normal limits
compensatory response of the heart to pressure overload
concentric hypertrophy
CV response to VOLUME overload of aortic regurgitation
Increase in LV preload
Actions of ANP
vasodilation, diuresis, and natriuresis
What secretes ANP?
atrial cardiomyocytes
Released from JG cells during hypotension?
Facial pain, HA, and black necrotic eschar in nasal cavity of a diabetic patient with DKA?
Indian ink stain of csf reveals this encapsulated yeast
cryptococcus neoformans
Impaired ability to oxidize VLCFAs
peroxisomal disease
Metabolism of VLCFAs and alpha oxidation occurs in....
Elevated in cases of lead poisoning
delta aminolevulinic acid
cofactor for carboxylation reactions
Young kid who lives in an OLD HOUSE with irratibility, constipation, and anemia
lead poisoning
cofactor in the synthesis of delta aminolevulinic acid (elevated during lead poisoning)
pyridoxal phosphate
osteocytes are connected via...
Gap junctions
class III AA agents that prolong repolarization of myocytes
amiodarone, difetilide, ibutilide, and sotalol
What do class III AA agents do to cardiac myocytes?
slow potassium efflux and prolong repolarization
reliable or precise
receptor on platelets that binds fibrinogen
Defective or deficient glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors
glanzmann thombasthenia
inhibits glycoprotein IIb/IIIa from biniding to fibrinogen
Diagnosis of glanzmann thombasthenia
blood smear shows NO platelet clumping
B9 renal tumor composed of BVs, smooth muscle, and fat?
brain hamartomas and ash leaf patches
tuberous sclerosis
angiomyolipomas are associated with....
tuberous sclerosis (brain hamartomas and ash leaf skin patches)
bilateral acoustic neuromas
neurofibromatosis type 2
Features of neurofibromatosis type 1?

(2) optic gliomas

(3)pigmented nodules of the iris (lysch nodules),

(4) cutaneous hyperpigmented macules (cafe au lait spots)
MCC of bacteremia?
urinary tract infections
Most common source of E coli bacteremia?
urinary tract
Body's reaction to LPS endotoxin?
septic shock (gram negative sepsis)
E coli
alpha blockers
(1) zosins

(2) phenoxybenzamine

(3) phentolamine
Direct cholinergic agonists
(1) bethanochol

(2) carbachol

(3) pilocarpine
alpha 1>> alpha 2
relays hypoxia measured by the carotid body
glossopharngeal nerve (CN IX)
Provides MOTOR information for swallowing
CN IX and CN X
Relays blood pressure info from the aortic arch
vagus nerve
causes salivation from the sublingual glands
facial nerve
causes slaivation from the PAROTID gland
glossopharyngeal nerve
Nicotinic antagonist
Squamous cell carcinoma mutations
p16, p53, cyclin D1
Most common location of salivary gland tumors
parotid gland
Most common salivary gland tumor
pleomorphic adenoma
histologic appearance of a pleomorphic adenoma
epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation
Most common MALIGNANT salivary gland tumor
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Motor innervation to the tongue
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
TASTE sensation of the tongue
(1) Facial -anterior 2/3

(2) Glossopharyngeal-post 1/3

(3) Vagus-extreme posterior
PAIN sensation of the tongue
(1) Mandibular Nerve (V3)-Ant 2/3

(2) glossopharyngeal-post 1/3

(3) Vagus-extreme posterior
Causes of Infectious Rhinitis
corona virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and echovirus
Name the sinuses that can become infected and cause sinusitus
frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary
Increased aldosterone
conn syndrome
decreased aldosterone and cortisol
addison disease
fetal placental structure that secretes hCG
Maternal component of the placenta
decidua basalis
Stages of an embryo between conception and an inner cell mass
When does organogenesis take place
weeks 3-8
Origin of tissue ABOVE the pectinate line?
Origin of tisue BELOW the pectinate line?
surface ectoderm
What vitamin should not be given in large amounts during pregnancy?
vitamin A
Remnant of the thyoglossal duct
foramen cecum of the tongue
Midline neck cyst that moves with swallowing
thyroglossal duct cyst
Cyst in the lateral neck that does not move with swallowing?
branchial cleft cyst
T3 funtions-4B's
brain maturation, bone gowth, beta adrenergic effects, and BMR increases
Process of binding of iodide to thyroglobulin?
Enzyme responsible for oxidation and organification of iodide as well as coupling of MIT and DIT?
Binds T3 and T4 in the blood
thyroxine binding globulin (TBG)
Inhibits peroxidase oxidation and organification of iodide and is used to rx hyperthyroidism?
propylthiouracil and methimazole
Blocks the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 by inhibiting deiodinase?
Presentation of cretism (severe fetal hypothyroidism)
(1) Pot bellied

(2) Pale

(3) Puffy face

(4) Protruding umbilicus

(5) Protuberant tongue
Conditions with psammoma bodies?
(1) papillary carcinoma of thyroid

(2) serous cystadenoma of ovary

(3) meningioma

(4) malignant mesothelium
"Ground glass nuclei" with psamomma bodies and nuclear grooves?
papillary carcinoma