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80 Cards in this Set

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The only cortisol producing tumor that is suppressed by dexamethasone?
ACTH producing pituitary tumor
Symptoms of 21 B hydroxylase deficiency?
(1) HYPOtension

(2) masculinization
Symptoms of 11 B hydroxylase deficiency?
(1) HYPERtension

(2) masculinization
Effect of cortisol on........

(1) Bone

(2) Immune system
(1) reduces bone formation (osteoporosis)

(2) suppresses the immune system
Tumors associated with MEN 1?
(1) Pituitary

(2) parathyroids

(3) Pancreas

The 3 P's!!!
Tumors associated with MEN 2A?
medullary thyroid tumor, pheochromocytoma, and
Tumors associated with MEN 2B?
medullary thyroid tumor, pheochromocytoma, and mucosal neuromas/GI tumors
Cancers associated with the RET GENE mutation?
MEN 2A, MEN 2B, papillary thyroid CA, and medullary thyroid CA
Part of sarcomere that contains actin only?
I band
Lies in the center of the I band in thr sarcomere?
Z lines
Anchored to the Z line of the sarcomere?
Center of the sarcomere where myosin is bound?
M line
Region of the sarcomere where actin does not overlap with myosin?
I band
G protein involved in the MAP kinase signal transduction pathway?
RAS protein
RAS g protein becomes active when it binds to what molecule?
Oxygenated blood from the placenta is delivered to the fetus via...
the umbilical vein
Contains the highest oxygen content in the fetal circulation?
umbilical vein from the placenta
Blood in the umbilical vein bypasses the hepatic circulation via this structure?
ductus venosus
Remnant of the umbilical vein in the adult?
ligamentum teres
Remnant of the ductus venosus in the adult
ligamentum venosum
Delivers deoxygented blood from the fetus back to the placenta?
umbilical arteries
Blood pumped into the pulmonary circulation may bypass the lungs through this structure?
ductus arteriosis
Adult remnant of the ductus arteriosis?
ligamentum arteriosum
The most highly oxygented blood in the fetus is carried by this structure?
umbilical vein
The umbilical vein empties directly into the....
inferior vena cava via the ductuc venosus
The ability of a test to IDENTIFY those with a given disease?
Ability of a test to EXCLUDE those from having a disease?
Calculate sensitivity
a/a+c= TP/TP+FN
Calculate specificity
b/b+d= TN/TN+FP
Should be monitored in patients taking the class 3 AA amiodarone?
Thyroid function (TSH)
5 side effects of amiodarone?
(1) Thyroid dysfunction

(2) corneal microdeposits

(3) Blue-gray skin discolorization


(5) Pulmonary fibrosis
Neutrophils fail to turn blue upon nitroblue tetrazolium testing?
hallmark test for CGD
Enzyme that forms ROS in neutrophil phagolysosomes?
NADPH oxidase
Deficiency in NADPH oxidase?

Mode of inheritance?
(1) chronic granulomatous disease

(2) x linked
Patients with CGD cannot kill....
catalase positive orgs
Results in fibrin coating of S.aureus and resistance to phagocytosis?
Orgs with polysaccharide capsules?
H influenzae and S. pneumoniae
Gas gangrene
clostridium perfringens
Enzyme responsible for gas gangrene seen with clostridium perfringens?
Region of the sarcomere containing ONLY myosin thick filaments?
H band
Bands of the sarcomere that decrease during contraction?
H and I bands
DNA mutation that introduces a STOP codon?
nonsense mutation
Deletion or insertion of base pairs which are not a multiple of three result in...
frameshift mutations
Moves more slowly toward the anode (+ end) than HbA and HbS on hemoglobin electrophoresis?
Nonpolar valine replaces negatively charged glutamic acid in both beta chains?
Lysine is substuted for glutamate?
DNA mutation that results in a changed amino acid?
missense mutation
Heart sound associated with increased LV end diastolic pressure?
Third heart sound (S3)
Third heart sound (S3) present in older adults?
LV failure
Decreased LV wall compliance (stiff ventricle)?
S4 heart sound
Required for vesicle to release their contents into the synaptic cleft?
Responsible for the upstroke in the AP in the SA node?
This ion is resposible for the upstroke of the AP in skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle?
Drugs that inhibit the metabolism of warfarin and increase the risk of bleeding?
cyp inhibitors
Delivers motor innervation to the diaphram?
phrenic nerve (c3-c5)
Motor innervation to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles?
spinal accesory nerve (CN XI)
Will cause sharp pain on inspiration in the C3-C5 distribution?
irritation of parietal pleura
Carries PAIN fibers from the mediastinal and diaphragmatic pleura?
phrenic nerve (c3-c5)
Blotchy red muscle fibers on Gomori trichome stain?
mitochondrial disease
"RED Ragged" muscle fibers?
mitochondrial disease
Probability that a male will pass on a mitochondrial disease to his offspring?
Mitochondrial diseases have what type of inheritance?
maternal inheritance
Grows on charcoal yeast extract agar with cysteine?
legionella pneumophila
health care workers can be nasal carriers of this org?
Contaminates water and establishes infection by the pulmonary route?
Legionella pneumophila
Doing what is best for the patient?
White plaques on oral mucosa?
oral thrush
(candida albicans infection)
Present in bird and bat droppings?
histoplasma capsulatum
cave exploror
histoplasma capsulatum
Oral thrush in a healthy patient?
think HIV infection
Common cause of infertility?
Acts like FSH and stimulates the formation of a dominant ovarian follicle?
Injected to stimulate LH surge?
Sxs of adrenal insufficiency?
vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss, and hyperpigmentation
Treatment of anaphylaxis, severe asthma, and cardiac arrest?
Used in the treatment of shock and refractory cardiac failure
Immediate Rx for adrenal crisis?
Rotator cuff is made up of the tendons of what 4 muscles?
(1) supraspinatus

(2) infraspinatus

(3) Teres minor

(4) subscapularis

Most common injured structure in rotator cuff injury
tendon of the supraspinatus muscle
Important side effects of the thiazlidinediones (TZDs) like pioglitazone and rosiglitazone?
Liver injury and fluid retention