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54 Cards in this Set

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What are the dates for the Great Awakening?
Who preached the famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?
Jonathan Edwards
What were the results of the Great Awakening?
1. Changed Lives
2. Missionary endeavors
3. New Colleges
4. Religious freedom strengthened
5. Preparations for political freedom
What were England's advantages in the French and Indian War?
More men; Better agriculture, trade and industry; and control of the seas
What were France's advantages during the French and Indian War?
Highly civilized government; well-fortified Quebec; alliances with all Indians except Iroquois and Cherokee
Who tried to take Fort Duquesne from the French?
General Braddock
Who became the Prime Minister of England during the French and Indian War?
William Pitt the Elder
What did the Peace of Paris do?
1. France surrendered Canada and all territory east of the Mississippi river
2. New Orleans and Westo of Mississippi R. given to Spain
3. Spain gives up Florida to Britain
What claimed that the real measure of a nation's wealth is measured by the amount of gold it possesses?
The Mercantile Theory
What made all goods imported or exported from the colonies be carried on British boats and 3/4 of its crew be English?
The Navigation Act of 1660
What required that all European goods shipped to the colonies must be shipped to and processed in England first?
The Navigation Act of 1663
What taxed sugar, rum, and molasses?
The Molasses Act
What prohibited trade of woolen goods between the colonies and foreign countries?
The Woolens Act
What prohibited the production of forged items made of iorn in the colonies?
The Iorn Act
What was the most important agency in the colonies?
The Board of Trade
What gave British officials permission to search through any building if the British official possesed a search warrant?
The Writs of Assistance
What drew a boundary on the Appalacian Mountain chain prohibiting colonists from settling past it?
Proclamation of 1763
What cut tax on raw sugar in half, but raised the tax on refined sugar?
The Sugar Act of 1764
What forbade colonishts to issue any more paper money or to pay English debts in colonial currency?
The Currency Act of 1764
What made colonists buy stamps for any paper item?
The Stamp Act of 1765
What required colonists to house British troops and supply them with anything they need for as long as needed?
The Quartering Act of 1765
Who wrote "The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved"?
James Otis
What was the most hated of all of Grenville's acts?
The Stamp Act
Who became the new prime minister to George III?
Lord Grenville
When did parliament repeal the Stamp Act?
What stated that the colonies were 'subordinate' to England and Parliament had the power to pass laws to 'bind the colonies'?
The Declatory Act
Who was the first Chancellor of the Exchequer?
Who wrote "Letters From a Farmer"?
John Dickinson
Who repelled all the Townshend Acts except for the tax on tea?
Lord North
What was set up to keep colonists and let the colonies' position be known to the world?
The Committes of Correspondence
What gave power to the governor?
The Massachusetts Government Act
What cancelled the American colonies' westward land claims?
Quebec Act
When and where was the "shot heard round the world"?
April 19, 1775 in Lexington
Who captured fort Ticonderoga?
Ethan Allen and his Green Mountan Boys
What was the first major battle of the War for Independence?
The Battle of Bunker Hill
Who was the president of the Second Continental Congress?
John Hancock
What did the colonies send to the King of England in attempt at peace?
The Olive Branch Petition
What stated that the colonies' only use of arms would be for defense?
The Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
What first declared that the colonies were independent?
The Proclimation of Rebellion
Prohibitory Act
What was the most important human statement of political principlesin the hisory of the world?
The Declaration of Independence
Who wrote _Two Treaties of Government_?
John Locke
Who wrote _Commentaries on the Laws of England_?
William Blackstone
Who drove George Washington and the Continental army from New York City?
Sir William Howe and Richard Howe
When did Washington cross over the Delaware and defeat the Hessian troops?
Christmas night, 1776
What was known as the turning point of the war?
When did the British launch a new campaign where Burgoyne and St. Leger met at Albany?
Who defeated Burgoyne at the Battle of Saratoga?
General Horatio Gates
What was the book that Washington brought to encourage the troops at Valley Forge?
_The American Crisis_
When did Parliament pass a bill that gave up its ability to tax the colonies?
Who abondoned Philadelphia to concentrate his forces in New York?
What British posts did George Rogers Clark seize?
Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Vincennes
Who were commissioned by Congress to attack Brittish vessels?
Who made the famous quote while fighting against the British warship _Serapis_ "I have not yet begun to fight"?
John Paul Jones
Who helped the British take Savannah and Charleston?
General Cornwallis