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12 Cards in this Set

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Gram positives
Cocci = Staph + Strep
Rods (Bacilli) = Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Listeria

Branching Filaments = Nocardia, Actinomyces
Gram pos, coagulase pos, clusters of cocci?
Staph a.
Gram pos, Coagulase neg, novobiocin resistant = staph saprophyticus, Novobiocin sensitive?
Novobiocin sensitive = Staph epidermis
Gram pos, catalse neg?
all the STREP species = in CHAINS on cocci:

Clear hemolysis = Beta = COMPLETE hemolysis Group A = s. pyogenes, Group B = s. agalactiae

Green Hemolysis = Alpha = PARTIAL hemolysis s. pneumo HAS CAPSULE, pos Quelling, soluble in bile, optochin sensitive, viridans strep = NO capsule, insoluble in bile, optochin resistant

No Hemolysis = Gamma Enterococcus faecalis = UTIs, Bacteremia, Subactute bact. endocarditis, Oxidase neg, urease pos. NON-Enterococcus - Strep bovis = grows n bile NOT 6.5% NaCl
Which of the branching filaments are Acid fast Aerobes?
Nocardia (tx = Sulfa drugs)
Which of the branching filaments are NOT acid fast and are AErobes
Actinomyces (tx = pens)
What are the gram neg cocci? (gram neg = PINK)
Neisseria meningitidis (maltose fermentor) , Nesseria gonorrhea (non-maltose fermentor), Moraxella cataralis
What are the gram neg Coccoid Rods - bent rods?
Brucella, Bordatella pertussis, H. influ, Pasturella
What are the gram neg straight rods?
Lactose Fermentors = Fast or Slow

Fast = E. coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella (=urease +, lactose and glu fermentor, catalase + tx = 3rd gen cephs)
Slow = Serratia (S for Slow)

NON-LACTOSE fermentors: Oxidase pos and neg

Oxidase pos = Pseudomonas
Oxdase neg = Proteus (urease +), Salmonella, Shigella
What are the gram neg spirals?
H. Pylori
Chlamydia gram neg or pos?
Neg. but doesn't stain well (giemsa stain)
What are the Comma shaped gram negs?
ALL Oxidase Pos.
Grows in 42 deg. = Campylobacter jejuni
Grows in Alkaline (basic) media = Vibrio cholera