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53 Cards in this Set

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Describe a kidner procedure:
removal of a prominent navicular tuberosity or accessory navicular and transpalntation fo the posterior tibial tendon intoe the underside of hte navicular bone
Describe and Evans osteotomy
transverse plane correction of flat foot:
opening ostoeotomy of the calcaneus 1.5 cm proximal to the clacaneocuboid jointa nd insertion of a bone graft
Describe a Lowman procedure
saggital plane correction of flatofoot: talotavicualr wedge arthrodesis -- TAL -- tibialis anterior reroued under the navicular nad sutured into the spring ligament
Describe Cotton procedure
opening dorsal wedge ontot he 1st cuneiform
Describe Hoke
plantarly based wedge removal and fusion of the navicular and the tow medial cuneiforms -- perform with TAL
What talocalacaneal angle indicates flatfoot?
> 25 degrees
What talonavicular articulation indicateds flatfoot?
60-70%, normal is < 50%
What Meary's angle indicates flatfoot
1-15 degrrees mild, > 15 degrees severs, normal is 0
(meary's angle is talus - 1st metatarsal angle)
What joints are fused in a triple arthrodesis.
talonavicular joint, talocalacaneal joint, calcaneal cuboid jint
What Im angle is normal?
7 degrees or less
How do you correct PASA?
what is normal metararsus adductus angle
normal is less than 15 degrees
What is normal tibial sesamoid position
What is normal PASA
7.5 -12 degrees
What is normal DASA
7.5 degrees
What is normal hallux abductus interphalngeus angle
10 degrees
What is norma hallux abductus angle
0-15 degrees
What could you use to correct PASA
Reverdin, reverdin green, Peabody
What is the difference between a reveredin and peabody
Peabody is the same as a reverdin but is made more proximal to avoid sesamoids
What are the 4 kinds of thinkers?
- Factual
- Insightful
- Rational
- Evaluative
what joints does a lapidus fuse?
first metataral cuineiform joint and also fuses second medtatarsal
what bunion correction would you use on a rheumatoid foot
What is a cotton procedure
medial cueniform onpeing wedge
What procedure would you use to correct DASA
What kind of procedure is a Ganley's
closing abductory cuboid ostoetomy
What kind of porocedure is a lchtbau
anterior calcaneal osteotomy
What kind of procedure is a koutsogiannis
oblique cresentic ostoeotomy of the calcaneus
What kind of osteotomy is the baker
osteotomy inferior to the STJ posterir facet witha bone graft
What kind of procedure is the selakovich
opening wedge ostoetomy fothe sustentaculum tali with bone graft whtich restricts abnorma STJ motion
What ist the STATT
Split tibilasis anterio tendon transfer.
the tiabialsi anterior is split from its insertion up jsut proximal to the superir xtensor retinaculum
What are some swing pahse muscles
anterior tibialis -- EHL -- EDL -- peroneus tertius
What are some Stance Phase muscles
Gastrocnemius, soelus, FHL, FDL, Peroneus longus, Peronus Brevis, All intrinsics
Structural 1st ray deformities have what what angular relationship, PASA/DASA Pathology, Joint Status
Abnormal PASA/DASA
Funcional 1st ray deformities have what what angular relationship, PASA/DASA Pathology, Joint Status
Combination 1st ray deformities have what what angular relationship, PASA/DASA Pathology, Joint Status
Abnormal PASA/DASA
Deviated subluxed
What procedure would you do for minimal increase in IMA (<11) with normal PASA
Silver, modified McBride, Hiss, Tightrope
What procedure would you do for minimal increase in IMA (<11) increased PASA
Reverdin, Reverdin-Green, Reverdin Laird
What procedures could you use to correct for mild to moderate increase in IM ange (12-14) with normal PASA, which of these procedures cannot be modified to correct for PASA?
Austin, Mitchell, Hohmann, Wilson, Kalish, Offset V, Scarf
Kalish cannot correct for PASA
What procedures could you uses for Severe HAV deformity (>15) with normal PASA
Closing base wedge, opening base wedge, crescenteric, Kalish, offset V, Scarf
What procedure would you use to correct HAV with osteoarthritis with DJD?
1st MPJ fusion, keller with or without implant
What procedure would you use to correct HAV with osteoarthritis and no DJD
What mild to moderate bunion technique cause the most shortening?
4.5 mm
What are the indications for a STATT
flexible reafoot varus, excessive supination, dorsfelxory weakness
What are the indications for tibialsi posterior tendon transfer
drop foot, recurrent clubfoot,
Wwhat are the indications for a peroneus longs transfer
drop foot, pes cavus
What is a Heyman procedure
transfer of all long extensor tendons to the ir respective metatarsal heads
What is the the indication for a Jones tenosuspension
flexible cavus foot, flexible palntarflexed 1st ray
relieves pressure problems under 1st ray
What is the indication for a Hibbs Tenosuspension
equinus with or without clawtoes
releases the buckling forsce at he MPJ's
What is done in a Jones tenosuspension
EHS is transected and rerouted through the head of hte 1st metatarsal and you also do a 1st IPJ fusion
What is a Coel osteotomy
dorsiflexory wedge osteotomy through the navicular cunieform joint and cuboid bone
What is a Dwyer osteotomy
lateral closing wedge or an opening medial wedge of he calcaneus
What is a Jahss procedure
dorsiflexory wdge osteotomy across the tarsometatarsal articulations
What is a DuVries osteotomy
dorsiflexory fusion throught he MTJ