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40 Cards in this Set

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How can you do a general assessment on a patient
Talking to the patient
Assessment of a patient includes..
Any previous problems with hearing/ ears, allergies, occuptaions/ hobbies, ototoxic drugs, use of hearing aids, any problems with vertigo/dizziness/imbalance.
What instrument is used to do a physical assessment on a patient
What should the eardrum look like?
Should be intact, shiny, transparent, and opaque or gray, should be slightly concave, and free of lesions
What is conductive hearing loss?
Occurs due to something physically blocking the soound wave transmission,
What is sensorineural hearing loss?
Occurs due to a defect in the cochlea, the eighth cranial nerve or the brain (hearing loss from loud noises.)
What is mixed conductive hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss- profound hearing loss
How do you perform the voice test?
Stand 1-2 feet away and wisper a sentence, have them repeat it back to you
What is the watch test
Hold a ticking watch about 5 inches from the ear and ask if they can hear it.
What is an audioscopy?
A type of otoscope that allows hearing frequencies to be measured.
What is the tuning fork test
Use either a weber or a rhinne tuning fork to test hearing via vibration
What is external otitis
Inflammation or infection in the external ear (swimmers ear)
What are the SS of external otitis
Redness, swelling, tenderness, feeling of stopped up ear, hearing loss, may have ear drainage
What is the treatment for external otitis
Topical antibiotics, heat, steroids, alalgesics
What is irrigation used for?
Wax removal
What are forceps used for
What is acute otitis media
Ear infection that happens suddenly and is short of duration
what is chronis otitis media
ear infection that occurs as a result of acute otitis media and lasts longer. Causes more hearing loss
What are the clinical manifestations of Otitis media?
Ear pain, pressure/fullness sensation, distorted or decreased hearing, tinnitus, headaches. malaise, fever, NV, dizziness/vertigo
What is a perforated tympanic membrane?
Break in the tympanic membrane
What is a perforated tympanic membrane caused by
Decribe the drainage in a perforated tympanic membbrane
When is the pain relieved in a perforated tympanic membrane
When the membrane ruptures
What is the treatment for otitis media?
Antibiotics, heat and cold, analgesics, antihistamines, decongestants
Describe the surgery for otitis media
Myringotomy- opening created in the eardrum which relievs the pressure, may have tube put in place to allow drainage
When does mastoiditis often develop
because of multiple cases of otitis media and are undertreated
What is mastoiditis?
an infection of the mastoid air ceells due to otitis media- may be acute or chronic
What is the treatment for mastoiditis
what is labyrinthitis
infection of the labyrinth
What is menieres disease?
A chronic disorder of the inner ear that is characterized by tinnitus, one sided sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo.
What is a symptom of menieres disease
Periods of remission and exacerbations
What makes the symptoms of menieres worse
fluid retention
What is menieres disease often associated with
Infections, allergic reactions, fluid imbalances, stress
What is the pathophysiology of Menieres disease
Excessive ammounts of endolymphatic fluid in the membranous labyrinth.
What are the clinical manifestations of Menieres disease
Tinnitis, vertigo, unilateral hearing loss, NV, nystagmus, headaches
what is the treatment for menieres disease?
Restriction of salt and fluids, smoking cessation, diuretic therapy, nicotinic acid, antihistimines, antiemetics, valium
what are the 2 surgeries for menieres disease?
Labyrinthectomy- Removal of the labyrinth
Endolymphatic decompression with drainage and a shunt
What is a tympanoplasty
Reconstruction of the middle ear, Improves conductive hearing loss.
What is a stapendectomy
Removal of the stapes with replacement by prosthesis
What are some imporntant conciderations for patients post op an ear surgery?
-Avoid things that increase pressure in the ear- Straining at bowel movements, coughing, air travel, blowing nose
-Keep ear dry- no swimming or shower for 1 week
-Keep cotton ball coated with ky jellin in ear canal for 6 weeks
-Report excessive drainage
-may have packing in place
-hearing may be compromised post op