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85 Cards in this Set

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Supply Chain Management
firms and divisions collaborating to leverage strategic positioning and improve operating efficiency
the work required to move and position inventory throughout a supply chain.
What does logistics include?
The company's order/entry, inventory, transportation, warehousing, materials handling, and packaging elements as they are integrated throughout a facility network.
What are the three main important topics integrative management?
collaboration, enterprise extension, and integrated service providers
What does 1984 National Cooperative Research and Development Act do?
Encourages companies to collaborate and form supply chains
What two important things in Enterprise Extension?
Information Sharing and Process Specialization
Should Information Sharing in a supply chain be limited to sales data?
No. It should be extensive. (e.g. plans detailing promotion, new product introduction, and day to day operations, future strategic initiatives and facilitate joint operations)
Whats is process specialization?
to focus collaborative arrangements on planning join operations with a goal of elimination nonproductive or non-value-adding redundancy by firms in a supply chain.
What are the classifications of Integrated Service Providers (ISPs)?
3PL asset based, 4PL non asset based.
What is 4PL non asset based?
A classification of ISP that specialize in providing comprehensive information services that facilitate supply chain arrangements
What is 3PL asset based?
A classification of ISP that has owns and operates transportation equipment and warehousing building
What is the anticipatory business model?
Forecasting demand to find how much product is needs to be produced.
What are the problems with anticipatory business model?
1. Risky, often wrong (makes shortages or overages)
2. Can create mistakes throughout the supply chain
3. Excess inventory/ cost throughout the supply chain.
How did the responsive business model came to be?
information technology; it has made the sharing of information quick
What is the responsive business model?
The use of real time customer requirements to accurately produce what is demanded.
What are the three types of postponement?
Manufacturing, form, geographic, and logistics
What is postponement?
The delay in supply chain
What is manufacturing postponement?
Made upon order
What are the benefits of manufacturing postponement?
Maintain some manufacturing economies of scale, less total inventory required
What are used for final assembly in manufacturing postponement?
logistical warehouses
What is geographic postponement?
Delays product movement until a customer order
What is the benefit of geographic postponement?
full manufacturing economies of scale can be achieved.
What is cash-to-cash conversion?
the time required to convert raw material or inventory purchases into sales revenue.
Higher the inventory turn...
The quicker the cash conversion.
What is dwell time?
the ratio of time that an asset sits idle to the time required to satisfy its designated supply chain mission.
What is cash spin?
a popular term for describing the potential benefits of reducing assets across a supply chain.
What does company want to happen to dwell time of their inventory?
be reduced
What do companies need to consider in the global marketplace?
Distance, Documentation requirements, Workforce; culture hours, work week, holidays etc., product demand and acceptance by new culture.
What the four economic utilities that add value to customers?
form, possesion, time and place
What is transactional marketing?
series of short-term sales relationships (only worrying about the customer requirement and needs)
What is relationship marketing?
long term relationship with all key supply chain partners. Promotes customer, vendor, and sc loyalty.
What are the three basic service challenges?
space, time, and quantity/assortment
Challenge of Space
difference between location of product and location of demand
Challenge of quantity and assortment
difference between the production and consumption sectors of the economy
To overcome service challenges, companies must establish...
spatial convenience, lot size, waiting or delivery time, and product variety and assortment
Spatial Convenience
How many places are the companies going to put their product so, the customer can find it.
Lot Size
Numbers of units purchased in a transaction
Availability is based on three performance measures...
Stockout Frequency, Fill Rate, and Order Shipped when Complete
Fill rate
measures the magnitude or impact of stockouts overtime
Operational Performance
the time required to deliver a customer's order
Operational Performance is specified in...
Speed, Consistency, Flexibility, and malfunction recovery
speed (operational performance)
how much time does it take the product to get to the customer
Consistency (Operational Performance)
by the number of times that actual cycles meet the time planned for completion.
ability to accommodate special situations and unusual or unexpected customer requests.
Service Reliability
achieve all order related task and provide all information to customers
Determinants of Basic Service level
Competition, Industry acceptable standard, and marketing strategy, market leader: best price or best in service
What do customers expect?
Reliability, Responsiveness, Access, Communication, Credibility, Security, Courtesy, Competency, Tangibles, and Knowing the customer
Purchase of supplies, materials, and services by one company from another company.
Total Quality Management is focus on...
customer, Supply chain, and commitment to improvement
Organization for trading internationally
International Organization for Standardization
Procurement Considerations
Continuous supply, Minimize inventory investment, Continuous quality improvement, Develop suppliers, Seek lowest total cost, not lowest purchase price
Procurement Strategies
Supplier volume consolidation, Supplier operational integration, Value management
adds value by converting raw materials into consumer or industrial products
What are the elements of manufacturing competency?
Brand Power, Volume, Variety, Constraints, and Lead-Time
Brand Power
Customers purchase preference
Relationship of cost per unit to volume of output
Large Volume =
Economy of scale opns cost per unit is down
Small Volume =
Few, long lead time runs
Volume impacts in logistics in...
transportation load consolidations and warehouse reqmts
Variety =
Economies of Scope
Variety Impacts Transportation by...
smaller loads, more expensive, fewer warehouses reqd or large loads, less expensive but more warehouse required
Just-In-Time (JIT) provides
reduced handling, storage, inventory requirement
JIT benefits is...
Less buffer stock required, lower inventory levels
Success of JIT depends on...
Much coordination between supplier and manufacturer
Manu. Processes
Job Shop, Batch, Line Flow, and Continuous products
Job Shop
Customized job for specific customers
Batch (Manu. Process)
Low quantity of product with customer who want variety
Line Flow
Few quantity with low variation
Continuous products
Large quantity with little to none variation
Ultimate Goal of Log/SC
Lowest total cost
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Complex system to integrate interface between manufacturer and its suppliers
Make to Order (MTO) manufacturing impact
economy of scope opns, higher per unit cost, lower inventory carrying cost
Make to Order procurement impact
smaller lot purchasing at greater cost per unit cost
Make to Order logistics impact
no consolidation, ship smaller loads at greater cost, use premium transportation at greater cost. Fewer warehouses required
Make to Plan (MTP) manu. impact
economy of scale opns, long lead times, lower per unit cost, high volume of finished goods, higher inventory carrying cost
Make to Plan procurement impact
large volume discount savings
Make to Plan (MTP)
logistics impact
Transportation consolidations, routine transportation at less costs. More warehousing requirements and costs
Assemble to Order (ATO) manu. impact
some economy of scale, some savings with lower per unit cost, postponements likely used, most flexible.
Assemble to Order procurement impact
some volume discounts available
Assemble to order logistics impact
log facilities req’d for postponement activities, some transportation savings with limited consolidation and routine carriers, likely higher warehousing cost
Decision Analysis
Compare/Evaluation with software
Strategic Planning
Using databases to evaluate various strategies
What is the goal of logistics?
Getting products and services where and when they are needed at the lowest total cost and customer accommodation
What is the basic service level in logistics?
Availability, Operational Performance, and Service Reliability
Logistics create value through...
Service Benefits and Cost Minimization