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114 Cards in this Set

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Object Oriented Design
Designing the software for each of the classes identified in the analysis.
Requirements, OO, and focuses on finding and describing the concepts in the problem domain
A conceptual solution that fulfills the requriements, focuses on good design and collaboration
Domain Models
Shows the important concepts in a system and how they interact
Interaction Diagrams
Shows how the objects interact with each other over time
Class Diagrams
Enumerates the fields and methods within a class/object
Universal Modeling Language - sketch, blue print, as a programming language
Agile Modeling
It is the use of light/quick
Unified Process
A structure to develop large software systems - Waterfall, XP, scrum
Waterfall method
Development Flows downward like a waterfall through the steps: Requirements analysis
Design, Implementation, Integration, Testing (validation), Installation, Maintenance
Xtreme Programming
Has 5 core values: Communication, Simplicity, Feedback, Courage, Respect
Characteristics: Living Backlog, sprints, scrum, brief planning, brief heartbeat
Phases of Development
Requirements, design, implementation, testing, maintenance
U.P. continued
Phases: Inception(understand the problem), elaboration(Refining the solution), construction(working on the not-as-hard-parts), Transition (beta testing) Coding in all 4
Design Patterns
Gang of Four - A reference for design patterns viewed as best practices for situations for problems that occur over and over again - creational, structural, and behavorial
Iterator Design Pattern
Access contents of a collection without exposing its internal structure, support multiple simultaneous traversals of a collection, provide a uniform interface for traversing different collection.
Envision the product scope, vision, and business case - Is this worth investing in? Is this worth it? Feasible? Rough Cost? Start creating artifacts
"Waterfall" Inception
It is short, not many requirements, loose plans, not too much detail just enough to make smart decisions
"Waterfall" Requirements
This is bad because it is hard or impossible to change design requirements and therefore the product is not what the user wanted.
Evolutionary Requirements
Can change as the needs do...some parts are:
Use Cases
An english description of the user using the system. Talks about the possible flows of a specific task through the system is very high level. Involves actors.
A "thing" in the system that has a behavior in the system: Person, computer, organization. Types:
Primary actor
Supporting actor
Offstage actor
Use Case Types
Brief: One paragraph summary that covers the optimal path
Casual: Multiparagraph that can cover multiple scenarios
Fully Dressed: Highly Detailed
things such as scope actors scenarios and other types of data necessary to fully explain the system.
UML Use case
Has a central network where all of the actors plug into the network and shows generally how they change or interact with it. Black Box and use an actor or goal perspective.
Use Case: The Big Picture
Waterfall they are all defined up front (BAD)
UP: it is an iterative process and the ideas develop over time
Introduction, positioning(business ideas), stakeholders, overview, features, other requirements
Supplementary Specification
Anything that helps describe limits of the system that are not included in the use case
Domain Business Rules
The rules that dictate how a Business may operate.
Observer Design Pattern
Solves the issue of how do we notify objects that a state of an object has changed. Subject->Observer The subject has a list of observers and notifies them of a state change.
The building of how risk and high value parts of a system - a use case is built in different iterations more important parts first - Define most of the other parts
"Waterfall" elaboration
only 1 iteration the program is done from start to finish
Artifacts during elaboration
Domain model, design model, Architect doc, data model, Use case storyboards
Plan the next Iteration
Consider risk and priority - high medium low and some complexities
Domain Model
A visual representation of real situation conceptual classes - not objects!! Conceptual Classes
Conceptual Classes
Reuse/modify existing models
Use a category list
Identify noun phrases
Mediator Class
A class that encapsulates the control of communication between various objects - Colleagues comminucate via the concrete mediators - Decouples classes and centralizes control
Creating a bunch of the same functions but adding new parameters
Over writing the function that is inherited giving it new functionality
Problems - Multiple Inheritance
Two functions with the same name from the two parents which one do we use. The ancestor is inherited twice does this become a problem
Virtual Method Tables
Defining a function as virtual allows a child to call a function that is defined twice and based on where it came from can look up the proper function
Normal Multiple Inheritance
No ancestor is repeated - no class is repeated in the hierarchy
Shared Multiple Inheritance
Multiple instances of the same class in the hierarchy
Mix-in Inheritance
Only the base class contains the implementation of the inherited functions all higher level classes are abstract function methods
Singleton Design Pattern
A design pattern that only allows one instantiation of a class - Provides a global point of access to the instantiation
System Sequence Diagram
Shows a particular scenario for a use case and the events that external actors generate, their order, and the possible inner system events
Operation Contracts
A set of pre and post conditions for an operation :
-Identify system operations from the SSD
-Expand upon non-obvious system operations
-Use the categories for the post-conditions
Strategy Design Pattern
This design pattern allows for multiple strategies to solve a problem to be swapped in at runtime - using inheritance there is a composite and all specific strategies inherit from it and the composite parent dispatches the problem to the correct implementation
Single Responsibility Principle
A class should have only one reason to change - if something changes only one dependancy changes
Open-Closed Principle
Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification - meaning that an extra class can expand on another but this addition should not need modification
Interface Segregation Principle
Clients should not depend upon methods that they do not use -
Liskov Substitution Principle
Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types - any subclass should have the proper fields and methods to be subbed into a class that any of its siblings can
Dependancy Inversion Principle
High level modules should not depend on low level modules - abstract the middle phases to help lower the coupling
Facade Design Pattern
This design encapsulates a complex subsystem into a single object - compiler: has many steps but user only interacts with a subset of functions, hides how complicated it is
Groups of classes and libraries that are grouped together by their relation to each other - UI packages in java
**Not a great Definition** Layers are an abstract idea of breaking the different parts of a system into abstract "layers" where similar levels of the system are "grouped" together ie the layers of a network system
The different sub sections of a layer - UI layer - buttons, toolbars ...
Memento Design Pattern
This design solves the problem of how do we store the states of objects and allow the object to return to a that or another previous state - undo function
State Design Pattern
Change the behavior of an object when its state changes - Uses inheirtance and a state handler to dispatch to a concrete means of solving based on the state
General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
Assign class B the responsibility to create an a if one or more are true:
B contains A
B records A
B closely uses A
B has the initialization data for A
Information Expert
Assign a responsibility to the class that has the information needed to fulfill it
Low Coupling
Assgin responsibilities so that coupling remains low. Use this principle to evaluate alternatives.
Assign the responsibilities to an object representing one of these choices:
Represents the overall system
Represents a use case scenario within which the system operation occurs
High Cohesion
Assign Responsibilities so that cohesion remains high.
When related alternatives or behaviors vary by type (class), assign responsibilities for the behavior using polymorphic operations to the types for which the behavior varies
Pure Fabrication
Assign a highly cohesive set of responsibilities to an artificial or convenience class that does not represent a problem domain concept – something made up, to support high cohesion, low coupling, and reuse (an abstract idea such as a cup where the die are rolled from)
Assign the responsibility to an intermediate object to mediate between other components or services so that they are not directly coupled
Protected Variations
Identify points of predicted variation or instability; assign responsibilities to create a stable interface around them
Adapter Design Pattern
A design pattern that adapts the inteface of one class into something that the client expects
Code Smells
A process of going through code and finding bad design conventions these are called smells
Duplicated Code
Code is duplicated throughout the program - Template methods or use inheritance
Long Method
Long methods are hard to understand and hard to debug and modify. Small methods have very little overhead - break the method up into different parts
Long Class
If a class does too much, code is duplicated, and it becomes hard to modify - extract smaller parts and create smaller classes
Long Parameter List
Too many parameters are hard to understand - replace the parameters with a method call
Divergent Change
A class should not be changed in different ways for different reasons - extract class
Shotgun Surgery
A single change should not affect a large number of classes - inheritance move the method/field
Feature Envy
A class should not be more interested in another class
Data Clumps
Data, like children, tend to cluster in clumps - extract the class
Primitive obsession
Should use objects instead of Multiple Primitives - wrap some of the data into classes
Switch Statements
If you have many switch statements in your code on the same datum, it becomes hard to modify
Parallel inheritance Hierarchies
All subclasses inherit from two different super classes but they are not linked - combine the super classes
Lazy Class
A class can be too small, especially after refactorings
Speculative Generality
If you have a lot of abstract classes or methods that arent doing much they can just get in the way
Temporary Field
Some variables are only valid in some situations, and shouldn’t be in the class itself - extract these fields into a class or use null creator
Message Chains
A long line of delegation is a message chain - .fooa().foob().fooc() ...
Middle Man
If half of your code is adapters, then something is wrong - remove these middle men cause they serve no encapsulation purpose
Inappropriate Intimacy
If classes are too friendly with each other, then encapsulation breaks down - since they can all see each other then why not put them together and encapsulate their data
Alternative Classes with different Interfaces
If two classes are alternatives then they should have the same interface extract move w/e
Incomplete Library Class
A library or server class is incomplete or perhaps is buggy - introduce a local foreign method
Data Class
Class that has no functionality only fields - there is no encapsulation hide data or store it elsewhere
Refused Bequest
The subclass doesnt need one of the inherited methods
Too much commenting and too little code defeats the purpose of coding
Bridge Design Pattern
A design with the intent of decoupling an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently - An abstract class inherits from another abstract so that an implementation can have all attributes plus extras
Test Driven Development
Write all the tests first and then write code that will pass said tests - allows the coder to have a solid test base for later addons and changes
A structured method to rewrite or restructure code without changing its external behavior, applying small transformation steps combined with re-executing test each step
Explaining Variable Refactoring
Using good variable names that are easy to understand and can lead a programmer to see the logic of the code
Extracting Method
Take a section of code that is related and extract it from one method and encapsulate it in another method
Encapsulate Field
Turn a public field private and use getters and setters to modify and access them
Extract Interface
When several clients use the same subset of a class’s interface, or two classes have part of their interfaces in common extract an interface that they can use together
Inline a method
Take a method and dissolve it and take that code and put it where that method is called - no need to encapsulate if it is used only once
Introduce Parameter Object
When you have a group of parameters that go naturally together package them up in another data field
Pull Up Field
When two classes have the same field pull it up the hierarchy tree
Push Down Field
If there is a field that is unneeded by a child then push the field out of the parent and into the child
Remove Parameter
When a parameter is no longer used by the method body remove it
Remove Setting Method
When a field can be created and then is never altered the setter can be removed
Rename Method
When the name of the method does not reveal its purpose
Chain of Responsability Design Pattern
This design pattern allows multiple recievers to handle a request from a sender without coupling the sender with all the handlers - Message is passed down the line and accepted byt the most specific handler if possible else held by very general
Proxy Design Pattern
A design pattern that encapsulates a surrogate or a place holder for antoher object to control access to it - like windows has a blank picture during load and runtime then it loads when the picture is needed
Agile Manifesto
A group of industry experts got together and made the agile alliance and devised a new means of developing that is more efficient
Manifesto - Points
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following plan
Customer Team Member
User Stories
Short Cycles
Acceptance Tests
Pair Programming
Test Driven Development
Collective Ownership
Continuous Integration
Sustainable Pace
Open Workspace
Simple Design
Has short sprints that take a small set of features and develops them to the end essentially releasing a fully working bug free small version of the software after every sprint - Daily meetings
Back Log
List of tasks to be completed in the project
Clean Room
Team based development and existing organizational practices