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111 Cards in this Set

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small arteries join with capillaries


carry blood away from heart

-large elastic leave the heart

-branch down to medium sized and small


exchange substances between blood tissues


merge to form larger blood vessels called veins- join with capillaries


blood from tissues back to heart


production of new blood vessels

angiogenesis important for

wound healing, formation of uterine lining, formation of corpus lutuem, development of blood vessles around obstructed coronary vessels

-cells of malignant tumours secrete proteins to provide nourishment for the tumour

angiogenesis may be responsible for ___________

diabetic retinopathy

tunica interna(intima)

-3 layers

-inner endothelium lining in contact with the blood as it flows through the lumen

-endothelium continuous with heart lining

tunica interna: basement membrane

collagen for support

tunica interna: elastic lamina:

fibers diffuse materials

tunica media

middle muscular and connective tissue layer

-muscle cells and elastic fibers- extend circularly around the lumen- regulate the diameter of the lumen

-sympathetic stimulation stimulates vasoconstriction and vasodilation- regulate blood flow and blood pressure. vasospasm to stop bleeding

Tunica externa

-elastic and collagen fibers, numerous nerves

-in larger vessels, tiny blood vessels supply the tissue of the vessel wall(vasocasorum


carry blood away from heart to the tissues

walls of arteries

elastic, which allows them to absorb the pressure created by ventricles of the heart as they pump blood into the arteries

because of the smooth muscle in the tunica media, arteries can _________________

regulate their diameter

elastic arteries(conducting arteries)

-largest diameter

-more elastic fibers, less smooth muscle

-propel blood onward

-stretch/store ventricular blood- pressure reservoirs

-example aorta/pulmonary trunk

muscular arteries(distributing arteries)

-medium diameter- greater vasoconstiction or vasodilation

-more smooth muscle, fewer elastic fibers

-distribute blood to various parts of the body

-example- brachial and radial


-the union of the branches of 2 or more arteries supplying the same region of the body

-this provides an alternate route for blood flow

-occurs between arteriole and venule

-arteries that do not form an anastomosis are called "end arteries"

-if an end artery is blocked, blood cannot get to that particular region of the body and necrosis can occur


-smallest blood vessel- microscopic vessels that usually connect arterioles and venules- microcirculation

-blood cells pass single file in lumen

-capillary walls are composed of a single layer of cells and a basement membrane

-because walls are so thin, capillaries permit the exchange of nutrients and wastes between blood and tissue cells

capillaries don't have _______ and _________

tunica media an dexterna

capillaries connect _________ to __________

arterioles to venules

capillaries present in

-high metabolic areas- brain, liver, kidney, muscle, nervous tissue

capillaries absent in

cornea, lens of eye, cartilage, covering/lining epithelia

exchange of materials

between walls of capillaries and beginning of venule

continuous capillaries

CNS, lungs, muscle, skin

fenestrated capillaries

kidney, small intestine villi, brain choroid plexuses, ciliary process of eye, endocrine glands

sinusoid capillaries

-allow in protein/blood

-red bone marrow, liver, spleen anterior pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal gland


-have thin walls, do not keep shape

-small vessels formed by the union of several capillaries

-drain blood from capillaries into veins

two types of venules

postcapillary and muscular


-receive blood from capillaries

-smallest venule- porous

-exchange of nutrients, wastes, white blood cell immigration


-after postcapillary

-have smooth muscle cells

-thicker walls - no exchanges

both types


-reservoirs for large volumes of blood


-union of several venules

-thinner tunica interna and media, thicker tunica

-less elastic tissue

-less smooth muscle

-veins contain valves

-not designd to withstand pressure

venous return

-venous return to heart

-pumping action of heart

-contraction of skeletal muscle in lower limbs

best exercise for venous disease


venous blood flow

not as much pressure - cuts flow not spury

many veins have valves

tunica interna- flaplike cusp

-project into lumen toward heart

-prevent backup

valve defect

congenital, mechanical stress(prolonged standing, pregnancy) or aging

varicose veins

valve defect- congenital, mechanical stress(prolonged standing, pregnancy) or aging

leaking valve- allows backflow of blood from deep veins to less efficient superficial veins- saphenous vein

pressure- veins leak into tissue

hemorrhoids- anal varicosities

starling's law of the capillaries

under normal conditions, the volume of fluid and solutes reabsorbed is almost as large as the volume filtered

capillary exchange

pressure that cause movement of fluids between capillaries and interstitial spaces

substances can cross capillary walls by:



-bulk flow

diffusion is important for

solute exchange between blood and interstitial fluid

substances in blood or interstitial fluid cross

intercellular clefts, fenestrations or endothelial cells

water soluble substances

glucose and amino acids go through intercellular clefts or fenestrations

lipid soluble materials

O2, CO2, and steroid hormones pass through the lipid bilayer of endothelial cell plasma membrane

most plasma proteins and red blood cells

cannot pass through capillary walls of continuous and fenestrated capillaries because they are too large to fit through the intercellular clefts and fenestrations


allow large proteins and blood cells to pass

hepatocytes(liver cells)

synthesize and release many plasma proteins(fibrinogen and albumin)

-diffuse into the bloodstream through sinusoids

red bone marrow

blood cells are formed and then enter bloodstream through sinusoids

blood-brain barrier

capillaries in brain allow few substances across- tight continous capillaries- sealed together by tight junctions

water soluble examples

glucose and amino acids- intercellular clefts or fenestrations

simple diffusion

-passive process, substances move freely down concentration gradient through lipid bilayer

lipid soluble examples

O2, CO2, steroid hormones


large, lipid-insoluble molecules(like insulin) cross capillary walls in vesicles

substances- enclosed within tiny pinocytic vesicles enter endothelial cells

endocytosis- move across the cell and exit by exocytosis

for large, lipid-insoluble molecules such as insulin, cannot cross capillary walls in any other way- some antibodies(proteins) pass from the maternal circulation into the fetal circulation by transcytosis

bulk flow

-passive process

-large numbers of ions, molecules, or particles in a fluid move together in the same direction

-move at rates far greater than diffusion alone

-bulk flow- higher pressure to lower pressure- until no pressure difference exists

bulk flow regulates

volumes of blood and interstitial fluid


pressure-driven movement of fluid and solutes from blood capillaries into interstitial fluid


pressure-driven movement of fluid and solutes from interstitial fluid into blood capillaries

filtration- pressure-driven by

-blood hydrostatic pressure, interstitial fluid osmotic pressure

reabsorption pressure-driven by

interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure and blood colloid osmotic pressure

hydrostatic pressure higher at ___________(capillary) end ________mmHG

arterial, 35mmh

hydrostatic pressure lower at ______(capillary) end ___mmHG

venous, 16mmHG

osmotic pressure created by

proteins or collides

osmotic pressure is higher in capillary ______mmHG


osmotic pressure absent interstitial ___mmHG



-abnormal increase in interstitial fluid volume

edema detectable when volume ____% above normal


edema causes excess ____________ or inadequate _________

filtration, reabsorption

excess filtration caused by

-increase capillary pressure

-increase permeability(leak) of capillaries

inadequate reabsorption caused by

-decreased protein(eg. liver disease, malnutrition, burns) decresaed osmotic pressure

starling's law of the capillaries

under normal conditions, the volume of fluid and solutes reabsorbed is almost as large as the volume filtered

blood flow

volume of blood flowing through any tissue in a given time period(in mL/min)

cardiac output

the volume of blood that circulates throughh systemic(or pulmonary) blood vessels each minute

CO= heart rate(HR) x stroke volume

distribution depends on

-pressure difference driving blood through tissue

-resistance to flow in blood vessels

Blood pressure

contraction of ventricles generate BP

Blood pressure determined by

cardiac output, blood volume, and vascular resistance

higher the Bp, the ________ the blood flow


systolic blood pressure

highest pressure in arteries during systole

diastolic blood pressure

lowest arterial pressure during diastole

a _____% loss of volume drops pressure


mean arterial pressure

average blood pressure in arteries- one third of the way between the diastolic and systolic pressures

vascular resistance

opposition of blood flow due to friction between blood and the walls of blood vessels

-the higher the resistance- smaller the blood flow

resistance depends on

1) size of lumen

2)blood viscocity

3)total blood vessel length

size of lumen

small lumen, more resistance

blood viscoscity

more viscous, increased resistance

total blood vessel length

increased length, increased resistance

most resistant

arterioles, capillaries,, venules

arterioles control systemic vascular resistance(SVR) by

changing their diameters

arterioles need to _________ and _____________ only slightly to have large effect on SVR

vasodilate or vasoconstrict

medulla oblongata

main center for regulation of SVR is the vasomotor center in the brain stem

venous returns

back to heart through systemic veins- due to pressure by contractions left ventricle

venous return assisted by


-skeletal muscle pump

-respiratory pump

velocity is slowest wher

total cross-sectional area of vessel is greatest

how do we check circulation


-blood pressure

situational syncope

caused by pressure stress associated with urination, defecation or severe coughing

orthostatic hypotension

decrease in blood pressure that occurs on standing up

drug-induced syncope

may be caused by drugs such as antihypertensives, diuretics, vasodilaters and tranquilizers


due to sudden emotional stress or real, threatened or fantasized injury

do orthostatic vitals in someone who

is volume depleted


inadequate cardiac output- results in failure of CV system to meet the metabolic demands of body cells

-cell membranes dysfunction, cell metabolism is abnormal, and cell death may occur

types of shock






acute hemmorhage/loss fluids


heart fails to pump(often MI)


anaphylatic shock/head trauma/septic


pulmonary embolis

signs and symptoms of shock

-clammy, cool, pale skin


-weak, rapid pulse



-altered mental status

-decreased urinary output



responses to hypovolemi shock

-activation of the renin-angiotension-aldosterone ssytem

-secretion of anti-diuretic hormone

-activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous sytem

-release of local vasodilators

aging results in

-loss of compliance of the aorta

-reduction in cardiac and muscle fiber size

-progressive loss of cardiac muscular strength

-decline in maximum heart rate

-increased systolic blood pressure

circulatory routes





development of blood vessels and blood

blood vessels develop from isolated masses of mesenchyme in the mesoderm called blood islands