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16 Cards in this Set

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What are the blood plasma parts?
Proteins (7%), Water (91.5%), Other solutes; electrolytes, nutrients, gases, regulatory substances, waste products(1.5%)
What are known as formed blood parts
Platelets, White blood cells (leukocytes), Red blood cells (erythrocytes).
Name the 5 different types of Leukocytes, and if granulocyte or agranulocyte, and percentage they make up of WBC count.
neutrophils - granulocyte - 60-70%
lymphocytes - agranulocyte - 20-25%
monocytes - agranulocyte3-8%
eosinophils - granulocyte - 2-4%
basophils - granulocyte - 0.5-1.0%
What is the function of blood.
Tx O2 to the body, regulates body temp, regulates tissue and blood pH, protection from blood loss and infection
What is the function of Erythrocytes.
Transport O2, and Co2, antioxidant force
Describe and name the functions of neutropohil?
3-6 nuclei, chemically attracted to inflammation sites,"brew" hydrolytic enzymes, lysosomes, oxidizes bacteria and fungi by producing oxidants like peroxide, bleach, creating lyses
describe and name functions of eosinophils?
Leads counter attack agains parasitic worms, resides in LC tissue, lessen allergy severity, inactivate inflammatory agents
describe and name functions of basophils?
Inflammatory producer (histamine), dilates blood vessels, nucleus generally U or S shaped, /c 2-3 constrictions, related to mast cells
describe and name functions of lymphocytes?
Looks like fried egg with dark nucleus, most is lymph tissue, not blood, for Immunity; T-lymph. for virus infected cells and tumors, B-lymph produce antibodies
describe and name functions of monocytes?
Larges of WBC, distinctive U shaped nucleus, phagocyte
Know the proteins of plasma
Albumin - 60% of proteins, make major contributions to viscosity and osmolarity, and changes in their abundance can influence blood pressure, flow, and fluid balance.
Globulins - alpha, beta, and gamma (immunoglobulin)
fibrogens - involved in clotting
1% - mostly hormones
Type A blood is, __ antigens, and __ antibodies?
A antigens, B antibodies
Type B blood is, __ antigens, and __ antibodies?
B antigens, A antibodies
Type O blood is, __ antigens, and __ antibodies?
no antigens, no antibodies
What is coagulation?
to convert soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin. As this occurs, blood cells and platelets get stuck in the net of fibrin, stopping blood loss.
What are the three steps for coagulation?
Prothrombin activator is formed.
Activator converts prothrombin into thromin
Thrombin catalyzes the joining of fibrinogen molecules into a mesh, trapping un/formed elements of blood