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105 Cards in this Set

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RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels below normal.
Causes of Anemia
- Hemorrhage: blood loss
- Bone marrow depression: impaired production of RBCs
- Hemolysis: increased destruction of RBCs
Anemia Symptoms
anorexia, cardiac dilation, dizziness, dyspepsia, dyspnea, fatigue, insomnia, pallor, palpitation, shortness of breath, systolic murmur, tachycardia, vertigo.
Diagnostic Tests for Anemia
RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit are low, Serum Iron is low, Reticulocyte count is low.
low circulating blood volume from hemorrhage, blood loss of 1000 mL or more, can lead to hypovolemic shock.
Hypovolemic Anemia Signs and Sympoms:
weakness, stupor, PALE COOL CLAMMY SKIN, hypotension, tachycardia, hypothermia, thirst, weakness.
Diagnostic Test for Hypovolemic Anemia
RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit levels are very low, half of normal value.
Medical Management for Hypovolemic Anemia
control bleeding, treat for shock, replace lost blood, oxygen, and iron preparations.
absence of intrinsic factor (that is secreted by the stomach lining), intrinsic factor is needed for absorption of vitamin b12.
Pernicious Anemia signs and symptoms:
SMOOTH, RED TONGUE, dyspnea, fever, hypoxia, pale yellow lemon color, burning of the tongue, tingling of hands and feet.
Schilling Test
shows malabsorption of vitamin b12 and is used to diagnose pernicious anemia.
Diagnostic tests for Pernicious Anemia
Schilling test, Erythrocytes are large (macrocytic) with abnormal shapes, B12 levels are reduced.
Medical management for Pernicious Anemia
Cyanocobalamin (VITAMIN B12) injections, folic acid supplement, and iron replacement.
failure of the normal process of cell generation and development, can be congenital or acquired, three major blood elements from bone marrow are reduced/absent (RBCs WBCs and Platelets)
Aplastic Anemia signs and symptoms
repeated infections, high fevers, fatigue, weakness, petechiae, ecchymoses, bleeding gums, epistaxis.
Diagnostic tests for Aplastic Anemia
Bone marrow biopsy (shows aplastic fatty deposits), peripheral blood smear
Medical management for Aplastic Anemia
Bone marrow suppression, antineoplastic medications, radiation, splenectomy, steroids, androgens, bone marrow transplantation, NO BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS!!
RBCs contain decreased levels of hemoglobin, excessive iron loss.
Causes of Iron deficiency anemia
GI bleeding and Uterine bleeding
loss of hydrochloric acid
Iron Deficiency Anemia signs and symptoms
pallow, GLOSSITIS (INFLAMMATION OF THE TONGUE), fatigue, shortness of breath, PAGOPHAGIA (DESIRE TO EAT ICE, CLAY, STARCHES), tachycardia, fingernails brittle.
Diagnostic tests for Iron Deficiency Anemia
Peripheral blood count shows RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels decreased, and SERUM IRON IS LOW.
Medical management for Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron salts, Ferrous sulfate, diet rich in iron- meat, fish, STEAK, ORGAN MEAT, poultry, eggs, green leafy veg
patient has sickle cells- RBC contains abnormal hemoglobin S (Hg-S), sickling indicates a clumping/aggregation of misshapen RBCs which lodge in small vessels.
having two identical genes from each parent
two different genes from parents, patient has both Hg-S and Hg-A in the RBCs.
Sickle Cell Anemia Symptoms
PAIN FROM SICKLING!!!! loss of appetite, irritability, weakness, abdominal enlargement with pooling of blood in liver and spleen, jaundice DEEP THROBBING PAIN.
Diagnostic test for Sickle Cell Anemia
Electrophoresis of hemoglobin, Skeletal roentgenograms
Medical management for Sickle Cell Anemia
rest, fluid/electrolytes encouraged, ANALGESICS FOR PAIN, large doses of opioids, blood transfusions are used cautiously during sickling crisis.
Nursing interventions for Sickle Cell Anemia
family testing for presence of Hg-S - genetic counseling is available, balance between rest/activity, good nutrition- protein, calcium, vitamins, and fluids, blow nose gently, avoid coughing.
How to avoid Sickle Cell Crisis
avoid high altitudes, flying in unpressurized planes, dehydration, cold temperatures, iced liquids, and vigerous exercise.
overproduction of red blood cells due to a primary process in the bone marrow (myeloproliferative), and low oxygen levels.
Two types of Polycythemia
1. Polycythemia Vera
2. Secondary Polycythemia
excessive bone marrow production
abnormal increase in RBCs
Polycythemia Vera
excessive bone marrow production, increase in RBCs, granulocytes, and platelets, stem cell abnormality, elevated WBC with basophilia, MALIGNANCY IN BLOOD CELLS
Secondary Polycythemia
caused by hypoxia which stimulates erythropoietin in kidneys which stimulates RBC production.
Signs and Symptoms of Polycythemia
venous distention, platelet dysfunction, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, complaints of satiety/fullness, sensitive to hot and cold, pruritus- because of histamine release, tinnitus, blurred vision, plethora-erythemic appearance, elevated B/P
Diagnostic Tests for Polycythemia
CBC increased, platelets elevated, Alkaline Phosphatase/uric acid/histamine levels noted, hypercellularity of RBCs/WBCs/platelets, BASAL METABOLIC RATE INCREASED/
Medical Management Polycythemia
Myelosuppressive agents (busulfan/Myleran, hyrdoxyurea/Hydrea, and radioactive phosphorus, Allopurinol.
Nursing Interventions for Polycythemia
avoid foods that contain iron, phlebotomy may need to be performed every 2-3 months reducing blood volume by 500 mL each time, with hydration therapy avoid fluid overload,
severe reduction in the number of granulocytes (basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils), Leukopenia, below normal neutrophil count.
Low WBC count
Causes of Agranulocytosis
adverse reaction/toxicity to chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Signs and Symptoms of Agranulocytosis
fever, chills, INFECTION, ulcerations of mucous membranes (mouth/nose),
Diagnostic Tests of Agranulocytosis
Leukocytes with neutrophils differential below normal, bone marrow suppression- depression of activity.
Medical Management for Agranulocytosis
transfusions of packed red blood cells, G-CSF (filgrastim neupogen).
Nursing Interventions for Agranulocytosis
very susceptible to infection, PREVENT INFECTION, good oral hygeine, soft bland diet (protein, vitamins, calories), balance between rest/activity, avoid crowds/people that are sick.
malignant disorder, an excess of leukocytes accumulates in the bone marrow and lymph nodes, bone marrow is replaced with rapidly developing WBCs
Classification of Leukemia
Can be acute or chronic.
- Four Types:
1. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
2. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
3. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
4. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Diagnostic Tests for Leukemia
WBC is low, elevated, or excessively elevated, Anemia/Thrombocytopenia are noted, immature leukocytes, Lymph node biopsy reveals excessive blasts (immaturecells).
Signs and Symptoms of Leukemia
pain in bones/joints, fatigue, INFECTIONS, occult blood in urine or stool, bleeding, petechiae, ecchymoses
Medical Management for Leukemia
ACHIEVE REMISSION AND RELIEVE SYMPTOMS, chemotherapy, combination chemotherapy, bone marrow and stem cell transplantation, blood transfusion.
Nursing Interventions for Leukemia
congenital or acquired, release of blood from the vascular system results from trauma or vessel damage, vessel inadequacy, disturbance of function of platelets/clotting factors, or liver disease (impaired clotting mechanisms).
Signs and Symptoms of Coagulation Disorders
petechiae, ecchymoses, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, circulatory hypovolemia, pallor, cool clammy skin, tachycardia, spleen tenderness,Nur emesis/stool bleeding
Diagnostic Test for Coagulation Disorders
Platelet count is low, RBC and Hemoglobin level is low, Coagulation time is altered.
Medical Management for Coagulation Disorders
Replacement transfusions, Heparin Therapy
Nursing Interventions for Coagulation Disorders
prevent hypovolemic shock and trauma to tissues.
deficiency in the number of circulating platelets.
number of platelets is below 150,000, occurs in aplastic anemia, leukemia, tumors, and chemotherapy.
autoimmune disease, platelets are coated with antibodies and when they reach the spleen they are recognized as foreign and are destroyed by macrophages. IMMUNOGLOBIN G (IgGJ)
Signs and Symptoms of Thrombocytopenia
petechiae, ecchymoses of skin, risk for bleeding (mucous membranes, internal organs), alcohol ingestion, epistaxis, gingival bleeding,
Diagnostic Tests for Thrombocytopenia
platelet count, peripheral blood smear, and bleeding time, bone marrow aspiration.
Medical Management for Thrombocytopenia
corticosteroids, splenectomy, INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBIN OR IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE DRUGS, transfusions with platelet concentrates, Plasmapheresis- removes antibodies.
Nursing Interventions for Thrombocytopenia
avoid trauma, stool softeners, high fiber diet, check for presence of blood, use soft tooth brush, blow nose gently.
disturbance in clotting factors
antihemophilic factor VIII is absent- this factor is essential for conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.
deficiency of factor IX with an absence of plasma thromboplastin component (a plasma protein) resulting in nonformation of thromboplastin.
Signs and Symptoms of Hemophilia
internal/external hemorrhage, ecchymoses, pain, edema, erythema, fever, blood in stool and urine.
Diagnostic Tests for Hemophilia
Factors VIII and IX are absent/deficient, Partial Thromboplastin Time PTT is prolonged.
Medical Management for Hemophilia
Nursing Interventions for Hemophilia
control hemorrhage, monitor transfusions of Factor VIII, NO ASPIRIN,
inherited bleeding disorder, abnormally slow coagulation of blood and episodes of GI bleeding, epitaxis, and gingival bleeding caused by deficiency of factor VIII.
Treatment for Von Willebrands Disease
synthetic of antidiuretic hormone vasopressin, causes increase in factor VIII release from storage sites.
DIC, overstimulation of clotting and anticlotting processes in response to disease/injury, plasma clotting factors are depleted during wide spread clotting within small vessels, leads to bleeding disorder/thrombosis.
Signs and Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Bleeding in mucous membranes, venipuncture sites, GI, and Urinary tracts, dyspnea, hemoptysis, purpura, petechiae, abdominal tenderness, pulmonary embolism, hypotension, tachycardia, absence of peripheral pulses, decreased B/P
Diagnostic Tests for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Deficits of factors V, VII, VIII, X, XII, D-Dimer reveals breakdown of fibrin and is a specific marker for degree of fibrinolysis in serum.
Medical Management for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Heparin therapy, Fibrinolytic inhibitors, packed RBC transfusion, fresh frozen plasma FFP
Nursing Interventions for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
protect from bleeding and trauma, form cotton swabs for mouth care, ADMINISTER HEPARIN, BLOOD, AND FFP TRANSFUSIONS
plasma cell disorder, malignant neoplastic immunodeficiency disease of the bone marrow, neoplastic cells infiltrate in bone marrow, destroys osseous tissue especially in flat bones causing pain and fractures
Monoclonal protein
specific immunoglobulin produced in myeloma cells present in blood and urine with multiple myeloma.
Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma
pain, fever, potential for bleeding, changes in urine, pain in ribs/spine/pelvis, osteolytic lesions, vertebral destruction, hypercalcemia- calecium/phosphorus drain from bones.
Diagnostic Tests for Multiple Myeloma
radiographic skeletal studies, bone marrow biopsy, blood/urine- high protein, hypercalcemia, hyperuricemia, and elevated creatinine
Medical Management for Multiple Myeloma
radiation, chemotherapy, alkylating agents- mephalan/alkeran, cyclophosphamide/cytoxan, carmustine/BCNU, analgesics for pain
Nursing Interventions for Multiple Myeloma
pain relief, prevent infection, administer chemotherapy, weight bearing helps bone reabsorb calcium, fluids dilute calcium.
inflammation of one or more lymphatic vessels which results from acute streptococcal or staphylococcal infection in an extremity.
Signs and Symptoms of Lymphangitis
red streaks in affected area in groin/axilla, edema, chills, fever, pain, lymph nodes enlarge.
Medical Management for Lymphangitis
Penicillin/antimicrobial drugs, hot moist heat
Nursing Interventions for Lymphangitis
aseptic technique, rest and extremity elevation.
accumulation of lymph in soft tissue and edema is caused by obstruction, an increase in amount of lymph, or removal of nodes, LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE FUNCTION IS DISTURBED.
Signs and Symptoms of Lymphedema
complaints of pain/pressure, edema/palpitation of pedal pulses.
Medical Management of Lymphedema
diuretics, antimicrobials, compression pumps, elastic sleeves, diets restricting sodium
Nursing Interventions for Lymphedema
increase lymphatic drainage, avoid trauma, elevation, massage toward trunk, avoid constrictive clothing, meticulous skin care, prevent infections.
malignant disorder of painless, progressive enlargement of lymphoid tissue, tissue enlargement is noticed in cervical nodes/spleen, reedsternberg cells- large abnormal multinucleated cells in lymphatic system found in Hodgkins disease they increase in number replacing normal cells.
Signs and Symptoms of Hodgkins Disease
enlargement of cervical/axillary/inguinal lymph nodes, are not painful unless pressure on nerves, anorexia, night sweats, extreme pruritus, anemia, leukocytosis, edema of face and neck
Diagnostic Tests for Hodgkins Disease
Peripheral blood studies show anemia, WBC increase, and abnormal erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hypoferremia caused by excessive rion intake by liver, chest radiographic exams, CT scans, laparscopy, bone marrow biopsy, ultrasound, PRESENCE OF REED STERNBERG CELLS!!!
Medical Management for Hodgkins Disease
radiation therapy, combination chemotherapy, bone marrow/peripheral stem cell transplantation,
Nursing Interventions for Hodgkins Disease
skin integrity, soothing baths, antipruritic medication, increase fluid intake
Stage 1: abnormal single lymph nodes, regional/single extranodal site.
Stage 2: two/more abnormal lymph nodes same side of diaphragm.
Stage 3: abnormal lymph nodes on both sides of diaphragm, spleen involvement, subdivided in upper abdomen and lower abdomen.
Stage 4: Hepatic, Lung, Pleural, Marrow, Dermal, and Osseous involvement.
NHL, neoplasmic disorder, neoplasm of the immune system, common in patients receiving immunosupressive agents/herpes virus, B CELL LYMPHOMAS, tumors start in lymphnodes and spread to lymphoid tissue in spleen, liver, GI tract, and bone marrow, LEADING CAUSE OF CANCER DEATH.
Signs and Symptoms of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma
painless enlarged lymphnodes found in cervical area, fever, weight loss, nigh sweats, anemia, infection, pleural effusions, bone fractures, paralysis.
Diagnostic Tests for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma
Bone scan reveals fractures and lesions, blood studies show hypercalcemia, anemia, leukocytosis, and alkaline phosphatase, COOMBS TEST- POSITIVE RESULT FOR ANTIGLOBULIN, ct scan, Gallium scan, lymphangiogram, biopsies of liver, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.
, Medical Management for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma
CHEMOTHERAPY, TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR TNF- has direct cell toxicity and stimulates immune system.