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93 Cards in this Set

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What are the functions of blood?
- Transportation: O2, nutrients, hormones, waste products
- Regulation of pH and solute composition (like H2O ballance)
- Protection - clotting and immune functions
- Body temperature - spreading heat from metabolic functions
What are typical values for blood pH and temperature, blood volume and hematocrit?
pH - 7.38; range: 7.35-7.45
Temp - 38C/100.4 F
Volume - 5-6 L in man; 4-5 L in woman
Hematocrit - 45% of RBCs in total blood volume
Blood is classified as what type of tissue?
- Connective tissue
- Plasma = fluid extracellular matrix
- RBCs etc = cells
What part of the blood is the non-living matrix?
- the plasma: a fluid matrix
- only fluid matrix out of all connective tissues
Describe the composition of whole blood.
Plasma: 55% of volume
Formed elements: 45%; leucocytes, platelets, erythrocytes/rbcs
Describe the composition of plasma.
- 92% H2O
- 8% solutes (mostly plasma proteins too big to get out of capillaries)
Plasma proteins = albumins, globulins, clotting proteins
What is the primary component of plasma?
- H2O - 92% of plasma volume
Identify the main types of plasma proteins and describe the general functions of each.
Albumins - 60%; angiotensin; major contributer to osmotic press., important buffer; transport (TH, steroid hormone, fatty acids)
Globulins - 35%; transport globulins (carry vitamins, metal ions, lipoproteins); immunoglobulin (antibodies)
Clotting proteins - 5%; fibrinogen, prothrombin
What is the most numerous type of blood cell?
- Erythrocytes/rbcs
In adults,where are the formed elements of the blood produced?
- red bone marrow in certain bones (mostly flat bones... like hip, sternum etc?)
- also liver and spllen and lymph nodes
Describe the structure and function of mature erythrocytes (rbcs).
Structure: flexible (so they can fit through tight capillaries); biconcave disk shape from lack of nucleus (lots of surface area, diffusion distances in cell very short), anuclearte
Function: transport O2 and CO2
Describe the molecular structure of hemoglobin (Hb).
- binds reversibly to O2 and CO2
- made up of polypeptide subunits:two alapha and two beta chains
Each chain: globular part and heme part
Iron at center of heme groups
Hb can carry 4 O2 molecules (saturated)
How does adult Hb differ from fetal Hb?
- fetal Hb has gamma instead of beta globins
- gamma has a higher affinity for oxygen
- this helps the baby get it's oxygen from the mother's blood
- gradually gamma is replaced with beta
What is the typical lifespan of RBCs?
80-120 days
- short b/c of all of the physical stress
Where are worn out/damaged RBCs removed from the blood and broken down?
- removed from circulation by macrophages in liver and spleen
What type of cell removes worn out/damages RBCs from the blood?
Macrophages - their phagolysosome breaks it down
Describe the Hb breakdown products and tell how they are handled.
- Amino acids - rejoin amino acid bool
- ferritin - can cause oxidative damage; stored in liver and spleen; attatched to transferrin for transport; recycled back to bone marrow through blood
- Biliverdin - reuced to bilirubin, released in circulation; bound to albumin in liver and secreted into bilie; changed to urobilinogen by bacteria in intestines; some released back into blood and secreted by kidney in urine, most owidized to stercobilin and excreted in feces
Name the hormone that stimulates RBC production. What organ releases this hormone?
- erythropoietin (EPO)
- produced by kidneys
Describe the negative feedback regulation of erythropoiesis.
- Increase in hypoxia (not enough O2 to tissues)
- Increase in EPO by kidneys
- Increase in rbc production in bone marrow
- Increase in O2 circulation
- Decrease in hypoxia
- Decrease in EPO production
At which stage of development does the rbc eject its nucleus?
Normoblast ejects its nucleus
- becomes a reticulocyte
At which stage of development do rbcs leave the bone marrow and enter the circulation?
- reticulocyte stage
- after 1-2 days become mature rbcs
- used as index of rate of erythropoiesis
What are the three common causes of anemia?
Insufficient rbc numbers: from hemmoraging, premature lyising, inhibition of erythropoeisis
- Decreased Hb content of rbcs - from vit B12 or iron deficiency
- Abnormal Hb - from halacemia or sicle cell anemia
Describe the stages of RBC development from pluripotent stem cell to mature rbc.
- pleuripotent stem cell/hemocytoblast (multiCSF acts on it)
- becomes myeloid stem cell (instead of a lymphoid stem cell, the other type)
- progenetor cells - acted upon by erythropoietin (EPO) to become
- Proerythroblast - the 1st stage of being an immature rbc, where path can't change
- erythroblast
- normoblast - ejects nucleus
- reticulocyte - enters circulation
- mature rbc
Describe how leukocytes (wbcs) use diapedesis, amoeboid motion, and chemotaxis to move around in the body.
- cells moving in blood
- positive chemotaxis towards conc.
- antigens on wbc and mollecules on endothelial walls interact, slowing cell down (rolls along wall and stops)
- diapedesis - the cell squeezes b/w the endothelial cells inot the tissues
- amoeboid motion - continues positive chemotaxis by swimming towards infection site
Identify the two general categories of wbcs and name the specific cells assigned to each category.
Granulocytes (neutrophils, eodinophils and basophils):
- lobed nuclei, granules in cytoplasm, live appx 12 hrs, release enzymes when activated
Agranulocytes (monocytes develop into macrophages, lymphocytes):
- sphyrical/oval/kidney shaped nucleus, longer life span
Which category of leukocyte has the longest life span?
- granulocytes have short life span b/c they release enzymes, which hurt them as well as the invaders
Describe the histological characteristics of each type of wbc.
Neutrophils - 50-70%; small lilac granules, nucleus w/3-5 lobes
Eosinophils - 1-4%; similar in size to neutrophils; red-orange granules; nucleus w/2 lobes
Basophils - <1%; slightly smaller than neutrophils; large purple/black granules; nucleus w/2 lobes
Monocytes - 4-8%; largest one; pale blue cytoplasm; kidney-shaped nucleus; becomes macrophage
Lymphocytes - 25-35%; round nucleus fills almost whole cell; blue cytoplasm a narrow rim around it
Describe the general function of each type of wbc.
Neutrophils - active phagocyte; chem. attracted to inflamation sites
Eosinophils - defense against parasitic worms; role in allergic rxns
Basophils - release histamine at inflammations; release heparin
Monocytes - develop into wandering or fixed macrophage; in this form for only 1 day in blood; phagocytic cells; role in lymphocyte activation
Lymphocytes - types: T and B lymphocytes; part of immune response
List the various types of wbcs in order from most to least numerous.
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas

Which type of wbc accounts for more than half of all circulating leukocytes?
Which types of wbcs are important phagocytes?
Which type of wbc releases heparin and histamine?
Which type of wbc is the largest of all blood cells?
Which type of wbc matures in the body tissues to become a macrophage?
- develops into wandering or fixed macrophage
Describe the process of leukopoiesis from pluripotent stem cell to monocyte and mature granulocyte.
- be able to draw table out (see p34/35 in notes)
- hemocytoblast/pleuripotent stem cell
- myloid stem cells
- progenator cells splits into 2 difft types:
-- Myoblast: to melanocyte: to band cells: to mature granulocytes
-- Monoblast: to promonocyte: to mature monocyte
Identify the 2 specific families of cytokines that regulate leukopoiesis.
- Interleukins (ILs)
- Colony stimulating factors (CSFs)
Buffy coat
- wbcs and platelets
- presents at the plasma-erthyrocyte junction in a tube of fractionated blood
HbO2 - oxygenated hemoglobin
- has bright red color
- no O2 attatched
- dark red, giving blood blue appearance
- transport protein that carries the iron part of heme from storage in liver/spleen to the bone marrow
- keeps it from causing oxidative damage
- the iron part of heme
- can cause oxidative damage
- stored in liver/spleen and recycled back to bone marrow; transported by transferrin
- green pigment
- when added to iron, makes heme
- reduced to bilirubin... follows pathway and eventually secreted in urine or feces
- orange pigment made from reduction of biliverdin (part of heme)
- released into circulation
- circulates to liver where secreted into bile and changed into urobilinogen in intestine
- part of biliverdin from heme
- made from bilirubin by bacteria in large intestines
- back into circulation; excreted by kidneys into urine (yellow)
- most oxidized into stercobilin and leaves in feces
- urobilinogen excreted by kidneys becomes oxidized into urobilin
- gives urine yellow color
- Urobilinogen oxidizes to stercobilin in large intestines
- gives feces brown color
- yellowish tint
- excessive bilirubin in ect
- B/c of: excess rbc destruction or liver damage
reticulocyte count
- used as index of rate of erythropoiesis
- reticulocytes become mature rbcs in 1/2 days whereas rbcs last 3-4 months
- normally 1-2% of rbcs
when the tissues don't have enough O2
- causes increased rate of EPO secretion, and then more rbcs to be produced
reduced O2 carrying capacity of blood
- indicates an underlying problem
- symptoms: fatigue, pale, SOB
- too few wbcs - below 5,000/mm cubed
- Normally 5-10 thousand/mm cubed
- result of cancer treatment, glucocorticoid treatment, etc
- too many wbcs - more than 10,000/mm cubed
- Normally 5-10 thousand/mm cubed
- indicates: bacterial infection, or transiently in exercise
Describe the developments of platelets.
- pleuripotent cell stimulated by multiCSF
- myeloid stem, then
- megakaryoblast - repeats rounds of mitosis w/o cytokinesis, becoming multinucleated
- promegakaryocyte - forms gramules
- megakaryocyte - cell makes projections, squeezes them through sinusoidal wall, rupture off, producing platelets
- platelets
What hormone regulates the process of platelet formation?
thrombopoietin (TPO)
Identify and describe the three phases of hemostasis.
- Vascular spasm - damage to vessel triggers local vasoconstriction; more damage = more constriction; caused by factors realeased by platelets and endothelial cells
- Platelet plug formation - platelets adhere to exposed collagen fibers, adhere, activate(changing shape) and aggregate; positive feedback cycle initiated
- Coagulation - clotting factors/prostaglandins form prothrombinase, starts a pathway that ends up making interwoven strands of fibrin (the webbing of blood clot)
Identify the main chemicals released by activated platelets.
- TXA2 and serotonin
- Clotting factors (Ca2+ etc)
- PDGF - platelet-derived growth factor
What role does each of the main chemicals released by activated platelets play in promoting hemostasis?
- ADP - stimulates platelet aggregation
- TXA (an ecosinoid) and Serotonin (the NT in the CNS) - enhance vascular spasms
- Clotting factors (Ca2+)
- PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) - promotes repair of blood vessel
Differentiate between the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of blood clotting.
- Both are part of coagulation/clotting
- Both form prothrombinase, an enzyme
Extrinsic - involves release of tissue factor from endothelial cells, activates factor 10
Intrinsic - no release from damaged endothelial cells; begins w/activation of procoagulents @ injury site by exposure to collagen fibers; platelets release Platelet Factor 3, activates factor nine, activates factor 10
- Both - Factor 10 activated, complexes w/5 and Ca ions to form prothrombinase
What enzyme is formed by both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways to initiate the common pathway of blood clotting?
- Prothrombinase - an enzyme
Starts the common pathway that ends with the formation of fibrin, the webbing of the blood clot
Describe the steps of the common pathway of the coagulation process.
- Starts with prothrombinase converting prothrombin to thrombin
- Thrombin (an enz.) converts fibrinogin (a plasma protein) to fibrin
- fibrin forms threadlike mollecules; an elastic fillament forms meshwork of the blood clot
What is clot retraction?
- after clot forms
- actin and myosin fibers pull the clot together
- squeeze serum out (the plasma minus the clotting proteins)
- stabalizes clot
What is fibrinolysis?
- breakdown/dissolving the clot
- activation of plasminogen in the clot to plasmin
- Plasmin breaks it down
What proteolytic enzyme is involved in fibrinolysis?
Plasminogen = plasma protein caught in clot
- prokinase (u-PA) and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) convert it to plasmin
- plasmin is the active enzyme that breaks down clot
What factors work to localize and control blood clotting?
- Prostacyclin (PGI2) - released by endothelial cells - limits platelet aggregation
- wbcs release factors to slow it down
- plasma enzymes break ADP down
- Anticoagulants:
- anti-thrombin, heparin, warfarin/coumadin, asprin
The ABO blood groups are distinguished by the presence or absence of what 2 agglutinogens?
- agglutinogens A and B
- codominant
What agglutinogents are present on the RBCs of each of the 4 ABO blood types?
A - A
B - B
AB - both A and B
O - neither A nor B
What genotypes could account for each of the phenotypes of the 4 ABO blood types?
A - IAIA or IAi
B - IBIB or IBi
O - ii
What agglutinins are present in the blood plasma of each of the 4 ABO blood types?
= the antibodies against one of the agglutinogents

A - antiB
B - antiA
AB - neither antiA nor antiB
O - antiA and antiB
On the basis of ABO blood groups only, identify which donor bloot types are compatible with recipients of each of the 4 ABO blood groups.
Receptor - possible donors:

A - A or O
B - B or O
AB - A, B, O
O - O
When do anti-Rh antibodies form?
- agglutination/transfusoin reaction doesn't occur w/1st exposure to Rh positive blood
- formed during 1st exposure, next time, the agglutination would occur in the Rh -ve person if exposed to +ve blood a second time
blood group
depends on types Rh agglutinogens
- if you have any of the 8 types = Rh positive; none = Rh negative
Blood type
determined based on presence or absence of agglutinogents A and B
ABO blood typing
antigents on surface or RBCs
determine blood group
antibodies that circulate in blood and act against RBCs carrying ABO antigents not present on individuel's own rbcs
- production begun slightly after birth
- clumping/aggregation of blood cells
- happens when agglutinins of one kind react with agglutinogens of the same kind
transfusion reaction
- when an individual receives a transfusion of mismatched blood
- can block blood flow to parts of body
erythroblastosis fetalis
- mother Rh -ve and foetus Rh+ve
- happens only on second pregnancy/subsequent exposures
- when feotus rbcs are attacked by mother's antibodies
inhibits clotting:
- anti-thrombin
- heparin
- warfarin/coumadin
- asprin
plasma protein
soluble form, in blood
converted to fibrin by thrombin as part of the common pathway
fibrin = the webbing of clots
prothrombinase converts it to thrombin
then thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin (the webbing of blood clots)
the plasma minus the clotting proteins
squeezed out of the clot during clot retraction
urokinase (u-PA)
- part of fibrinolysis
- produced by kidney
- circulates in blood
- released by ET cells when thrombin levels rise
activates plasminogen and changes it to plasmin which breaks down the clot eventually
tissue plasminogen activator
- role in fibrinolysis
- released by damaged ET cells
- activates plasminogen and turns it into plamin (active form that breaks down fibrin)
- platelets are anucleate fragments of large megakaryocytes
- lifespan is less than 10 days, even when inactive
- makes projections and squeezes them through sinusoidal wall; rupture off = platelets
differential cell count
the proportional representation of each kind of blood cell in a sample of blood
platelet adhesion
- platelets adhere to exposed collagen fibers
- the platelets are active, so they change shape and become more sticky (to eachother and to the ET wall)
abnormal increase in circulating RBCs
causes: blood doping or producint too many
- leads to increase blood viscosity, increased BP and all of the problems that come with that
a mass, most commonly a blood clot, that becomes lodged in a blood vessel and obstructs it
blockage of artery: a condition in which an artery is blocked by an embolus, usually a blood clot formed at one place in the circulation and then lodging in another
blood clot: a blood clot that forms in a blood vessel and remains at the site of formation
type of anemia: a hereditary form of anemia, particularly prevalent around the Mediterranean, that is caused by a dysfunction in the synthesis of the red blood pigment hemoglobin
a protein of animal origin with known antibody activity, synthesized by lymphocytes and plasma cells and found in serum
polymorphonuclear cell
A polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN), or granulocyte, is a type of white blood cell whose nucleus has several rounded parts referred to as lobes