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39 Cards in this Set

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What are the names for the upper and lower jaws of a bird beak?
Rhinotheca is the upper jaw & gnathotheca is the lower jaw.
What is the term for birds with feet adapted for perching or holding prey that have one toe facing backwards, three facing forwards?
What is the term used for bird feet that have 3 forward-pointing toes connected by skin to make them more efficient sculls?
What is the term for birds that have two toes (1st & 4th) facing backward and two toes (2nd & 3rd) facing forward?
What are the 3 discrete skin glands in birds?
Uropygial gland (preen or oil gland), aural gland, and vent gland
Where is the uropygial gland located? What is the function of the uropygial gland in birds?
Located dorsal to the vertebrae that form the short tail. The liquid secretion is carried to the body and wing feathers during preening. Used to waterproof & insulate the body in waterfowl. Also forms a protective bacteriostatic layer. Not present in all birds.
What do aural glands in birds do?
Secrete a waxy substance
What do vent glands in birds do?
Secrete mucus (function is uncertain but may be linked to internal fertilization)
How do birds lose heat? Do they sweat?
The absence of sweat glands means that birds have to lose heat through their skin and by evaporation from the respiratory system
The infundibular cleft in birds is the common opening of the ?
Auditory tubes
In what bird do the infundibular cleft and choana open together?
Which side of the body does the esophagus lie on?
What may initiate carb digestion in the esophagus and crop?
Salivary amylase
What is crop milk made of?
Desquamated lipid-laden epithelial cells, mixed with ingested food
Which organ of the GI tract in birds has the most species variation?
What is the difference b/w the stomach of flesh-eating species and herbivores?
Flesh-eating species use the stomach as a storage organ approproate for the chemical digestion of a soft diet. The stomahc of birds with herbivorous diet is adapted to the mechanical reduction of tougher material through powerful muscular development.
What divides the proventriculus from the ventriculus?
Which is the glandular stomach and which is the muscular stomach?
Proventriculus = glandular
Ventriculus = muscular
Which lobe of the liver is the proventriculus ventrally in contact with?
Left lobe of liver
What are the 2 kinds of epithelial cells in the glands of the proventriculus?
Oxynticopeptic cells that produce both hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen.
Cells that produce mucus.
What are the sacs of the ventriculus?
Cranial and caudal blind sacs
What is koilin and where is it found?
Koilin is found in the ventriculus and sometimes in the isthmus. It is a carbohydrate-protein complex formed when the secretion from the tubular glands is catalyzed by the low pH due to the hydrochloric acid from the proventriculus. It's yellow-green color is from the bile refluxed from the duodenum.
Where is the site of protein digestion in birds?
Gizzard (ventriculus)
Which birds have a cecum (2 ceca)?
Herbivorous birds
What marks the former connection with the yolk sac in the jejunum?
Vitelline or Meckel diverticulum
What occurs in the ceca?
Bacterial breakdown of cellulose
What 3 things enter into the cloaca?
Colorectum, ureters, and deferent ducts (or the left oviduct)
Where is the bursa of fabricius located?
Dorsal wall of the proctodeum
What bounds the coprodeum caudally?
Coprourodeal fold
Which lobe of the liver is larger?
Right lobe (carries the gallbladder)
How many liver lobes in birds?
2 - right & left (left is divided)
Do air sacs participate in gaseous exchange?
No, but act as bellows affecting the flow of air
Which organ produces vocal sounds?
Syrinx (a specialization at the tracheal bifurcation)
What do the male duck and swan have on the left side of the syrinx that is believed to be a resonator?
Osseous bulla
Which species of coccidia is most common in poultry?
When does clinical disease occur in poultry? (in which conditions)
After ingestion of relatively large numbers of sporulated oocysts by susceptible birds
What are the 2 most pathogenic Eimeria in chickens? And why?
Eimeria necatrix and Eimeria tenella.
Schizogony occurs in the lamina propria and crypts of Lieberkuhn of the small intestine and ceca, respectively, and causes extensive hemorrhage.
What is the most common Eimeria infection in birds?
Eimeria acervulina
What are the 4 species of Eimeria that are considered pathogenic in turkeys?
E. adenoeides, E. dispersa, E. gallopavonis, and E. meleagrimitis