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30 Cards in this Set

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Obstruction of Bartholin's Ducts is most often caused by what bacteria?
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Can cause obstruction of what glands?
A periurethral cyst or abscess bulges in laterally from the wall of the vagina. It is most likely involving what gland?
Obstructed Skene's glands present how?
Group of disorders of epithelial growth that present with leukoplakia. Which ones have malignant potential?
Define Vulvular Dystrophy

Lichen Sclerosis
Hyperplastic Dystrophy
(no malignant potential)

Atypical Hyperplastic Dystrophy
(yes malignant potential)
ALL vulvar lesions presenting with leukoplakia should be evaluated by what method?
Biopsy should be used on ALL vulvar lesions presenting with what feature?
Define Vitiligo
Loss of melanocytes that produce pigment, usually in the 2nd/3rd decades.
Psoriasis is mediated by what type of cells?
T-cells mediate which chronic skin condition with no cure?
What is the most common form of vaginitis?
Yeast infection caused by Candida albicans is the most common what?
Yeast infection is associated with what other conditions?
Broad Spectrum Abs
Birth Control Pills

Are commonly associated with what type of infection?
What do you find with Candida albicans under a microscope?
Which infection has a classic finding of septate hyphae under a microscope?
A watery, foul smelling vaginal discharge with itching, strawberry red cervix is caused by what organism?
Trichomonas Vaginalis causes what symptoms?
Clue cells (sloughed off epithelial cells covered in bacteria) are associated with what organism?
Gardneralla Vaginalis has what classic feature under the microscope or PAP smear?
If a woman presents with a "fishy" vaginal odor, you should suggest what treatment?
Douching less often is a solution to what symptom of Gardnerella Vaginalis infection?
Patient presenting with fever, vomitting, diarrhea, renal failure, and shock could be suffering from infection by what organism?
The endotoxin of Staph aureus can cause what symptoms?
Urethral discharge, burning urination are caused by what paired diplococci with neutrophils?
N. Gonorrhea causes what symptoms?
What is the most common sexually transmitted disease?
Chlamydia Trachomatis is the most common what?
If left untreated, what commonly ASYMPTOMATIC infection can damage fallopian tubes and cause PID?
Chlamydia Trachomatis commonly presents how?
Which organism shows ground glass nuclei on a Tszank stain?
Herpes Simplex Virus appears with what feature on the microscope?
Patient presents with small vesicles, shallow ulcers, and blisters in the genital area. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Herpes Simplex Virus II
Which organism causes a painless ulcer with hard borders?
Treponema Pallidum causes what type of ulcer?
Which organism causes a painful ulcer with soft borders?
Haemophylis Ducreyi causes what type of ulcer?
Which organism is associated with Donovan Bodies?
Calymmatobacterium Granulomatosis, a gram neg rod, has what classic finding?
What organism is found in tropical regions, initially forming a superficially ulcerated papule that coalesces with other lesions to become quite large?
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis is the cause of Granuloma Inguinale, which presents how?
What is the most common benign tumor of the vulva?
Papillary Hidradenoma is the most common what?
Which benign squamous cell papilloma is caused by HPV 6 and 11?
Condyloma acuminatum is a raised squamous lesion caused by HPV 6 and 11. Is it precancerous?
What is the most common malignant tumor of the vulva?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the most common what?
What is a rare malignant tumor associated with diethystilbestrol (DES)?
Clear cell Carcinoma is what type of tumor?
Which type of cancer presents in children under 5 as multiple polyploid masses resembling a bunch of grapes protruding from the vulva?
Sarcoma botryoides is what type of cancer?
Cervical Polyps should be treated how?
What inflammatory proliferations should be removed due to risk of infarction or hemorrhage?
The most frequent site of dysplasia and carcinoma in situ is where?
Squamoepithelial junction is the most common site of what cancers?
Overt chondyloma may be mistaken for what condition?
Invasive Cancer of the cervix may be mistaken for what condition?