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114 Cards in this Set

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Optic cups

Double walled secondary optic vesicles

Inner wall of the optic cup

Part of optic cup/secondary optic vesicle that forms the light-sensitive sensory retina

Outer wall of optic cup

Part of the optic cup that thins to a single layer, the retinal pigment epithelium

Outer layer/outersegment

Rods and cones are located in what segment of the optic cup

Lateral geniculate body

The axon of ganglion cells transmit thr graded potentials to the?

Bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells

Graded Electrical potentials from the rods and cones are modulated and amplified by?

Retinal pigment epithelium

Clumps of the old cone disks are phagocytosed by?

1. Central portion (macula)

2. 4 peripheral quadrants

Sensory retina may be divided into? (2)

4 peripheral quadrants

Fxn in spatial orientation, reduced light (scotopic visions), ROD photoreceptors are most common and fxn in dim illumination

(central portion) Macula

Contains the fovea centralis that fxns in photopic vision

Fovea centralis

Pit in the retina w/c the innermost layers of the retina are displaced so that light falls directly upon the cone photoreceptors w/out traversing the inner layers


How many cones dies the center of fovea centalis have?


Center of fovea centralis

Fovea centralis

Fxn in bright illumination (photopic), form vision and colo vision


-branches of the central retinal artery

Blood supply for the retina


Bld supply that nurtures the retinal pigment epithelium and the outer portion of the sensory retina adjcacent to the choroid

Branches of the central retinal artery

Supplies the inner half of the retina

Central retinal artery

1st branch of the opthalmic artery w/in the orbit

Medium sized artery 0.20-0.30 mm in diameter

Size of the central retinal artery

The pia mater

The adventitial layer of the central artery is augmented by

Lamina cribrosa

The central artery enters the eye through?

Central vein; nasal portion of the optic cup

The central artery ascends with ________ towards the _______

superior and inferior papillary branches

Within the opticc nerve, the central artery divides into?

Nasal and temporal branches

The papillary branches are divided into?


T/F: capillaries within the eye anastomose

The junction of the outer 1/3 and the middle 1/3 of the outer plexiform of the retina

The border between the retinal and choroidal bld supply is at?

T, response is through auto regulation

T/F: retinal vessels lack nervous ctrl


T/F: Endothelial vessels are NOT fenestrated and are tightly joined

2/3-3/4 of the corresponding vein

Diameter of the artery is?


T/F: veins anastomose

Optic nerve

Portion if the white fiber tract of the CNS that consists of axons of retinal ganglion cells

Optic disk; optic chiasm

Optic nerve extends from the _____ at a level with the retina within the eye to the _________


How much of the fibers decussate to the opposite side of the brain

1. Crossed nasal fibers

2. Uncrossed temporal fibers

Constitutes the optic tract


Introcular part size


Orbital size


Intracanalicular size


Intracranial size

Intraocular portion

Includes the optic disk and the portion of the optic nerve w/in the posterior scleral foramen

3mm; 0.8mm

Location of optic disk _mm nasal and about __mm above the foveola

Nerve fiber layer

The choroid and all the layers of the retina except ______ terminates at the optic disk margin

Blind spot of mariotte

Area where photosensitive rods and cones are absent

Posterior scleral foramen bridged with the lamina cribrosa

Optic nerve exits from the eye through the?


T/F: posterior to the optic disk, the nerve fibers are myelinated

1.5mm in diameter

Portion of the optic nerve w/in the eye is about?


Orbital portion of the optic nerve has what shape to permit movements of the eye

12 mm

The central retinal artery and vein penetrates the optic nerve __mm behind the globe

Tendinous origin of the recti muscles, the ligament of Zinn

At the apex of the orbit, the optic nerve is surrounded by the?


T/F: W/in the optic canal, the dura mater is adherent to bone, arachnoid, and pia mater so that the nerve is firmly fixed

Intracranial portion (10mm)

What part of the optic nerve passes medially to form the chiasm

1.1-1.3 million afferent axons

Optic nerve contains how many afferent axons

Ganglion cells of the FOVEA CENTRALIS

90% of the axons of the optic nerve comes from?

Septa that are continuous w/ the pia mater

Optic nerve is composed of bundles of nerve fibers separated by?

Optic chiasm at 24th week of life

Myelinization of the optic nerve begins at?

Behind the lamina cribrosa

At birth, myelinization will reach at what point


Associated w/ the metabolism of myelin


These cells provide a skeletal framework on the intraocular surface of the optic nerve & are impt. in providing mechanical support as nerve fibers make the right angle turn from the retina

Short posterior ciliary arteries

Intraocular portion of the the optic nerve is supplied by the?

Pial fibrovascular meshwork from branches of ICA

The intracanalicular and intracranial portion of the optic nerve are supplied by?

Axial blood supply,

The axial vessels arel derived from the central retinal artery, branch of opthalmic artery

Intraorbital portion of the optic nerve is supplied by

Short posterior ciliary arteries

Intraocular portion is supplied by the?

13 mm wide

Optic chiasm is about how many mm wide

Tuber cinereum

Posterior surface of the optic chiasm is?

Dorsal surface of diencephalon

Optic chiasm is attached by the pia mater and the arachnoid mater to the

Optic groove of the sphenoid bone

The optic chiasm is posterior to the

Diaphragm sellae and tuberculum sellae turcicae

Optic chiasm is superior to the?

S-shaped: movements

Orbital portion of the optic nerve has a ______ curve to permit _____


Dura mater and arachnoid mater blend into the sclera T/F

12 mm

Central retinal artery & vein penetrate the optic nerve __ mm behind the globe

Ligament of Zinn

The optic nerve is surrounded by the tendinous origin of the recti muscles which is


Intracranial portion of the optic nerve passes _____ to form the chiasm

Optic chiasm

Myelinization of the optic nerve begins at the _____ at about 24h week of life


Assoc with hr synthesisss of metabolism of myelin

Lamina cribrosa

Oligodendrocytes are more numerous behind the

Short posterior ciliary arteries

Intraocular portion of optic nerve is supplied by ____________

Optic tract

Extends from the chiasm to the lateral geniculate body

Nasal retina of the opposite side

Temporal retina on the same side

Optic tract is composed of axons from ganglion cells of the?

Superior colliculi

Sensitive to moving stimuli and may direct the eyes and the head toward a visual stimulus

-lateral geniculate body

- superior quadrigeminal brachium to the superior colliculi

-pretectal area (pupillary reflexes)

- other fibers: enter hyopothalamus & terminate in the supraoptic nucleus & medial nuclei of the tuber cinereum

Where do the axons of the optic tract terminate?

Same side synapse in layer's 2, 3 and 5

Axons from the temporal retina on the same side synapse are found in layers _ _ _

Layer's 1,4,6

Axons from nasal 1/2 of the retina of the opposite eye decussate in the chiasms & terminate in?

Optic tract

Extends from the chiasm to the lateral geniculate body

Lateral geniculate body

Majority of the optic tract terminate at?

Pretectal area (some optic tract terminate here)

Area Responsible for pupillary reflexes

Superior quadrigeminal brachium to the superior colliculi

Area Responsible for reflex ocular movements

Diencephalon, lateral to the medial geniculate body

The lateral geniculate body is located at the

2, dorsal and ventral

The Lgb consists of how many nucleus

Six cellular layers 1-6

The dorsal nucleus of the Lgb in humas has how many layers

Magnocellular layer/laminae

Ventral layers (1,2) are called?

Parvocellular layer/laminae

The remaining doral layers (3-6) are called?

2, 3, 5

Axons from the temporal retina (uncrossed) on the same side synapse in what layers?

1, 4, 6

Nasal 1/2 of the retina of the opposite eye decussate in the chiasm and terminate in what layers?

Lateral portion of LGB

Axons from the lower half of the retina synapse in the?

Medial portion

Axons from the upper half of the retina synapse in the?


T/F foveal axons are located posteriorly

All 6 layers

Central visual fibers are located in which layers

2 magnocellular and 2 paracellular layers

Peripheral axons are represented in?

-Oculomotor centers in the brainstem

-brain stem reticular formation

Aside from the visual fibers, the lgb receives input from the?

Optic radiation

Aka geniculocalcarine tract

Area 17

What area is the superior and inferior lips of the calcarine fissure

Inferior retinal quadrants-lateral LGB- Inferior/ventral lip of calcarine fissure (meyer's loop)

Superior visual field quadrants reflects the?

Passes anteriorly around the tip of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle

Meyer's loop (SILV) passes through the?

Superior homonymous quadrantic field defect

Damage to Meyer's loop (SILV) produces what defect

ISMS (Inferior visual fields, superior retinal quadrants, medial of lgb, superior lip of calcarine

Barum's loop

Nearly directly posterior through the parietal lobe

Barum's loop(ISMS) passes through?

Striate complex

The superior and inferior lips of the calcarine fissure is often called as?

The tip of the posterior pole

In the visual cortex, fibers representing the central retina terminate at?


More peripheral portions of the retina are represented where

Six cell layers typical of cortex

The visual cortex is composed of how many layers

Layer IV

Most axons of the lateral geniculate body terminate in?

Lamina granularis interna of Brodmann

Layer IV of the visual cortex is aka?

Central portion (mainly cones)

Part of retina used in the form vision and color vision

Peripheral portion (mainly rods)

Part of retina used in dark adaptation & in the detection of movement


Vascular sheet that provides the bld supply for the retinal pigment epithelium and OUTER 1/2 of sensory retina adjacent to it