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76 Cards in this Set

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systemic circulation
left heart and arteries
pulmonary circulation
right heart and arteries
smooth muscle in walls of arterioles is innervated by
sympathetic adrenergic nerve fibers
a1-adrenergic receptors are found
on the arterioles of many vascular beds (skin, splanchnic, etc)
a1-adrenergic receptors, when activated, cause
contraction/constriction of vascular smooth muscle
B2-adrenergic receptors are found
less common....in skeletal muscle
B2-adrenergic receptors, when activated, cause
relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
selective perfusion
not all capillaries are perfused with blood at all times
what contain the largest percentage of blood in the cardiovascular system?
velocity =
Q/A (flow/cross-sectional area)
as vessel diameter increases, velocity
velocity of flow through the vessel decreases
Ohm's law
Q = delP/R

flow = pressures diff / resistance
Poiseuille equation
R = 8nl/piR^4
Series Resistance
Rtot = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...
where does the greatest decrease in pressure occur?
in the arterioles....because they contribute the largest portion of resistance
parallel resistance
1/Rtot = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + ...
laminar blood flow
streamlined, non-turbulent
audible sound of turbulent flow
Reynold's number
predicts whether blood flow will be laminar or turbulent

Nr = pdv/n
Reynold's number < 2000
what allows glood to flow?
pressure differences throughout our system!
pulse pressure
the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
stroke volume
the volume of blood ejected from the LV on a single beat
mean arterial pressure
diastolic press + 1/3 pulse press

the average pressure in a complete cardiac cycle (more time in each cardiac cycle is spent in diastole than in systole)
plaque deposits in arterial walls ==> decrease diameter --> make stiffer --> arterial pressure (and all pressures) is increased
aortic stenosis
aortic valve is narrowed

less blood enters aorta on each beat --> all pressures decrease
aortic regurgitation
blood that was ejected into the aorta flows backward into the ventricle
by the time blood reaches the venules and veins, pressure is
less than 10mmHg
Cardiac output
the amount of blood pumped per minute
BP =
Cardiac Output X Resistance
what can generate action potential spontaneously?
SA node
SA node
what types of Ca channels do cardiac APs open?
L-type (L for long-lasting)
myocardial tissue cells are connected by
gap junctions --> electrical coupling
chronotropic effects
the effects of the autonomic nervous system on heart rate
positive chronotropic effects
increases in heart rate
how does sympathetic nervous system increase heart rate?
release norepinephrine --> activates B1 receptors in SA node
negative chronotropic effects
decrease heart rate
how does parasympathetic system decrease heart rate?
release acetylcholine --> activate M2 (muscarinic) receptors in SA node
dromotropic effects
effects of ANS on conduction velocity
heart block
action potential not conducted at all from the atria to the ventricles
P wave represents
depolarization of atria
PR interval
time from atrial depolarization to beginning of ventrical depolarization
PR segment
AV node conduction
QRS complex
depolarization of ventricles
T wave
repolarization of ventricles
QT interval
represents time from first ventricular depolarization to last ventricular repolarization
cycle length
R-R interval
heart rate
=1/cycle length
abnormal heart rhythms
cardiac cells made up of
Z-to-Z line
sarcomeres made up of
thick and thin filaments
thick filaments made of
thin filaments made of
T tubules invaginate cardiac muscle cells at
the Z lines
sarcoplasmic reticulum
site of storage and release of Ca for excitation-contraction coupling
Ca-induced Ca release
Ca goes in via L-type Ca channels --> triggers release of more Ca from sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca release binds to
troponin C subunit
what happens when Ca binds to troponin?
moves tropomyosin out of the way --> allows actin and myosin to bind
magnitude of the tension developed by myocardial cells is proportional to
intracellular Ca concentration
how does Ca get back into SR?
positive inotropic effects
increase rate of tension development and the peak tension
the amount of Ca released from the SR depends on 2 factors:
1) size of the inward Ca current
2) amount of Ca previously stored in the SR
a protein that regulates Ca-ATPase in the SR
phospholamban phosphorylation states
phosphorylated --> stimulates Ca-ATPase --> faster relaxation and more stored Ca for next release
increase in heart rate causes
increase in contractility
effects of cardiac glycosides
foxglove/digitalis --> inhibits Na/K-ATPase --> increases intracellular Na conc --> Ca-Na exchanger decreases --> intracellular Ca conc increases --> positive inotropic effect
intercalated disks
low resistance electrical junctions that adhere adjacent myocytes
thick filaments
thin filaments
the portion of the myofibril bounded by adjacent Z-discs
flexible cytoskeletal protein that binds at its one end to the Z-disk and thin filament and at its other end to thick filaments
Binding of the myosin head to the actin thin filament increases
the myosin ATPase rate by several hundred fold
which two additional proteins bind to the actin thin filaments?
tropomyosin and troponin
Each time a cross bridge attaches and detaches to actin via a power stroke
1 ATP is split